Argus and Patriot from Montpelier, Vermont (2024)

I request of Warren Howian.i tv s- njusad Montpelier Mere Mention. Frank L. Pratt is tit with tonsllitl. Mrs. William Murphy Will with tonUitis.

vate drain with the surface sewer In Jockey Hollow was referred to the street eotmnts-f lleJS- Je commissioners reporte.1 In fayor ol laying a gravel sidewalk on Cliff the size of a brick flew through the window ot M. W. Wneelock's hou-e and made the Inmates think that an cart liquate was abroad. Luckily no one was hurt. "Zephra" is to be agiin produced in the City, this time by the children of upper Main street, who will pre-ent it the last of this St.

Augustine's Church, Rev. W. J. O'Sallivan officiating. The Rebekab lodges of tne State held their lit annual assembly in Odd Fellows' hall last Friday.

Mrs. Alice C. Baker, N- G-, of Ivy lodge, welcomed the members to Montpelier, and was followed by Mrs. Ida B. Ferry, of Keaosboro, the president, who read theamiuil addre-s.

The reports ofthesec-rctary and treasurer weie then read- The election of officers took place In the afternoon. Mrs. Alma Bates, of Northftehl, was Plomley, of Northfield; recitation, Emma Lyons; Columbia's Memorial" and a fliig salute bv the children; music by Cecilia quartette; recitation by Lottie Dillon; and will close with the singing ot ''America." Mrs. Clayton P. Harronn died from con-putuptiou at her home on Berlin aide lust Friday evening, aged about 40 years.

-Her maiden name wad Bailey and bhe has been twice married and leaves four children, the three by her second husband being quite small. One ot these, the youngest, who was less than a year old, was also ill reiri was accepted and T'e oowntltee on streets made a report "that the stone street hound maiklng June 19, S897, BABEE H. F. Cutler in Boston the greater part of last week. I A son was tra -3t Saturday to Mr.

and Mrs. Mr-anrt Bishop wore at Berlin pond last Sua J. Griffin Adolph Goneo were In Chelsea last. we- M. G.

Ro SL' I Burlington, was In Barre briefly 3week. P.W. StilfP'-inKfleld; was Barre last week for ft stay. Most of the Places will be closed next Saturday Xtemoon. was iu Barre 1 WI 11,0 uoriaeriy side or Xoith street and the westerly side ot East street has been moved from its position as May 26, 1897.

"BUSINESS MEKF. MKM'loN" NOTICES. Urv oe-mpin(r tli most rroruiiHMtt position in the iwiHr, wil' iiis-rieti for ctnts wilb no rlurte for than fi; lines. Ail n-eeltti4. -Kift infertile-.

tnUTiamfin nK. n-olnti'ii- of i-jH-rt, and tr thiiia of that nature, will I char: t-d for. free tne sureys were made near with consumption, ami died last Sunday. The funeral of both mother and child occurred in West Berlin on Monday, Rev. 1 aia last summer and we do tun her report that said stone bound was moved by onesaid to be D.

T. Jameson actluir unon outers from Mrs. Maria C. Tiklen." The communication was inferred to the city attorney. I pon lecommendalion of the Inspector of butidtngs permtls were granted to a.

Martin tor a house on Beckley street and H. O. Camp lor a house on Hassett Btreet. w. R.

Davennort. of Barre, otnciatiug. tier husband died from consumption during the past winter and one child died only a tew days before its lather- ney nveu in wunt Frank TiravW 1 moved tnto a teno. Ihe sum of ftjOO was appropriated to tlie Will end tlie time in which our offer of knifo with each casli sale of a $10 suit (or better-) will hohl good. We have gained manv new customers and our regular patrons seem well pleased with the gift.

We chaige 110 more lot the clothing; in fact we claim to sell a better suit at $10, or $15 than our competitors. A knife goes with cheaper suits but not vonr choice. A. D. FARWELL.

nent is known as the old "Wade mansion," which Is probably the poorest structure inhabited bv human beings in Washington county. An ou ort'J wj oueeu. trtiAAhm i tutu mil ttiy. Papers Sent out of the state in single wrajmr- will stnjfl at Ohm'K-li ration of llw 'tai fi-r. unless arraiiiit--intnt i in-i-it-to I lit -turarv.

Nk HI put il tlio li-t f-T a intT lo fn' s-iJt "W- of the 41 not paM fur in Ah in elmr ms -O-'iviCK pawns iu a niu-! renw iay nit-nt in nivaucf. It ilio funtmuaiict tf I tit patK-r is were In 'd ft l. week. application has been made to the State's Attorney to see tf an order cannot bo secured to have the building destroyed. 'Sue whole ease is a pitiful one and in addition there is a scandal connected with it.

Mrs. Harroun came ot a good family and under different circ*mstances mignt nave uau a more uuiu- THE IBERCIim fortahle and respected existence, ana ner Absolutely Pure. Cashier a'l Emery, ot Chelsea, were In l3t weet. c. A.

Heatu li se'l -his paint shop on Washiniitott 10 J- E. stodilanl. 8trilj "Reeded A. I. Skinner as mauapAiot feed company.

H.G. Kolto. New Tortr, formerly of Bane, a lei flays in Barro. A.I.Sklorr i Jone to Haverhill. N.

where he is totf'Ke two large creameries. A.J.HoaJleysrme to Dansrillc, where he has ft'tn a gmuite cuttinj; flrtn. Thomas H-CJ" and wlfewontto Fairlee Lake Tuesaay 'oi a abort lie owns a neighbors say that she always did oetter than seemed possible for anybody In her condition. Betore Harrouu's death the turn ilywas In charge of the city ot Barre and 11 has been looked after by overseer oi mo Poor O. D.

