Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

Friday, May 18, 1984 Austin American-Statesman E25 445.4000 REWTALS -BEHTLS -RENTALS RENTALS -RENTALS i RENTALS I -RENTALS 1 1 I comFCTON desk i S2S-HousS 125-HeUMS 125-Houtw 82S-Hous I I uSSIhIpII Monday through fridav Unhirnishtfi South Unfurnishtd Unfurnishad-Morth I Unfurnished-North Unfurnished-North Unfurnished-North Unfurnished-South i VrfUnwWll ilmU, SATURDAY 7 TO A M. bbmmhbhhhm North aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaBsaaaaaaa! aaaaaaaaaaBajaeeaaaBaaaaaaaeaBi a ggoujnj i AAApi iruT village J55 'ttffiTSaV3C dr'M Cherry Creek Charmer -rentals 1 rage. Available June W.SR LAMPLIGHT VILLAGt shoal Creek feouleverd New carpet. bedroom honm 'Srtoe Aebll otu'rrLe 27 Soottamt ik rentals hXI.c HOMES FOR RENT jStSP S---- 'rrfw -h. ii6 Duplexes awSSSSSS k-skssss-s riSw Ssraw-ss1" xzynssxsit Unfurnished South 444-2663.

n-w potH- Zte washerdryer, htsi Refr.g- tZl. oIn boao-'tiwy New oak hill newhi BtmM BBBBaaaaaaBBBBBBaaaaBBB CONVENIENT LOCATION j-iv, .11 8iy Window stove. 476-4054, Austl. fiem. 2S4-2SII.

NEW ROUND Rock 1 with garage, carpet and paint. 8213 Ronton. $575. Attention Motorola executives! New 1' iS5t iMiiancaC toncevl oateo. 14tti Con." nt to STamar.

Rentalt, 3704 IH35, tee. (51). Al I AMRAI f- jrnlnl blinds. range, refrlg- Owneragent. 327-5959.

3 bedroom, 2 bath home with cus- StiSST ONION CREEK PJ.nt.ti. 2-2 with Vaeyr CTU cTcM IH LB ut 4 bedroom. $495. Other, ALLANDALE ViaSJST'o tT NORTH LANIER School area. 3-2.

IT''" Jg" ar propane 835-5086 $895 aawt ras-sss' vxxxrt irTiT.wrra:. gis jjgjas fydu asJL SESS JSXS SUMMER CREEK VILLAS "aS J. fftjSS: g.ETtt "park 3 bedroom, a. SSi5 58 iwoK.eiitTun ieiit WESTGATE AREA. iu ii noii.

Cell Sal Remlrei, Rainbow Proper- 0414. appliance $490. 474-4644 tee option possible. Call 284-3254. NEW 2-1-1 Home with sat stove, 2 THE EDGEMAN OAK FOREST $725 "a)- A oa'e, no.

IM Call Castr.udlU. i rtJe? "join pf LARGE J-2V4-2. 3 storr IBM ll i ancl. Melsler Realty. NEAR UT, 2 BR, AC, oarage.

M7S. maculate, almost new. 3-2. A.all- fTnu Spacious Ut-UTZ 2W-4MS. ShISIpiSm 7M T' Crossing.

Large COAAPANY 3454350. 47M4M fee Renlal Aid, 3004 able Immediately. Fireplace, 444-77U or 44l-5t6t. Privacy Fenced Yards BRAND NEW Ouolei aii. km emihi Sail 7e5 ywd, new condition.

WS0 lwr n.w Guadalupe. (Z21). dishwasher, range, disposal, double WESTCREEK LIKE new, 4 bed- T- Ey Access to L.m.r Blvd. Jble June Nw Wlllljm cl*t 37th 3-2 IS rnonthiv. Investors Realty, 47J-364, BARRINGTON OAKS Spacious 4 CTAD oarage, bay windowed dining.

A room, VI bath, firepiKe. drapes. From Downtown FiTwkI 4701 Sinclair' 2-1 474-577. bedroom, 2 bath. Formal dinlno, Jvindy PHlon, 0M- SJQp quality Sch.rte home.

References 5475month 4923044; 192-0042. CAO? tWWM $400 NORTHCROSS MALL 3-2. gST ffr. rT. No more house W.

will find staeajap purchase pos- CHERRY CREEK 2402 Broken fenced yard, crport. I4J5. Mnda. 3102 Funston.2-1 475 CACH. Available May 1.

$571 453- elency ACwtM PFLUGERV LLE SCHOOLS It for you FREE. 2-3-4 BR homes, all Oak. Spacious J-2-2. fireplace, N. N.lahhnrhood 474-7424; after 6PM.

344-1144. 1401 Newtieid.M S5 3437, evenings and weekends. JEAUJIFUi.ti. 3-2-2. flrepiK.

celHno fans. dV.oes north, all prices. Call us. Hea- I ACT iflPCI fenced yard. $550.

Available June -r, NWN'h'rt EANES SECLUDED. 2-2 plus study. S30S Avenue H.2-1 U7i QUAIL HOLLOW 3 I 1550 Ari'" ilZSZSZSf erty Company, 343-0275. LOST CREEK LEASING OFFICE 47f34 Fireplace, vaulted ceilings, fenced u7 3M wmf. ytlon 2S5-444I, 344- LARGE YARD 3-lMi-l with fenced y.rd, new carpet VENTURE MANAGEMENT yard.

$700month Near shopping. r.l C.ftrt ICO Ult mSPZSlS? ttZltZit'rZl'tXl' RPI KHY TRFFK 24M, after 4-2, located off E. Rundberg, avail- New 3 and 4 bedroom homes. $1,250 thoughout. $495 plus $200 deposit.

Illlllllllll torn Rice, 327-4440, 327-3492. 8 458-6415 ufnWml DKUOH I IKCCN FENCED yard WD connec- large monthly Nopets. One year lease 444.77.1. Lawrence C. Anderson, WESTLAKE HILLS m1 wiomi 9 Be the first to Hve in this new 3-2.

fiiJ, All afrie Lid fenced backyard, connections! fMulred. Owneragent, 327-1443; Realtor. 'TIKI fkfP ViPniAriPk'?" Available June Super I-J with 1 aDltal PrODertieS 9 fw cmmuB' east of Bergstrom, cedar Creek, covered patio, double SjrS. 2121 CASTLEWOOO FOREST Four UIILINC YAKU WOKrV? llvlngdlnlng, WD connections, fire- 01)1101 ri Uyei ll CEDAR PARK pool. AFS, 45H213.

Tx tor further 'ng $425. 451-4964. Elliott William CANNON, South 1st -3-2- bedroom, IV, bath, den Place, screened porch, carport and ff HI NIC Intomation. System 2 plus large bonus room, fireplace, with fireplace, exceptionally clean. We'll pay for the up-keep on privacy.

$650month; Fields Dell, 251-2539, 2SI-491Q nUOC tarrytown INNER CITY on Creek and culde- fence ard. $575 deposit. Avail- $750 month plus deposit. 242-95I0. f0Jh 3Urm ANDERSON MILL Four bed- 3-3 In prestigious Batcones Country New luxury treehouse Very large, sac.

2-1, CACH, spacious living area, Ju 1st. 9arn- Only $550 a month rent for thl, new COZY. SAFE, NEIGHBORHOOD In ANDERSON LANE area, 2BR, AC room, corner lot. CACH, privacy Club area. Round Rock schools three toorrX bVths Two flrepie, carpet, appliances, co- 5pmj4Wi61; nights and weekends.

2La privacy fer i mSch hJ." "T1 Barton HlllsT exceMent locatSo to no lease. $395. 474644 fee fence, 2-car g.rage, fireplace. H45. Call for details, AFS, 454-1213 stories with deck and laroe ard III vered patio, deck, carport.

No pets. nJ52r ISlVrlS M0P. iiSilri P.nt.l Aid, 3004 Guadalupe. (X4). $695month.

12207 Old Stage Trail. MAD MAI IC pTu. dry?" $575. 452-72M keep trying. CHERRY CREEK are.

3-2. Fresh n.lno Li! I ANDERSON MILL. 3-2-2, fireplace, a5M37- NUKMUUC) Yeryprlwat4. M.xw.11 Properties. LEANDER EXCEPTIONAL 3-2-2.

"rpel Fenced y.rd 2 CEAK0 HOWeth HOmeS, IIC. raga, refrigerator. 42S. 41- fenced. $450.

4304 Wexford. 451-5214; UT AREA (east). Brick 3-1. Stove, 5-3-t back y.rd pool, great floor Privacy fence, many extras $475 Jffi'lK, coom ances refrioeVator ACH BEAUTIFUL new 2-2 2 trl level net. evening, 255. flreplaceMreel Avail- rT. S1050. AfTIsE "3. 3-2-2-2, carpet, CACH. brick, fenced, month $250 deposit Lease 437-3051.

CACtT. No pet, $545. 472-3453. parge y5 ctbi tied on overtook 1507B OAK Heights Attractive 2 tnin. uu able 41.

1701 Giles. $595. 474-W1I. 34,3 AMALFI Co. vy.lnut Crott.

clean. Near 143, Burnet Lamar, available June 1st. Hyde CHERRY CREEK, 2 story. References. Move May 21 SI I inc'ude mliS $dry, 2 bedroom, 2 bath.

CACH, WD Court. 3-2, 2 living areas, double AnHprtnn Mill VillanP $42Smonth. 451-0647; 451-0674. Park area. Large yard.

On IF shut- mini $725 month, $500 deposit. Mltldl7.ll SHrsV, fS tot: Sn.nrM;.m.P'Srn. $595. Hull Propertlev 344- lghfcrlood, ksr ENFIELD, CLASSIC two story: 3 tie. Call Tracy it 459-9229.

Wlndj, fencedAvailable now. $750. Call 445-2722 cony. $595. Pioneer Management, fS cach- bedrooms, 4 baths,, large ANDERSON MILL -3-2-2.

evaiiable CHERRY CREEK Seminary 447-4494. June 1. $575. 444-4169. No pets.

FOREST NORTH 4-2. Clean $M5mon1h- near IBMTI. No pets. $425month. deck for sunnlngentertalnlng.

ill immedl.tely. Fenced, landscaped SOUTHWEST 2 BR, AC, appliances. Ridge, 3-2, almost new. $625. Avelf- WESTLAKE JUNE 15 MV olus FOR LEASE: newly remodeled 3-1, house.

Many extras. No pets. Refer- Avellable 41. 445250, appliances $1,250 or $1,100. 17f9 En- yard, ceiling fan.

fireplace Conven- fenced. $400. 474-4644-fee Rental able June 10th. 443-3471 PM or balcony $525 1-1 Mswater paid CACH- PP- nces reouired. 254-4294.

434-1295 BRAND NEW off Parmer Lane, eveningsweekends. field. 451-0647; 451-0474. lent location $600 437-4347. Aid, 3004 Guadalupe.

(H4). weekend. $350. No pets.327-'2664. tyTewV'S MW' "''h lu'lltJn'i." AFFORDABLE HOMES QUAIL CREEK.

J-2, fenced y.rd, 3-1 ON shuttle. CACH. f.ns, SOUTHWEST Convenient 3-2-2, JUST REDUCED -this In Oak WESTLAKE HILLS, 2-1 clean near 7 PERFECT CONDITION, spacious, LV34M312 ZtZ.nrXn fenced, appliances. $400month. 454- trw J.rd Only2yeers Hill.

Special fe.tures Include two Hm3M I47M727 of 410S3afler4 NEW DUPLEX 2 blocks north of great Quail Hollow neighborhood, J- 451-2545. 345-2312. close toyour ay- Call Roger, 344-1073, 435-9197 4387 after 4pm. able May 20th. $595-month 282-0846 living areas, urge deck and rage TMDVn Joseph Co Whl, lni Sr- Immaculate.

$650 EXECUTIVE RETREAT Enfield nfW'' Sff! NEAR CAPITAL Pl.l. 2-1 on 2 mofkt f.mnu, 11 H.rri ACROSS FROM Williams Elemen- door opener. Call 327440. 3.ti'h- "cXr. pwrruaii tsLvssm.

IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE ffi! pl.C $1495. 453943, 440-173S. dn payment. QUAIL CREEK PNorth L. 308 Nelr.y.

,550. 452- "HE aHTS Are. Charm- South oH Manchac. Road In All energy efficient appliances and -BCjvf BK 2 BR. $345, AC, appliances, fenced.

iTYlJk IFk II 1 1.4, ta .1 11.1,. Ino 1-1 cottaoe 2 biockslrom Stieev 1b. TangLwood Forest. New I bed- greenhouse windows. L.undry con- K.h! 474-4484 tee Rental Aid, 3004 MDf A-Atr 2-1, CENTRALLY located, fenced 3UD Leiind room, I bath 4 piex.

Fireplace, car- nectlons, fenced patios. Shopping, aJ.KSl' a-V Ij? Guadalupe. (HI). IvKl KHrt TniS y.rd, AC, attractively remodeled, mfmorti Peter BecketCrw' Barton SPRINGS area, 2 BR, ga- 1 Knd.wr.ndncPKj VSS 5 R'vSn" InvJItment'l: CT3 ONE BEDROOM IxCUllVIO 307 Woodview. ,475.

5MI88. 9903 Roxana DH oM Monarch 441 2 nA on. bedroom (triplex) near NEAR IBMTI 3-2V2-2. single llv- door opener, fireplace, CACH. $645.

WONDERFUL HOUSEI By law Aid, 3004 Guadalupe. (Z18). ri Sui toTS ijS.V NJrJSR.M$350$250. Ingdlnlng, fireplace, one year old. Call 447-9445, 929-3253.

school. 2-1, CACH, great yard, fire- SHERWOOD OAKS behind St Ed- HOUSE FOR lease Unfurnished br.pXclrlff.nce".?; WW 4 BEDROOM, 3 bath, two place ga- g- JLl'ttll' Jon 0 avail AHic may u.h a 9 SSh pS. 434-2632. LOVELY 1, fenced, music room, M- w.sherdryer. $695 moKth.

477 1513 Remodeled Inside-out. 3-l. JJlSZJ rdmb.h flnteri tT refrigerator, WD connections, car- BALCONES VILLAGE Large Barrlngton Way. 327-4548. UT SHUTTLE 2-1.

,2751 Call now 476- closed garage. 1 year lease $600 t'JfLVrJrirr iSic Slroort dUhiSitar 157 pet. lease, references, 7603 East- 3-2V on golf course. $950., plus depo- 11AM-2PM or 5-10PM, ask tor Ron- 8056, Austin Home Rentals, 3709 monthly deposit. No pets.

443- utBl ON SHUTTLE 3-2vi, 2 living areas Ei. rL.fiilIn. crest. $560. 474-2400.

sit. Call Betty 254-3001 or 254-5111, eld or leave message. IH35, fee. (Tl). 5999; 444-4390.

WD cwnections Before 7pm, en Roao. $290deposit, 4424montn. iifnir rninn fen an Mnnii Rock schools. Double garage. Situ- Phil Thom*oson Realtors please leave message, 445-2077.

436-4240. "Z'SZ "JLfl ated In very nice residential area. ANDERSON MILL New 3-2-2, pn" NICE 2-2 home with large fenced in SUMMER SUBLET Spacious 3 bed- NEAR WILLIAM Cannon, South 1st acnpnnt. Rr, TANfiLgwonp cop cct SLSt JSuiaJj $595. Call Pat am-5pm, 344-107 close to Round Rock schools, pool, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY backyard, CACH.

Available now. room house. Walk to UT, hardwood Large 3-2 with bonus room, all appll- tfiSS? room -AU aoShancIr iencld deposit. 454-1482. nightsweekendl Charles, 345-3444 culdesac, fenced.

254-3157, 254-5349. Walnut Crossing. Close to TIIBM. $510 per month. 327-7748.

floors, W-D, fireplace Responsible ances except refrigerator, fire- iE'! Tm.iM.?n!3' M-TWO years new In Battle Bend 1500 SqFt, fireplace, carpet, drapev Me aiiTin Mn nonsmokers only. O0, mo bills, piece, 2 car garage. Available June 479-8747, Shopoff Enterprises. SfriLriM'lHtt jN Mgjc. W.

WLCA David Com. at Kempier. Merv.l Garden Homes, 0 SJ' w.sher, petlo. front porch, drapes, til June 1. $650.

First American Pro- heaf, celling fan, living and dining iJj'J Resident manager, 282-1704, 328-0391 N0RTHW00D 45. NICE ONE Story dupiox 2-1, J19K GARAGE APARTMENT near UT 1 EXCELLENT, CLEAN homel 3-2-2, Wfll Dalnmar I no slite oort No ets 2204 Lake Aus- Unf UmiShOd-SOUth yard, garaie, Tim with IDEAL LOCATION Shlloh 4-2-2. CINNAMON PATH Quiet neigh- gw fSIJTro'm- S1 SKTlS jBSlf" Si cB sffi.dlli.1 Comptny. w.iRlir?SfT? aMZ Jn oorhood. 2-1W, 2 story,, Aid, 3004 Gmdalupe.

(E7). $595. AvaHabl. Jun. 1st.

Broker. 442- Impressive 2 story, 4 months old. In OIOQ I AlCUl IDCT 47' 35M lmm.cul.!e. extras. $595.

June 1 i iiM cltt celling fans. WO connections, ga- CRESTVIEW 3-1-1 two living "25, XSlJ'iL 4 ti M.n.7 iOZO LAKcHURST SOUTHWEST Available now Nice 441-2830, 444-9631, D. Cox. VZStJSSi 'm- rhr'e'lrootnt Sffi. Near IH35 4.

William Cannon 3-1 tXHpT.c,A,"'.np0:.n:, NICE 3-2-2. Privacy lance. Large Investment 436-9004. 440-1402, 321-0860. JStlr.t? lth vrt rMMrtnri tin monthly.

Deposit required, no June 1. No pets. $750. 345-5016. available now.