Shurtleff, of that elty. Mrs. Har wlioloc-i tit He the one who Ril ri i ts ami a tv rit-ts j'ltli-oioulv. In.ll-crunf naie advertising lo- mt brtnsf suuee--, hut jutiU-ioiis Blvtrt i-iniT mf.l mm tl-. Tnc In iirT Ti-filiu'ii, renter will be the re-im fmm the Ht-verrienient.

The anu 1a with bv t-ir the circulat icn, i- the best me iiiur. hmii the greatest re turns, antl the a vt-r; triers no iir-te its Column at the one who th (HiM- ne-. So nte-i timnt can atTor.t Dot tu be roun was attended by a Montpelier physician, who the first part ot last week, owing Celebrated for Us creat leavc-nins strength and he-itthfiihK-s. A-imts ihe food against alum an alt fnritisef adu'ter Ki.m common to the cheap brand KOYAL BAKlNti CU NEW YtKK. East Corinth CLirnxas.

G. E. Plvoll has a new bicycle. Ellsworth Sargent Is working at Miss Stearns. G.

C. Hastings, ot Cookeville, was In town last week. "Wilson Chnpman is just completing a new wood-house, -lames Miles has recently nut a new piazza to the seriousness of her condition, uitecieo that the children be taken to some other nlace to be eared for. The Barre overseer cottage iuei" came down a day or so later and thought a and Mrs. F.

W. ani son Pordyco iss Mabel we In East Calais a a needless expense was ocmg mcuneu mio few bad the children taken back to their -moinet. days last I He also is said to have told the doctor tnat A special Ruth chapter, omer XuBTUiTELD Notes. E. w.

Gaynar was in Barre over last Sun day. John Lt. Stock bad a valuable cow die last Saturday. H. K.

Fisk, of Boston, has been iu town tLe past week. E. A. Shaituck was in Northfield briefly last Monday. Miss Belle Houston is visiting In Burlington and Bristol.

Cadet Burt Patterson is quite ill, threatened with jjeritoniiis. Mr. and -Mrs. E. O-Thurston were In Montpelier last Thursday.

Trainmaster K. I. Nash, of St. Albans, was in town Monday. Charles Webb, of Montpelier, was In North-field over last Sunday.

Mrs. C. t. Williams, of Buiiitigton, visitea in town oyer lust Sunday. William and Moriarty were in Burlington last week Tuesday.

Melvin Lord has moved from tbe Four Corners to West Koxbury. Mrs. M. MeKenna, ot Montpelier, visited her mother in town last week. Fred Steele is to go to Charles E.

Iteed's to live, owing to his'poor health. ti. A. Bullock is moving into his new residence on Viuc st reel this week. Miss Nellie Moulton, of Barre, was a visitor in Northiield briefly this week.

J. C. Fletcher, a Woodstock hotel proprietor, is spending the week in Northfield. Miss Eliza Hougflton. of Hinesburgh, waa a visitor at R.

J. rutin's over last Sunday. Miss Helen Kenyon is back from a three weeks' trip in the northern pari of the State. The Arion Glee club ts preparing to give a conceit in Wiiliamstown the middle of June. one visit a week was enough, thongn um physician differed with him and went of tener on his house.

Bcsixess Mere Mention. 5 O. II. Hale. Auctioueer, Il.irre, tf Mrs.

tieorgc O. Boyce si-riou-sly ill from henrl tlieat-e. Mrs. W. H.

irifll is visiting relatives in Ntw liamplnre. T. F. Colton i-t on a brief budiuesd trip to Maine this week. Feli W.

Metie'tt lek.of Si Alban, was In the city luM FiitL-ty. 1. II. lias been in town fro.n New York fora tew lavi. W'e-ilev C.

Ta)ljn has been In town from E-isex Center this week." Ctiil'lreii'3 Sunrtay will be observed in the June 2." The iron bri le on Spring street has been rephmke.l the pitst week. Mr. mi.l Mrt. i. Waltsfiekl, were In (own last Satunlity.

Mr-. Pearl F. Blotiijett ha been -spending the pat week In Bui Unntou. W. D.

Chmdler, of 8t. Albans, was a visitor In the eity last Thurs lay. trs. t'liarles A. Suittn, 2n.f; is recovering and considered out ol danger.

Mis. Norman Dudley ill with toe grip. She attended by lr. Kemp. MUi lluttie (J.

Ki-k ha- he-'n conflued to the by illness this week. The Kelb'g lluhtnrd lit-rary will be open nesi Suturd-ty froai ti to P. only. iieorne L. More i back troiu a two weeks' trip to Kocbeiter, N.

and vicinity. Frot. W. Hunees-4 and family will arrive at Ke.i-tone Iat the summer, 15. WiJliam Terry, of South Ryegate, was in Montpelier last Wednesday a id Thursday.

Vr.O.C. Stieknev, of Barre, ipoke at the Y. M. C. A.

meetinK la--t sund-ty afternoon. Es Mayor deor-Je O. stration lias all lit-. oi Suitiiiii-r street repaitited. Mr-.

.1. J. Kauan has so recovered from her recent illness that she able to be out. Mrs. Gardner Sawyer, who lives on the Middlesex Center road, is quite seitously ill.

t'apt. I). Kelton Is in Mm eiiy, havtnt: arrived a tew days aijo Ii om WashintO'i, L). Ml-s M. Annette i- aKain at the spend the suimner in Montpelier.

J. W. Caustic ha-- been Herbn-ly 111 from inflammation ol the bowels, but is recovering. The llifdli school ba-e ball team last Thursday defeated a scrub nine by a score of 17 to 4. W.

Potter will close his enK'tpetnent as cook at semimiry at the end ot the school year. E. W. Itiiiley.ot Chicago, Hrrl ved In town lu-a Sninitiay msht and went Sunday to El-uivre. A child ot Dudley IS ill with scarlet fever The family lives on East state street.