Fully carpeted, washerdryer Included $625 Re- kitchen. Available now. $575. 192 iLjW -Jursapm-un- 'T All prlvKy fenc. NO i Jft PSn 452.114! 1 00 472-9735, 454-0524.

NEWLY REMODELED 4-2 nice mnB 345-7949 or 3451109. room or 3 plus den. Fireplace, cell- An, SOUTHVVIEST BEAUTIFUL 3-2 LARGE EXECUTIVE home. In Wes- pets. $545 258-2815.

West Mary). $330. 452-1188, 459-1100 JJJ eTk ouiat nalohtorhood Ing fan, fenced yard, almost new. available NOWI 28,3 bedroom, home with deck, city view. Great for tern Oaks.

3-2. Available now! 2104-a STASSNF.Y BARTON HILLS Luxury 2-2, split- LEtXsBHnDrtaTv ortll 43i5a50 3-2 HOME Near 620 4, 143. Tree Available July 1 or sooner. $690. older home apartments Call now youno family.

479-4727 or 244-1431. ,890 month. Call 443-0247. 21V, aVtutbbnw. Fenced v.rd 'replace, vaulted ceiling, WO 'gjf; "JSl No MS350' covered yard, two car garage, WD Tom, agent, 345-7640.

for 24 hour Information. 452-5979. the Ban Joseph Co. iumt-i awr- conn.lon.20(l9B West Ridge. $525.

NORTH LAMAR Rundber, "r5- AVAILABLE JUNE 1st. 3-1. fir- FREE RENTAL SERVICE STEYUCKOLS Crossing KINNEY AVE. pets negotiable. $415.

451-8964. iwt5r New 3-2, CACH, WD connections,, l.rge fenced back yard. Quiet 5 thl.rth CACM. bwilt-lnsw prtney solid stone 4. brick, houses 4, du- llott SysTem.

NEAR WESTGATE Small 1-1 4 mini blinds, carpet. 4495. No pets. $550month. 2S4-7076.

neighborhood. $525. 474-9800. after rl V.L-i 4700 Pew1er P'" "9 remodeled, 1 to 3 bed- NEAR WM Cannon. 3-2 with car- 212i TARRYTOWN Anytime weekends.

'i; d'a 'me'lS "'L. 'jSLffi port, fireplace, carpet, .11 appll- 345-3853 7939. Days, 477-3942. ANDERSON MILL 3-2, CACH, nice clean 21 CACH 2 blocks from 2504 ELLISE. 2-1-1, CACH, large lease or are Interested In a lease- NEVER RENTED betorei Extra SSHi tsHBRA FREE SERVICE ffWSA ANDERSON MILL SST 4" TRY ony tW5 ,0 preview our property.

OFF BR0DIE $550, 3-2-2 X. NEW ESRiSl N0RTHW00D KSirS Bl MlbUITI ItZZTtZ AVAILABLE 41. Two bedroom, car- places, fenced yards. Near Berg- CACH, WD connections. Available ,,253416 J--.

Energy efficient. Fenced. Aid, 3004 Guadalupe. (Z201. mm lit 19 If iV VI II 'fXT? 1 port, .11 appliances.

Includes w- strom. $540. 15th. 12124 Ralph Lou- Quiet neighborhood. Available now.

SPACIOUS 2-2, 2 living areas, huge 3-2-2, CULDESAC, privacy fenced, TRAVS COUNTRY sherdryer. Celling fans. Real NEW Duplexes. Several 2 bedroom Is, (broker), 454-6757. laiKI" S635.

tree shaped yard. $550. Pro- Srge tree covered lot pMlo fi 3-2. fenced C.H 327-7140 story $72j ,350 deposit. 442-9595.

Est.ters, 835-4500. plans. Fireplaces, fenced yards, HOOD Mi wood, IBMTI, 3-2-2. pertles. 459-6042, 345-3853.

place, vaulted celling, WD conneo OPEN HOUSE, 7806 BRODIE LN l'VUtX'- mX SUTVM iSS if ANDERSON MILL AREA ANDERSON MILL, Round Rock At. JAC' 476'- le 2-2, privacy fenc. 4445. Available ffuSter'i. nlr.

Home Rentals, 3709 IH3S, fee. (29). 4-1 energy efficient, fenced yard, schools. Fireplace, fenced. rnrr rrouirc Aid Gu.daluoe (m5) SiCJi ii now.

331-08 0. AK.tH"lr?"'J!"-.Tu,T TTTTTT-rf 77: ALMOST BRAND Newll Anderson Available 61. $650. 254-7972 $675. 11001 Hillside Oak.

451-5214; rKtt icKVIlt Aid, juw tou.oaiupe. iHiai. Extra clean, 3-2. $595 SOUTH DOVE Spring, area, 2-M, pMT V'SOSr trjiMKIM SPACIOUS 3 2 ,55,2. We have hous c.ndos LARGE EVEL iVrpVop.r.MT"20' 215 I Horn.

R.n,.ls, 3709 (32). KLtrMS LwTSSt eMr.tJS g. Properties 459-0)56, 453-4426. spL(T evf uI C0M MOVE TODAY 2 bedroom, $3251 1 ReTiO'Dell 3461770 254-3151 looting Let us do all the research Excellent street appeal. $1,150.

living area. 5411 Salem Walk. $575 2-1. 4-Plex. Fireplace, Cerpet, downtown, over 1300 ft.

Nothing Many others. 476-8056, Austin Horn. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY New ao-a- riems e. uen, provide the tr.nsportatlon. No Mark Down's Marketing 4.

Manage- 327-2885. Orapes, Appliances. Available Now. comparable $500 No pets 327-3691 Rentals, 3709 IH35, tee. (33).

3-24 fireplace new drapes fenced 3-2-2 BARRINGTON Oaks. Fire- LARGE EXECUTIVE Home 4 bed- application fee Coll 447-2222 ment, 248-1652. NORTHEAST 3 bedroom $4001 Large Conlenltn oV'toti' toi A I lTX OAK HILL Wra" 7 niiP. 40 w.t, Fir- 820-HOUie Furnished 47 Austin Hn.R.n..l4, Henry, Agent: 267-2469 yeasXo.ll t.rry f.f 1 1 KHY now Ctro flnctd Card Cariet -North S709 IH35, fee. (34).