Rev. Andrew Gillie preached ft memorla-sermon at the Methodist houe last Sunday evening. Mr. Laura A. Howe, of Brattleboro, I vi ntlnjf Mr.

ami Mrs. Frank Howe at A. O. Cummins'. The Methodist Sunday school board will tii'-t on Thui sday event i)tf in the vestry at o'clock.

W. Kent, of Calais, a guest at the hotneol Mr. and Mrs. K. G.

Kobm-on tor a tew days. P. L. Lyons is tatcfe from Melrose, the cause or humanity inseao oi on a E. S.

Rowland, it la understood, has houizht fee. Mrs. Harroun was alone with the chil the Kenyon block. Ap- dren up to within a lew days of the time of her death, and only hind hearted neigh To rent. Furnished te-ntnu-nr.

ply P. O. box 2o7. E. G.

Sawyer finds liverv business enouurh bors visited her then. The children, loougu to keep his horses busy. Seasonable Reminders. ALASKA REFRIGERATORS, Quick Meal and Insurance Gasolene Stoves Blue Flame and Lamp Oil Stoves! White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers! H. W.

Johns Asbestos Liquid Paints! ma 1:10 The hest ol' materials ami wuiknien for I;, Sleel ami Tin Roofing, Have Spouting, at All are to see "Uncle" Daniel Cor week, a nearly as tueyean rememoer me features and purts. The proceeds are to be for the benefit ot the hospital. A tour-vesr-old son of T. Gordon was run over on 3 ate street bt-d Tnnrsdny by A. D- 1 Farwell's team.

Mr Farweil did not see the child, who got in the way. soon enough to him. The boy was bruised and scratch ed, but owing 1 timely to the nnenmalic tires on Mr. Far well's bugav, he was mit injured. Angle.the young daugfarer of Mr.

and Mrs. F. tt, Dawlev, tell down stairs last Sunday monmiL' and struck a chair at the loot with sneii fotce that the Hardwood bottom of the chair was split apart. In sono unknown way, however, she e-caped sen Otis inj'irv, though she was patufmly bruised and lacerated. The 47th annual meeting of the Vermont hom*o? Medical society will be held at ttie Pavilion parlors to-day nnd on Thursday.

Among the speakers will be Dr. I. H. Finite, of this city. The annual election of officers will occur this aftet noon, at time also the piesident's address will be given.

The annual convent'on of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion of Washington county wilt be held in ''Heddini; church" at Barre June 2 ami 3. The speakers are to be Mrs. Ida II Read, State president, and Miss Khzabeth Yates, of Round Point, Me. Miss Yates is a national speaker of much ability and eloquence. Dr.

H. A. Flske, in lit capacity of health otlleer. this week examined the sanitary condition of the Cnion school building and its siirronndiius. He found everything.

kept up In good shape, and better than is usual with similar buildings. Hfi recommended a few minor things, to prevent future abuses, which were carried out. B. F. Simmons, of Boston, an expert electrical engineer in trie employ ot the General Electric couipanv, was in Montpelier all last week, making plans and specific dions for wiring the State house lor electric lights.

He secured he necessary data ami went back lo Bo-don to complete the work. The specifications will call for about 4'X) incandescent lamps. Bethany Congregational society last Thursday evening elected Joseph Poland, Dr. II. S.

Boardn an, Mrs. Rhinehart and Miss Bailey delegates to the county Congregational convention nt Northtiehl this week. Joseph Poland and Harry S. Colton were also chosen to repre-ent the society at the Slate Congregational convention, to be held in Middle bury June 9 and 10. Miss Flla Wheelock took an aunt of hers from tor a boatrlde on tne Wlnnoskl In -t Sundity afternoon.

In making a landing the aunt ft-il Into the- river where the water as quite deep. Miss Wh-'elock did not hesitate or stop to -cream, but bravely plunged Into the water and succeeded tn getting hety visitor and herself safely a-hote, with no harm save a thorough wetting. It ha been settled that coun'y court will convene next Toe-day to take up the civil docket. Judge Rowel) will preside, and Ju tge Taft will take the place to which Judee Rowell was appointed at the June term of Caledonia county court at St. Johns, bnry.

There are many cases to be tried, and If all ready are heard an adjournment will not be reached before August 1. The association of Past Grand Matters and Past Grand Representatives of the trntermty of Odd Fellows, at its annual meeting held here Inst wfcek in connection with the iale fzathering ot odd Fellows, elected as for the coiu'ng vear President, Henry i lark, of Rutland; Vlce.Piesident, O. II. Henderson, of St. Jrthnsbni Secretary and Treasurer, L.

Sttllson, of Bennington. sheriff Collins and Deputies Graves and Foster last Wednesday evening raided the I'nion hou-e but did not lind any liquor. Deputy Fosfer Is a new man at the business liss again able to be about. sleeping in the same room, did not know that ttietr mother was dead until the next morning. There has been talk of an investigation, but the fault perhaps was only in a lack of knowledge ot the case, though the neighbors think there was gross neglect.

The Memorial sermon was delivered by Rev. E. W. Hatch last Sunday. O.

P. Dickey's pacing stallion "Bunker A meeting ot tl.e board of civil authority Hill" is liable to be heard from the coming chosen President Mrs. Mary C. Uoodell, Burlington, Vice-President; Mrs. 'Louise L.

Boyce, Barre, Secretary; Mrs. Klla C- Fin-ney, Lyndouvilie, Treasurer. Tne Rehekah dearee was exemplified In th evening hy Mary A. Gtedden lodge, of Woodsvllle. N.

and remarks were made by several of the delegates. Health Oliicer II. A. Fi-kehas this week examined the ntemi-es at Hosn It- Brown's where two children have been ill with diphtheria and finds that lhere Is no came for alarm among tho-e who have milt from the farm. Mr.