NORTHWOOD 3604 P.lomar Aldrldge, Reeltor, 258-2815. now. $795. 436-7441. WVJLU ll-l Solace wmdmll Kn' GREAT PRICE 3-2.

MIL plan, ffiES 2, CONVENIENT UT north Hvd. iJ NORTH CENTRAL 2-1, fenced, SoTth -TtTeDiItELY avail- Leasing. 444-7711 or 255-0504. COrWEN ENJ UT, i no Hyde Rentals, 3709 IH35, fee. (35).

(n irastar batrw deck overlookrng WO Cm'tm yard. Refrigerator. Clean, aole new home. 2 bedroom Carpet, "C.niithwpt: Bpntak' aity, 472-7201. Ushuttle.

i'k'fiiSS M.l5tt 1 BEDROOM cottage 21 Over 40v 1 BSSS P2, ley SOUthWeSt Rentals place Privacy fence Quiet culd? August 24th. 474-1212. rentaU 476-4054, Austin Horn. Ren- m-gog, pool. ,595.

451-4964. Elliott System. 345-9970. school R.n deposit $250 4910 Sllverstone $515 month New carpet, patm, celling fans, pets lac 349370 tals, 3709 IH35, fee. (38).

ATTRACTIVE 2-1 Jun. 1. AOUSTA N.tlon.l In Lost unUCCI UfiMCtl 1 J-J-J "Pol MB- available JUNE 1 2-1-1 fire- tor summer le.s. to r.sponslbi. U.T.

3 bedrooms, $425 upl Call Jc, itov refrlMratar Utility rnk' HOMES! H0ME5! $250. Russell Real Estate, 44M101. 4-2-2 Shiioh jooo-mon 472720V CACH sSmiciml No parties. Near UT. No air condition- now 4764056, Austin Home Rentals, fencaT y.rd.

SS2S 344- 1. 3902 Rldgelea $425 3-2-2 Buckingham Ridge 2-1-1, FENCED yard $430 Conven- Mtl $440 Can aftw 5PM 442343 Ing. Referencesdeposit. 476-0854, 3709 IH35, fee. (39).

room, uarge tencea yaro. wo. springs, 3-2-2, $795 Round Roct M-i (carport) For free rental assistance and other lent to snooping centers 6706 Ston- teg iSf: iiss 1P -sar NrcrBrs $1 :4ny.Vcd.,rD.9', LEASING-FREE SERVICE liorTroSri wr SUPER CLEAN Cherry COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Furnished tappyTOWN w'w. SdjtUTST agtVtlTj 5 S.idr'. 1 SUth cJJaSareaAII gAWS.

HWSL. TUITZ nW" SUMMER SUBLET 3-2, AC, WD, plus and dry.r. 3004 Guadalupe. (H5). o--fmiTWycllff $650 Mo.h.r-ln goner inc.

No fee 3 (garage) negotiable. $395. 477-1901; 282-4138. fenced yard. Great for pets.

$450. ekisii BoriBrDTiee UT C0MSfs.e?JS- LBR'AC NW Hills Williamsburg SOUTHWEST OAKS. Lovely 2 story. Fireplace 4, appliances 822 SAHARA 2-lv 2 level very 'Nonces. 444-2269.

DENMAR PROPERTIES S'4 $400 Marpieneao, iijmnj flr iitLlOil Rpfh Lee Deposits coun, kl)c(wn' 4. 7206 Lake Cheries $525 SIef.ry.rd,lrJp.L'rcVp rUAPMIMf MFW HfUAPC, (Ht- Jlwood- 4-2-2, 4307 H.rcourt. M' EVENINGS, WEEKENDS 250-8670 $675. 4. :,9) WD connections.

No pets. $400. Wa- 825 HOUSOS CHARMING NEW HOMES WEST CENTRAL 2 BR, AC, appll- $750. Manfred KerSChKe, Realtor RON HANNA a2- JSnco's ITestwInd 4900 Unfurnished-North PFLUGERVILLE SCHOOLS 2003 South Lamar MMIIIC 5 1575 480t WESTWIND Trail, 103. 4990 a Bark Wait PartlAllv fur.

L1 1 ItFNT Aflr-l 3-" (CeHtng tan) CrcVrCACr.4.S.,-,,,i',: SfeSSTWSISr pSVD- appis, a evening, 444-762. cKy or Cher, for and AMenf'j'slesi! $695. Dai, now, 451-8427. Bebo Ity. SWJ.

Tr 'JrncgaVi'w. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom. 2 bath, ft LaVge Lots SiASt. TP.w'n,.nrcno,un,?y.n,Ury WEST ROUND Rock. Excellent new 1' A A tiki im i 4T SX pa'd Ava'ab 1st.

Deposit ,1500 per month. Call after 5PM, 345- 344-3100 345159. home. CACH ances, MIL, 4250 deposit. $52S.

282- iO 447-9724 Or 448-1961 Beth SaSrS Sg- 'kXV' TOCK HOUSE CREEK WEST SL 5503 Honey p.w LdTu, MaBfKit 1st. Fireplace, celling fan, g.rage. mrm Sboiip inc Precious New Horn. Jun. 1.

$515month. Shomrock Pro- ANDERSON MILL T.rr.ce 3-2,, double g- Ben White Conoress, 3-l'i, r.nge, 2003 South LafTiar $5M Nights weekends, 448-1385. BRAND NEW 2 bedroom, 2 bath MGM GROUP. INC pertles, 343-048I. Dining room and fireplace, ,575 Hull Properties.

346-2r21. dlshw.sher, CACH. garage No pets. JUU'" I TT house. Fireplace, spacious kitchen.

459492 near community pool and logging H. ,525, ,300 deposit. 451-4271. LOCATED NEAR Lockheed in Dove 403A SIROCCO 2-2, appliances, pf.ugervllie schools. Huge corner Seel flMnFPSnN ftA III troll.