Bt wn an I thoe who have charge of the cows do not go near the patients ill with th' disease and everything pertaining to ihe milk supply is kept out of the house. The cans are kept and washed In an out. hnu-e far enough away so there is no cause for infection, an 1 every possible precaiPion taken. Dr. Fi-ke thinks that if the disease had bad any chance -to spread from Mr.

Brown's place it would have shown itself before now, and tho-ie who iia'C been frightened out of the milk sold by him can safely patronize him again. A bicycle carnival is to be held In Montpelier June 10, under the auspices ofthe Y. M. C. A.

These carnivals have been very successful in other places and ought topiove a great succe-s here. The plan was statted bv Secretary Thorpe and the arrangements are in the hands of a committee which met tor the first time on Tuesday arternoon. The committee is composed of tlph B. Deu iy, J. P.

Adams, Bruce McDonald, Frank M. Bryan, L- H. J. Goodwin, Walter Thorpe and tV S. Smith.

Kvery owner of a wheel any wheic in ihe Stale rt Vermont is invited to enter. There is no entrance fee nnd the only condition is that the wheel shall be decorated lor the occasion. There will be a parade during the day and an illuminated parade in the evening. Liberal prizes for the be-t riders and the best trimmed heel will be offered. There was a eonsnltation on Tuesday evening at Dillingham, II use Howland's office relative to a grade crossing case at Mc-I ndoea in the town o( Barnet.

The parties in the consult dion were the railroad com missioners and H. A. Hnse, their attorney John H. Young and Harry Blodgett, attorneys ot the Boston and Maine railroad, and P. St alford, of St.

Johnsbury, attorney for the town of Barnet. The previous board of State railroad commissioners ordered a grade crossing at Mclndoes abolished and an under grade cro-stng built in its place, HL-ses-1 itir the expense on the Boston and a I tie rai I road company nnd be wn of Barnet. Barnet refused to pay its slnrre, and the railroad commissioners have asked the supreme court for an order to compel it so do -o. It is probable that a committee will be named by the court to bear the evidence in the case. The annual Memorial Sunday exercises were held lost Sunday morning at the Baptist bouse, at which time there were piesent the members ot the local G.

A. R. Post, Woman's Relief Corps, sons ot Veterans, and Junior Order ot United American Me. chanics. The building was crowded anil manv went away because they could not get seats.

The sermon hy Rev. W. A. Davison was an able effort ami especially adapt ed to the occasion and bis congregation. His text was from St Mark The music rendered by the choir was also special.

The services at the same place in the evening were also out of the regular order The sneakers and their subjects were. Miss K. Maude Cro-sett, "The Patriotic Young Worn, an;" W. Thorpe, "The Patriotic Young A. Davison, "Tlie Patriotic Christians." The congregation at thisser.

vice was also large. Hani PTYoting suffered a second attack of apoplexy last week Tuesday evening and died early Thursday morning at his home on School Btreet. He was 73 years old and has been a familiar figure in this part of Washington county for more than half a century. He has always been in tlie hotel and livery business and has always made a success of was held last Thuridav evening at the city season. clerk's office to heat-appeals Irom the ratings Jllss Jennie DeGoosh Is 111 with aearlefc fever.

The school has stopped to await by the board of listers. The first case to oe heara was that of the Y. M.C. A. property, which was assessed at $10,000, but which the oftfie ni" oelieW this evening In Masonic Denlson ami iamllv retnrne.l from California -t Monday, where he has spent the wlwr" Rev.

W. went to Berlin last Monday neralor Mra.ciavton Harroun atuleQua- D. R. Bitf sswnt irlSt week among the troulstreaius-jntntfca by him in bis boy-boon iu MoKt-wn. M.D.DltftfJ,a;i.';.

into a tenement in Mr. Drewj-o: -i' the corner of Eastern avenue anl B. V. HooWPjis at Greensboro laat week. Mrs.

Hoobem' -luuuter accompanied him as Cti.aia. The Barre ''s lipo a game with MontP mlnary for next Saturday on the yrouuds. A.S.Marii'; erect a two story tenement house hfian ami work has al-ready begun111 nc foundation. Dr. Brderan-I Klwin Wheeler brouglit hnraean'M trout as the re-suit of a fiy0 lHgt Monday.

tok a carriage ride to 'ftst Tti.irs.lay, and were KnesU l. h. V. -Spencer. No ser'fetd at the Presbyterian house last nioniine owing to the uieinoritU113 ttt Ihii opera house.

The financial committee of the ITnl verba officers of the organization thought sftouia list parish Is circulating the subscription be exempt under the statuio relating io inu book for the coming year. property of charitable aud religious socie For the first time in two vears the village ties from which no income is ueriveu. hid streets are in good condition owing tolhe woik of Road Commissioner G. S. l'rescott.

board concurred in the view and exempted the property. George W. Wing presented the case of Mrs. Helen W. RedhVld.

Mrs. GO EViairt Street. PECK BROTHERS, The workers in tbe post-office campaign Kedheld did not make a li-d, but was found bvthe listers to have property amounting to are having time to cool their heated blood. The temperance feeling aroused Is woithy ot being continued. Unard with or without rooms can he Obtained at 12 Liberty street.

28-20 Collections promptly nmtle by Emery A Co. bee ad. ou thU pice. Competent girl for general housework. Address I.

O. box No. i4, Montpelier. The host li utter and the freshest ess. lietaii same as our jobl'Iu.

11 rook it IJerry. Foi; AI.K on to Hi nt. Nine room htm-f, with all modern improvements. MMey iV Kemp. '2'Alf Mr.

U. Wilder will reeeive i inters fir pianoforte tuning left at G. W. musie store. 15tf to Kent.

Tenement of seven rooms, on Cedar Sr. Hot and cold water. Apply to L. IS Huntington. 2-1 tf Kvery one having a breath and want it eured should write with Stamp for reply to A.