Large master bedroom. 50! SOUTHEAST! NEW Carpet, 3 bed- Springs 3-2, one car garage, very WD connections, carport, fenced lot (sodded privacy fence). $595. HvnF B.BK $700, Plus Deposit 331-0093. room, 2 bath, garage, fenced, ,495 Free Retlta Assistance nice fenced yard, covered patio yard.

Available $420. 441-3944, Available now. John Faulk, 34S456S "Y06 EvenmgsWeekends 250570 4-2. Close to Khools. $595 month.

dEMODELED 1900B Alouno now. Oliver Realty, 444- Shade fruit trees Quiet culdesac, 444-7628. or NPC Company. 451 RON HANrf A MGM GROUP, INC Immedl.tely.

2f twteZlX "'tX'VW EXCELLENT MAINTENANCE AVAILABLE NOWI 24,3 bedroom, 479-4153. No pets. 459-4W UT, 5405 Link. 2-1. Good condition.

,200 deposit. Bishop Compeny. 472- NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath home near For details call Roy Hale, 492-5410 or June Days, 929-2174 (Tom); Nights Ar you tired of living In Big older hom*os Call now PARK PLACE CEDAR PARK Refrigerator, garageworkshop, 7544. Lake Austin. 2 car garage, fire- 242-7246, evenings.

447-J6J2. Aporfment Complex with unrespon- tor 24 hour Information. 452-5979. 3-2-2 renced yard. deposit.


.595. Melsler Realty, FE IH35. fee. (44). fiff, by appointment only.

459-3333. tm -I s-CrAIHWCrl oak FOREST custom deco- CREEK WEST 345-6350. .11 large-fenced 4-2-2, CACH, dishwasher, disposal, sulated for extra eneroy efficiency! NEW OAK HILL, MOTOROLA finished vi7iltm mrti New hom for rent M-2 I. fo 3-1-1, CACH, fenced back y.rd.

Be- y.rd, easy walking distance to ele- wallpaper, WD connections tenced f' "OY hale View of downtown. fenced to wpr.ieotTsW8 Fireplace Ing remoded. June 1st. ment.ry No p.ts.

yard, near Crockett High School. 892-5610 or 2.2-7246 eves. yard. 75. Owner -Agent ences.

No pets. 1610-D Juliet off 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba Properties. 459-0156, 345-1460. Lovely, New Home Call 1-295-2981 after 5pm. $400monfn, deposit.

267-2113. ,575. 447-2)01. Dll A A tltM lfl 4622 BUTTON Bend $495 plus $300 Kinney Jun.

1. 442- 2 Car Garage, FP 2-1 JUST Vi block east IH35, near $725, Plus Deposit ROUND ROCK New 3-2, garage, FOR LEASE 2 bedrooms, den TPAVIS HPIfiHT fj Villi II If 1 1 deposit. 3-2-2 with fence Call 2910. Off of 143 4 Osage. First Street No AC 902 Spence EveningsWeekends 250-4470 fireplace, large living.

Park Avail- bedroom, 2 baths, window units and I KVlo Fldon I 4VI lllkSUl 1 1 Johnor Joe days 4430212. evenrngs. SLAUGHTER LANE 4-olex Pre- $375 452-1 18. RON HANNA MGM GROUP, INC able now. $575.

Melsler Realty, heat pump, wall furnace, large 4-3-2 Close to downtown, totally re- FREPLACE BrlyKY (ence John, 441-6514. Joe, 20607. 835-5084 ANDERSON MILL walking "nctiVib DDADCDTiCC nome OLDER 3-2 Close to town. 16 bath, microwave, refrigerator, cell- monft? ROUND ROCK WEST 107 FRANKLIN BOULEVARD phrn 451-264I DENMAR PROPERTIES $495 Month-to-month. Kathy, 2S4- blocks south of river.

1 block off Ing fan, fireplace. Ampl. p.rklng. 16 TREES and 1 block from park. 'ync' ferTcedf clein X.IUjbl.

2-1, appliances, carpet. $450 plus 451 2641. CHERRY CREEK Close to iS4 Congress CACH $500 1 month Cl W2-5478. Hu9.r,tor4ulf. 3' Anderso" XoJSW MkTcen- 2 Olnln, Area.

depo.ltP4S3-3)8o BALCONES VILLAGE 3. bed- CHERJY CREE lose to HOMES Southwest. 3-4 SchoolhouS 3440452 y' fury 21 Landmark, 345-9970. HugeLot, Nr Crk 1,904 OAKBROOK 3-2, fireplace, bTTlk astVe." blind,, tans, fenced. No pets! bedrooms.

Amenities include fire- SOUTH NEAR North Bluff Road Tholma Dr SSL completely redone. Large trees, il9- wd brfck iSX 5-W9- Almost ready. 3-2-2, CACH, stove. IflCUIIQ IVI mWtKMUti Lerge New Horn. mmrii h.rk w0 caf O.r.O.' l.rge yaro, orick vards S500-S950 Accent on Austin refrigerator.

$200 depot t. I IIVIIDV nilDI CVCC $995, Plus Deposit nlSjS. pa'lo. $II50month plus deposit. 346- EANES 4 bedroom 2'1 bath, 2 447.7449 Accent on Austin, LUXURY DUPLEXES EveningsWeekends 25IM470 rZSliMa W2 6pm, 346-1073 for Kyle.

living areas, fireplace, 2700 sqft. 252-1031 spacious, convenient SPRINGWILLOVV SPECIAL "Sx. $425 WdfJss SS a covered parking2- need yard, tCCtXW 0r mAnh 7fn' ffiSk IS oFIEhUG Roomy 3-2 culde- 1 v.ii.y. 3-2 car- VXwcomtS mSXi aJlJW" DPI rnOnin "PI- Close-in. $400.

MOO sac tree! btautlfuTorhojr $525, 5uy, FSA-HP, 472- port Nice. MS5. Mike, Virgil Wag- 'wrrSf WVW dw. FenceMl. joner.

West Morei.nd Land, NEW HOME William Cannon, S. a.AAA rr. 467-2127, 3-1, Excellent condition propertes, 451-5050. CHERRY CREEK 444-1300, 2W-2301. $439mo.

Agent on duty 609BThelma NeW hOITieS lOF retlt 4-2 CACH, hardwood floors, fire- NEW HOME ANDERSON MILL New home, 3-2-2, formal dining. WESTERNOAKS. Nice 3-2-2, sunken JSnSinHsnt VoCJ 1 SaSSf JUIV 3 I nM(oH PM MW? LSrff mtorERsueMFlri Hvln, fireplace .625. Oliver Realty, f.ropSnen.ra SITRA PROPERTIES INC LOCatefj 111 Pi UQeFV 118 cvcriiTluc unuc place. Privacy fenced.

M15. month. CASTLEWOOO FOREST Executive S2S: Available June 1. $600 month. 443- Fnc, 11501 Fence Post Tr.ll.

258-2556. 436- home, 4 bedroom, 2'1 bath, 2 living, CLOSE-IN south, 3600 Winfield. 3-2- 6396 1 hHrm 9 hfl 9 Car Ciaraae FP Lease. 467-2I27, 441-1469. bedroom with study, 2 bath, 2 din In, 2 dining, fenced yard, huge tree! 1, appliances, CHCA, carpet Lease, barton hills west lax 4..

QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD 2 bed- DUriTl, C. Da, 4i Cai QalaljV, 1 BARRINGTON OAKS 3-2-2. MCAP TIIBa' Ye.r lease with 'security deposit. deposit and references. 892-3880 at- B.t2 replace CMino fans? rooms, 1 bath with vaulted living JrQ-J Fenced, draper fireplace, large g' rJ MILW00D-NEAR TIIBM References.

$475 month The Jim ter 5pm. flJJ5 p'tio gaiwIH fUlly draped 41. aiV'Kj spacious Company.

447-4775. SOUTHWEST ESo'Vi" ff iS, L. liffl r.S 5) ,620. 254-4454 after 5PM. school district, neer Tl Available master, ceiling fans, privacy fence, CAWCC Convenient to William Cannon.

3-2, mruAu pirv-c 4 'or9- No pets. $450. Call 242-2403 a( IUOC HQOC ANDERSON LANE Area 3-2-1, Jun? 1st Call 258-392. g.rage opener. $650.

4109 Everest tANtS r00m fireplace plus HM, or 441-4203. Oil Of IHOO IO4CO CACH, new csTpeflng and paint! 1 "tit. 346-9155, after Brand new 3-2, fireplace, WD con- gam? room. Very nice residential Si JS Great storage; covered patl No N0W weekends. nectlons, wooded lot, garage.

$795. area with large trees. $600 Devs. Barnes in Al AAOST NFW OOC CftQC S301 Burrrt" $52S 34g4274. Several to choose EANES PROPERTIES 3-'073; evenings-'wea- Associates, 282-6440.

MLVU3I INtW OOO-dUOD NEAR MOPAC 2222 5905 plici, J4 llvVrTgVdlnind. Av.llabfe TMll 32790 kends, Charles, 345-3466. 3-2, CACH, applnces Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 both duplex WWW camlnosiTo Excutlv. home ANDERSON MILL 3-2. Fireplace, June 1.

Friendly neighborhood. 2.2-03)7, 327-2011, 327-4490 dryer $700 monthly, $500 deposif located on Nuckles Crossing Road jItaajlj)saa 2'argi nMno, tX In! vveVtarl country kitchen, appliances, prl- HS0monm. Ask tor PeV nights, NO LEASE 2 bedroom, $350! ,100 JJor T. Immacuiite. 3-2-3 rcutdesac.

w-3t7S 5Pm- Fully carpeted 8, draped. All appll- aaaaaaaaaataMaxfaxaaawaxeaaaaaaaaaaaasakexaaasa fenced $895 346-2259; 459-7443 No va ferice $575. Blu. Ribbon Pro- 434-12S7; days, 435-9894. deposit Austin Home Ren- Fenced yard.

I mile Motorola. OLDER HOUSE 4 2, fireplace I pertles. 441-2065. HUGE 9-10 bedroom remodeled 3709 IH35- (H yrl iST 'ff $4jumontn. I ROUND ROCK 3-2 for lease ALMOST NEW 3-2-2, MIL plan.

But- house In lovely French place area. 4 BIG Bedrooms, $485! Appliances, LOVELY, IMMACULATE 3 2 house, ork 5t2 C'' Thy. Builder, tot 1 af d. fer tZkrd! 'up Creek, walk to po only convenient downtown UT. Two fenced 474)54, Austin Home Ren- Doyle W.lson Le.slng, 327-4223 45K lissff MtOsOl fl S525 plus depo," SpeThouM Saturn $625.

Terr. Properties, 344-0490, 254- fireplaces. $1950 per month. 3215 tals, 3709 IH35, tee. (54).

scaped, paflo. No pets. $575 plus $300 7)04 CROSSWOODS 3-2. Fenced Evenings 254-3431 or 250-1471 Ml A 11.11111 1 day-Sunday. 1500 Circle Dr.

1-444- SfL 4M" BURLESON ROAD Accross from deposit Call Suzanne Iverson, 242- yard, 2 car garage, celling tan, afcsta" SfSf)ejsI WWII 1 3322; FREE LOCATING SERVICE Lux- 9191; Rodney, 478-6041. Lockheed. 2000 SqFf. 3-2-2. Air.

21)0, 282-7662. Shelle Mustln. CACH. $575 month. Klingeman Ra- 2-1 DUPLEX Carport, fenced, ap- Uft4C CAD DCSJTI HOUSE FOR rent Williams Drive, Huoe den Fireplace.

New carpet. 3-H1, CARPET, drapes, appliances, "y- 892-1424. pllaKeeT vaulted living Very nice! HOMES FOR KENT! Austin. $425 to $U0. Flrep aces, Georgetown on Vi acre.

3-2, fenced $658. 442-0421. window AC, fenced yardrcarport. NEW 3-2-2 Available Immediately 4405 Terl Jr If fr fenced yards and WD connections, backyard, enclosed sunporch. SOUTHWEST NEAR Brodie Lane $450, 477-0898, 452-114.