IS. Worcester, Vt. To RENT. Ow-eHinsr house on Ter-raee stiver, lately oeeupied by K. K.

Towner; seven roouw. Applv to H. A. Huse. 27tf Fromenade Com-e-t, and Ijo Cream Fesrval, Village hall, Calot.

Saturday evening. May 21). Music, Cabot urnet bund. Mrs. Asa Howe is back trom the west, where she has spent the winter with her son.

Mrs. C. P. Williams, of Barre, was at the home of J. C.

B. Thayer, her father, last Sunday. II. I. Bean, of Bristol, N.

has been visit-Ing his mother In Northfield during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bishon and Mr. and which they doubled and then assessed her enough to make the amount tg-'OjOeO.

The board removed he doubling and lett her list at 11.410. Mrs. Helen A. Gale's appeal was pre-eutcd bv A. Gale, her husband.

It seems that Mrs. Gale in her returns failed to Include some notes due her from parties out out of town, so that under the law her list of was doubled anil she was assessed enough to bring the amount up to Mr. ila explained that i omission was due to the involved condition of his and his wile's property and through no Inten tional fault. The board then removed the doubling and leit the list at SSD.baO. Amlrew Roofing.

Adapted to any kind of roof. Costs less and will outwear all other roofs. Can bo applied by anyone. Tarred and Kosin Sized Sheathing Papers for sale at reasonable prices by Hodt'don thought his nroneriv at the corner GOULDSVILLE GlRLETS. Mrs.

Lockiin.of Montpelier, is visiting in town. L. and wife returned from Tun-brhlge lust week. W. French was at home from Massachusetts last Sunday.

William Hall is going to Hingbam, Mass. to stay for a while. H.F. Bacon and wile visited at C. L.

Rich's last Sunday and Frank Jacobs, F. F. Stafford's hired man, 13 quite ill, and has gone to his home in Brain-tree. Mrs. Alma Simons Melcher, of Cambridge-port, and Mrs.

George Andrews, of Newbury, are visiting at J. W. Gould's. John F. Johnson, president of the national bank at Logan port, was arrestee last Saturday for alleged violation ofthe national banking act in procuring $300,000 for Iho bank on forged notes and by means ot false entries in the ledger.

of East Stale and Cedar streets was assessed bevond its value. Inasmuch a he had taken ofl a part of the bit. to erect a new nouse. The board sustained the listers. II.

s. Chap The Barrel" Hfeneantlatlnjt In nn at. tempt uWeifr I ltcher (ienrifo Austin, of NortbfleM, lP "emulader of the season. The m'01- chapter, Order of the Eastern lTHre. of Rob Morris lilPiner, o'i Tuesday evening.

Rev. BffJes wili deliver an addre-iu on '6 fr, botorc Vineltia indje, KniKbtssofff1-1-, at their hall In tae Cjuln-lan buildup W. F. telV R- Htc'tnson and Mr. nnd Mrs.

H.S.pfJ'im were in Burlington hiat week tofit'10 the uiuslcal festival dnihitf a part of ita-ous- Tbeanmroeotincr ofthe B.vrre railroad company tn' ofthe Wells River mil-road stntk w-iiay. MrsiClft" ffarronn, who died in Berlin last lollowed bv the death man claimed an offset on his half of tho stock of goods ot Chapman Brothers as he borrowed the money to pay tor me bame, but the board decided that under the law limy could give him no relief. Luther Creo, whose list wis doubled through some inac curacies in making it out, had the doubling removed at the request of the listers. Alain case was treated the same way aud his list was fixed at 2.rUO. The listing ofthe of herVO'-1 MliL lived in IWrrn nn to Christ Church rectory building by the listers two ortltri'e-11 was approved as the property is rumen ami and it Is said that, himself unknown, he hung around Ihe I'trtoti house all day Wednesday and thought lie had everything located ami felt sure ot the game, but either he miht have been mistaken or the otHeers were fooled at the final msn.

D. S. Wheatlev left a hand-ome I'nited States flag hanging in front ot ins drv goods 'oureeot income to tne cnurcii. Jennie Dunwoodie's li-t was fixed at $1,000 on real tate and on oer-onai. Ihe listers Go to O.

N. Cro" and buy one of liist famou? Gnelv Kefri'rators. Will sell easy payments if desired; 50 East Mate stiect." 2Mf $170 A MONTH for Xo. 1 general agents. Keft-niires security for irood-; rtipured.

Addivss Faetorv. iiOfl-014 Summit street, Toledo, Hiio. m2i-'H The Wet Fonder sold lv Barmws f*ck, for spraying potatoes orotlier plaids with Paris green or otfrer powder-, are worth your while to examine. Furnished and unfurni-ohed rooms to let. The nml location iit theeitv.

Aiiply to Mrs. A. L. Sliorey, No. State street, adioiuiuj; 4'hrit moved that the doubling of A.

B. Granl'slist removed and the board no omereu. Btanchard Brothers wore allowed to offset AlexftH'7. iJobie, Bennett Julian and Oliver M-IW'w-s were in Rutland last week to atten 1 annual State convention ofthe order of rasters of America. Judue FnT Iat Monday announced his decision r' Corse iy qtialitied to serve asdepi.tJtt,'lff'ft",l that lie papers he has served dp Dn legally served.

Tbe WrinN rjtilid t.f the Church ofthe tne money they owe on the new Lawrence building against their personal properly. Several other mat'eis were discussed, but tia 1 hey were not propei lv betore the ho ft rd as appeals nothing was done concerning them. Good SntV' fleeted Presnlent, Mrs. resident. Mrn.

Cheever Mn litre I trie ml tret 1 hos to Blame? Bush; Treasurer, Mrs. Washington County Vital Statistics. Secret or s-Wheeler. Assistant Secretary of State T. C.