1500 soft, close to Oak HIII'Motor- 1 1 wycffaasst SSB ZZXZTTZl-. T'ZT I MugervWe School DteWct i NATIONAL gjg" S7XMtndh W- PROPERTIES Sr FSrS HL Cannon of, 3S3 to Sbopplng. ,595 month. 294 zxtTrz riSaw ss55lia sss a--f CACH, appliances, dr.pes, fire- duplexes Starting at $425. 2'i COnOO wrttl Bar flar- 453-4532 or 436-0936.

VXSX? Ao.iSiTt. Austin Home ffi'feftsfajs $5W HORSE LOVERS ings. luxury master ceiling rTS- rRefun- i JS SSTT BERGSTROM, IRS, LOCKHEED NW ROUTld ROCX MiBWOOTJ 3 8nfl 4 Dt 9970 COUNTRY 4 bedrooms, $450. 100's CROSSING 12224 For- CLEAN, ENERGY efficient, 3-2-2. narily cute, $500.

Doyte Wlson Lea- nearby Spacious 2-1 all appliance aSrSSIS ChWTI rtOmeS Wtttl tWO CW ANDERSON MILL VILLAGE ViJSST l7 Fenced, refrigerator, vK.nt. No grnL Ava'bt. fireplace, laundry connections, car- 3-2, Oarage, IWWera'W, Mmaet and lot. of eUtram. Maclean as.

whlstS Rentals, 3709 IH35, fee. (3). 2J4227T pets. $495. 4904 Parell Path.

454-4059. 5S: Si i Wm CANNON-SOUTH FIRST portPnoCor7w.l,eei$42i ffW yards, pel OX, VftvS t2t Cat toS 2n IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $275. WESTERN TRAILS 101 East Mas- NBP 3-2-2 MIL, rmasterlt, ra- Ry.n Investments, 327-4695, 441-2465 frB in BARRINGTON Oak. 32 MIL Call now. 474-4054, Austin Home terson Pass 3-2-2.

lroe corner lot, AVAILABLE JUNE 1ST security "lailable June 1st 75OT Piece, dishwasher, fully draped, pn- SECLUDED TOWNHOMES-Smln- Barton Hffl fUTtit*hed Or UTS- reSar LBJ N9W 2-1 CfU-!c2: Rentals, 3709 imS, toe. (4). fnced landscaped. $595. No pets.

New 3-2-2. carpers, fireplace. $575. SiWiM frd Wlnr ute, from downtown. II tn- rlSOUKMl Pexe8, al aOOlianOftS, CSf- IpplSnTce.

iStlie. CENTRAL 3 BR, AC, appliances, "tS77 Call 254-5325 or 438-4387 Bend. $200 deposit. 492-5420, days. ances, flrepiKefccarporffc fenced IUtWaw iWme on (JUW fenced yaf $425.

Ready tor Immediato occSpancy. only 4744644 fee Rental NORTHWEST bedroom. CUAHV UAI I AW Evenings 242-7194 (Janet). i'STJfL 75,5 yards, celling Ryan CU-CM-MC. lZum JmL 7' $595.

Call David McNeil Company, Aid, 3004 Guedaiupe. (ZtS). "Quid Rock Schools. Near perk, bHAUY HULLUW A I II A Elderberry Drive 327-3334. (nvestrrnts, 327-4695J4M465 Austin duptaXM TSw hmi 47, 3533 EAST SIDE 3 AC, onl, LARGE 3-2.

Intercom. Microwave, TIP All iloeted5 aIL CITY VIEW Spacious 2-lVi, tUrtjna tt MaUtm NEAR ANOERSON Mill Large 3-2, $375. 474-4644 fee Rental Aid, SiSSl Compactor, Large fenced Lot. Co- I 1 1 country kitchen, all appliances, iWX" deCOf 2 car garage, wooded lot. fireplace, 3004 Guadalupe.

(Z17). 4514 NEW Hampshire (next to Le- vered Patio, Community Pool Ten- I IVfl 1 IV able June 1. 345-4454. i 3r5in I25- THE8E ARE ONLY FEW fVprpJIM.rcL",- available immediately, 3-2. ntv M5 00 view corner 3-2-2.

co- WEt" 44 2445 StXTWpteCe 2-2 BOnUS OF TUB UIMY IJ8T1NQ8 Company, flr.olac.. stor.g. SREMCO, 441-5135, 44M472. SOUTHWEST SEVERAL 3-2 s. vered decks, privacy fence, mini- Pjjce.

OJhces Including TTTT tZZ aaau amaaa In WW IVU IBt 474J531 shed, Rundberg area. $700 month. jVQUAIL CREEK')V')V Fireplace, WO connections. Nice blinds, celling fans. $700.

242-2205. SPACIOUS FOURPLEX 2lVi. TOWTlfKIUSe, fjaSy aCCSSt tO WE HAVE AVAIABlE. NORTHEAST: FRESHLY painted 255-7877. .7 neighborhood, some fenced.

Pets efter 6 00pm. eer Menagement, 447-4494. ncPRy PWl tefW, CAU I TOO AJ Wi FAMILY SIZE.o. a-2. Two l.vlno T.BTTr AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 111, mwtmenis, 327-695, 441-2465.

$725. SEVEN DATS A WEEK. batt kltcMn wrmoaTirfoV areas, huge y.rd with trees. Round chen. Close to IBM, Abbott, and Tl.

BARTON HILLS Split level. 2 Large 3-2 Convenient location. te. dJoostt 2 LT U- UKE NEW -3-20 Tangier nHSSSE! TTX SMS. $MS XX hgJ5g 124 W.

ANDERSON LANE 837-7ES0 p''m'J barr.ngton oaks -2. two- 1 IwlmmoJl $575 Huil 3o7d.p2 UADTU CPCC CfTBVlrC GREAT LOCATION Near High- he. ttlS'liT Tvenlrtg, story. Large y.rd. FlreplK.

Excel- SPR.NGVILLE 3-2-2 fenced. quVed 5011 aTiTwh Court M75 peV grgw's 1 1 north free SERVICE 1 1 1 r1.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.