Phinney Chinch. 2tf is at work tabulating ihe vital statistics of the State for a work which quires the Wantei to run a plain A Tunl ridge Cure AH Run Down and Had No tlte Hood's Sarsaparilla Restored the Appetiteand CaveStrength. "Last spring my husband's health was very poor. He was all run down and did not have any appetite. A friend advised him to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, saying he thought it would give him an appetite and build him up, as he had taken it himself with great benefit.

My husband procured four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and began taking it. He soon had a better appetite, and he was able to do his work and taka care of his stock alone." Mrs. T. W. Smith, Tunbridge, Vt.

"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and feel it has kept me from a sick bed. I felt weak and tired out after nursing a sick son since January." Mrs. Lerkxo Porter, Brookfleld, Vermont. mil best part of three months. Lach ol the i4b It.

He was known as a man who paid his bills promptly and whose word was good a bla bond, and" by following these principles in his business career accutniPa'ed a con siderable property. He kept the hotel at Pialnflehl for many years, and before the Montpelier and Wells River railroad was built he drove the stage from Montpelier to St. Johnsbury. For the past few years he has owned ami managed the Union house livery here and looked alter his farm on the top ot Clay hill. He has been twice married and leaves a second wife and a daughter by his first wife.

The funeral was held last Saturday, Rev. A. If. Biadfor.d.offlcl. atlng.

Tlie death of William D. Smith, from the effects ol a stroke of apoplexy, occurred at his home on Kltu street on Tuesday evening about nine o'clock. He was about as u-ual after dinner on Tiie-day tint suffered the s'roiteabout o'clock In the ntternoon, the attaelbeing eiidden and unexpected. He failed rapidly ami his demise occurred at the hour mentioned. He was well known tn the citv, having come here from Waterbury abou '2i years ago, and was emploved for a Whoso stmes wi is it if you've heen lmiimj; vonr clothing at they don't care xvliethcr thev lit von 'or not.

citv and town clerks ot the State reports on sheets prepared lor the purpose the statistics of his city or town aud the-e are bound together in a volume of over 800 pages for refer ence. From these Mr. Phinney nn-kes taoleS oii It isn't our laull so lon' as tliey sel that's dead certain. of all mailer-, of interest lor the dinereni Mrs. Henry Flint, of Barre, were in town last Sunday.

Tbe ladles of the Episcopal society held a sociable at tbe parish house last Thursday evening. The ladies of the Congregational socletv will serve dinner at Howe's kail on Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Denny are back from Winter Park, where they spent the winter.

Mrs. R. Davis and Miss Agnes Dcoley attended the musical festival in Burlington last Friday evening. Rev. W.

8. Huzcn preached a historical sermon laakSunday niorulng, re view iny bla ias-Loiate or3 years. Mrs. Nellie Goodenough has gone back to her home lu Waiden, after a visit to Fred Steele, her father. Mrs.

W. S. Ilnzen came home last Monday from a stop or several days at the hon uf her sister In Montpelier. Editor F. N.

Whitney and wife were called last Saturday to Cannon -street, N. by tbe serious illness of Mr. Whitney's father. President A. I.

Brown will deliver tho baccalaureate sermon before the graduating class of Norwich university this commence-nieut. A detail from the G. A. R. post will attend the memorial exercises of each oi the schools where such exercises are held next Friday afternoon.

Mrs. F. Gush man entertained a party of about 20 couples at a whist paity and dance at her home last Friday evening. Tne dancing was in the bam. Master Harold Ball celebrated his sixth birthday lat Saturday at the home of bis parents on Union street by entertaining his kindergarten friends.

Miss Eva Harvey la-d Satuiday finished work in iHittou Richmond's store. Miss Jennie Murphy, ot Mlddlcbury, came Monday to take her place. The G. A. It.

post and friends attended services at the Methodist bouse last Sunday morning, and listened to a Memorial sermon by He L. V. Tucker. Tbe building was crowded. The graduating exercises of the grammar school take place next Tuesday evening, those4if the high school on the following Thursday evening aud a reception on Friday evening.

Several Odd Fellows from the place at tended the annual session ot be Grand Encampment and annual session ot the Grand Louge, l.O.O. held at Montpelier last Wednesday. At a meeting of the executive committee of he Alumni association of tiie high school last week it was decided to postpone the banquet from this commencement until later in tbe summer. Miss Agnes Donley, who has been singing in the quartette choir of the Unitarian" so-clety iu Burlington for I ho past four Sundays, ou trial, has been engaged permanently for the position. Charles Thurston and daughter Clara, of Randolph, were guests at the home of E.G.

Thurston in Northfield on Tuesday while on their way to Greensboro, where Mr. Thurston owns a cottage. The Cadets aud a down jwn team played ball on the grounds in the rear of the station last Saturday afternoon. The game was called at the end of the, sixth Inning, when the score, was a tie, 8 lo 8. John W.

NIoholBi of Kaunas Oily. Jn expeeteO to arrive i vwu no. i-o. i. i rl in auimr ul I uome tjl Hon.

George Nlciiols, his Hair brut tier. It ia na.i it also that he may make his permanent home lu North tield. The village health officer In company with tho chairman of the board of trustees made a tour of the village last Monday, to look h-Lve been comolatned wtirre he has been in chaise a large plumbing job. Theeiiy po-t-r-rtlee will be closed from 10 to oVIock next, dattirduy In observance tf Mfiiioiial dav. The I vers prize will bo com-oeted for at the seminary chaptl on Friday everdiiif June i Howard Ison, formerly In the euiploy of L.

P. and H. C. Uieason, Is In town Iroui I. awrenee, Mass.

Mi-s Kate Neveau will -n next week for where will make an extended vi-it to her slater. The niid orations of the rad uat i nt; clrt-i- of the Hiiih school have been submitted to 11 inei nal Vilas. The bill hoard-- for ta lintlhilo 11 1 1 adver-tl-in; have been raised in the usual piaces iibout tow n. Robert II. Wilson went Imek to oleott la-V.

Vrlitay, atu-r a vi-lt ol several dnys with E. D. Hyde, bis uncle. re. Cliiit lcs A Sniitli, who has been seri-ul ill with diphtheria In mild bum.

Is mpidi i eeovt-i intf- .1. G. Harvey, of WhPe River stjite-. uttorney of Windsor county, was in the it on Tuesday. Mrs.

Hat'ie Wtllard and Miss Nellie Dewey went last Thnr-nlay to lliii'lington to attend trie festival. Tl.e tm-ine-s J)tnc-S ot he City were closed last nf iluring the funeral of the iale IS. P. Voiintf. Mayor and Mis Alvin F.

Sorlwell, of Cam brofiie, Mass were legisiered at the Pavilion over Sunday. Alvin F. Smith, of Harre, was in town May to celebrate his SiiiU birthday and in very lively for an old man. Mrs. F.

R. Dirnick Is critically ill at the home of Mrs Charls A. Best, her daughter, at No. Italdwin street. The tirst quarterly couterenee of the year will t-tke ace this evening in the large room ol the Methodist house.

H. A. II use will he the Memorial day orator ai Ensl Itarre nnd Fred A. Ilimluiui will deliver the addiesS at Warien. Doiothy, the Infant daughter ot" Mr.

and Mrs. Willi it ui hoale, was ehrls-tcned at St. Autrusiines Chuieh last Sunday. H. Bate--, of St.

Johiishury, and W. W. Stieknev, of Ludlow, were ainonu the attendants oa supreme court hist week. Moses Doon went last Saturday to Burling ton to remain over Sunday with his wife, who is at Mary Fletcher hospital. Mrs D.

L.Saunders was in si lone, N. Y-, last week to attend the smte assembly of the New York Daughters of Kehekah. Dr. I. W.

Cooley and wife, of Antrim, N. II. were in the city lar Saturday to attend the funeral of the late B. Young. Burke H.

Smith hai been home from Wes-leHH college at Middletown, for a counties and these ai published once in two years. Stiange as it may seem the last re port to be received was irom the city or Montpelier which was handed in last inura- duy, making the list complete. he statistics are most valuable ana snow a large numoer of interestingdetails, but are long time In the store of K. W. Bailey Co.

i bulky for newspapers to handle, asti-fton county makes as good a showing as Since he ieft their employ he has worked in store la-d Saturday evening ami when he next vi-tted the -dore it had disappeared. He notified Sheriff Bancroft and the citv po lice force and a search tor the ting whs Instituted. The search slopped suddenly Monday forenoon, however, when Mr. Wheat ley learn- that his son Ned saw the flag outside and took- It down and forgot to tell his lather ol the tact. The bell "Bethanv Church" steep'e rang in a very erratic sort ot manner last Monday afternoon, and created quite a little excitement In certain ipunters, quite a number thinking th it a fire was under wav.

Policeman C. K. Dementi went over to investigate and found a number of children the entrance ol the edihrc, and one lit tie gl rl, when she caught siiht of the officer, exclaimed, "tin. Mister Policeman, don't arrest in, ami we won't do it auy more." Mrs. D.

W. Royee was tried in city court last "Saturday morning for the larceny ot sin sill articles from the rooms in Ihe house of W. F. Washburn. She was orosecut ed by Grand Juror F.

L. Lund and delemled by John G. Wing. Several wltnes-es were examined on each sid and the trial of the ca-e required a halt day's time. It resulted tn the discharge, of the accused.

The case has been pending since last February, when a search of i Royce's tenement was made by Chief ut Police Tuttle. George H. HoMcn, finding the oatise of Po pull-m hopeless and the "Church of Christ" advancing, the two things In which he was most Interested, last week undertook he solution of the bicycle mania. As a preliminary step he un ie-rtook to learn to ride, by a lew close friends. He is pro.

Kresslng finely and in the meantime Is sutd lobe about to petition the city council to have the Federal building and the county court nis-e moved hue St several roils so as to allow the widening of State street ut that point. David S. ISlaupled, for several years pro-tesj-or of harmony and inst rtimcnta! music at Montpelier seminary, recently resigned the position to take eltect at tie end of the school year, but at the earnest solicitation or the trustees ot he Institution has consented to remain. Prof. Btaupied is witnout doubt one of the best, if not the hest teac'ier of instrumental mnsic in the State, and the trustees were very loth to have him go.

lie has made numerous firm friends since became to this Gi ivc ns a trial we will lit von- any county in the State and probably leads various capacities, and part ofthe time as a -please von-ind that's tin treat yon tiling we nurse, his last chaige being the late is. i well and von will come in the number 01 births in proportion to tne population owing lo remaikable number of babies born in Barre. The figures irom this comity are, oung, lie was bom In Canada, and was Sj years rd age. He served in the war ofthe lfter. rebellion, enlisting in Company I.llth Ver Atdrlfrf.el'"'f and vyillmms, of the Barre aggrtgaiion, went last kontrenl to a a team from Stj-Johtv-V to do things toa team from the blggtsti' tn Canada.

There'3 hotly conlesied irame of football on jw1 I'ark ground lat Saturday betwee11 Manchester Light Blues aud Barre resulting in a score of 2 to 0 in home team. O. K.ifD3i ot Toronto, will deliver a lectu3" 'A Cash System" to the bust-mess mot rreln Armory ball on Thursday Mr. Collins is trying to form an asset toi of retail merchants who will agree business on a cash basis. Mr.5rs"l-B.

Chamberlain celebrated theast--'siiT nf their marriage last Tiiey were married at the home of Z. lUphttin, of North Brookfleld, and the ceK1'0-' Ia-t week was at the house where onl-iize knot was tied. Several from )fUendeil tbe gathering. Cant Vinton I i). O.

was at Mont-pel tor cdneday to confer the degree Of cMy to take part in the Odd Fel-lowVnule. The Barre Canton received ttsslitof tle applause, they haying the largt'lmber of men in line, and their mure? would have done credit to acorn-pany Cliffy is back from Manchester, N. when basjust been acquitted of a sorioua chare arson. He is silll under indict-nieiitit Cliff, is confident since his ball has been aice-l from $6,000 to that the pro-ctnig officers have very little hope ot COnvtt I'tiu- He has strong hopes, too, that will never bo brought to trial, though hedi'S'elteuieiitly bis innocence. TnebO'! commissioners met one evening week to consider several matters he-iifoietio.

was an adjourned meeting Jaw! business to be transacted Iwfts. till several vacancies in the list of loocrs mont Volunteers, and was a member of milTHS Altai AGES DEATHS slide valve eugiue. One ho is iiimu; to make himelf generally useful. Address Kniueer, eare A lit it's AM VT-ltOT, Mont ptditT, Vt. 27-2S Natt.

li. tioye, i'i tiidiehl, contractor, builder ami jobber in wood, stone and brick. All work under one contract. Houses built on the installment plan. 21 eow You will find a special tine lot of cut flowers for decoration at Finest A.

Jaeobsen, th florist. All orders carefully a'temiVd to and delivered free of charge. Montpelier gret uhou-e. For Memorial day the Central Vermont will sell round trip tickets between all stations in Vermont for a fare atid one-third. Tickets good Kin May 20 only, returning until Monday, Maj Mrs.

K. M. Huberts announces a special sale of trimmed millinery commencing Saturday. May 22, and continuing one week. A nice opportunity for everyone to have a new hat for Oecora-tiou day.

VJ State street. 27-2S Having returned from lioston, where I have been tinder the best instruction that can be obtained in New England, I am now ready to receive pupils for instruction iu vocal and piano music at 6 East State street. H. Julia Cross. 27tf Ladies low shoes at 75c.

These Mont ncllcr. Brooks Grand Army post. He possessed fi large number ot friends and sincere sym 160 State Street. ADAMS, The Clothier. Town, patny is accorded his bereaved family.

Ho Barre iiy. Berlin, Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. SI six for S3. Cabot, is survived" bv his wife, and two daughters, Mrs.

George "II. Whitney and Mis- Blanch, who re-ided with her pirents. Tlie funeral i- to he held at the hou-e on Friday after r'i! are the best after-dinner nOOU PUIS pills, aid digestion. 25c. Duxiairy, Muiitpclier, noon i o'clock, It -v.

w. A. Davison, the Baptist pa-dor, officiating. The members of rav-iton. Marsbilcld, k-sex, Moivunvti, Brooks post have voted to attend the funeral 1 IS 4H ffl tf) L'4 46 'ilill Sll 11" JS 111 14 7 21 15 12 17 la 14 I 111 4 -l ti 17 It HI 14 1(1 11 1.1 Hi 14 7 IS 11 IS 21 II li 4ii ia Ill .1 II 12 5 4 7tw 301 fr'io ot their bite esteemed comrade In a body.

urihfieul. St. Academy, Montpelier "IMPERIAL" LAWN MOWERS, "BALDWIN" REFRIGERATORS DIED. In fi'nruiingtnn, Muy 4. Walter A.

Edun. formerly of Stowe, utied 55 yeiti-. The Markets tlie Past Week. Seminary S. 1 here is always a peculiar sat lstaction making a post mortem examina Plaintjeld.

R.ixhurv, idt-nelil. Wa lien, Waterbury. AND tion of a base ball gam especially when one considers the numerous reasons wnv the home team should have won. The idea of iKxliiurv, Worcesier, RELIABLE" GASOLINE STOVES analyzing the various occurrences of the exuibjt Urn leisa man down somewhat easier. Totals, more so when he has staked his little all on the losing side, and the game ot last Satur Are all Standard Coods.

innrki't shows slifrht chains. Quota-lions Tuvdav i muter were sel-inir price hiiiur pur by the tuii. Print butler sells; ub'iut 2'e. per while uealers pay per lh. fur a article.

Creauit-ry lmt-i'r s-t'tls al '2b c*nt. UfiUers are payiiiE luc. pt dux; for I'Virs eelllnj; tor 12c. I'oi-itot-s SOc. pir bufitu'l; pavlnu price 35 wuts.

it.wu pitirt foT Chewe hy ct-ialUira. vIiomI1 day will bear a cross-examination. If Brown hat) not let the hist batter hit the ball, lew days' stay during tiie pant week. Considering the population of the county which is only a trifle more than it was in 1-S90, the number ol deaths per thousand i-J ls.5 which is a little lnoie than -the average toti'l i'ti a, tuei: tne pvuiV pculax. Jii y-ood.

mst bought 11 imit-ed iu the wih thai he should tracf. bt "0 new teachers were elected it tne second baseman mid used a nasKet. m- JTJli' VoiitpeHer Milltn-fi band has final' in? uererminafti L-. are IMettinec, Screens and Screen good for- Comfort and NVrVVob Itor work to no 'nilr tdte SAmiu -UyM 14.41 vuv k.Uf fltix (Uti JH t-iid II' tv, Tfr-vfc 'iep5ieliltni-iit. iUtw.

UUXL ait'iuiu. Poultry Doors, Jeorn M. Irwin the only cfUMllOt-tte to takeihe ttdvertist il civil examina- bargains ta ladies kid button and lace As it stands now there Is little lov inl'rot. i i t)a iiwru bouse last Sun lion tor the position ot clerk and caroler. Maxim's camp, when an apparently "dead The programme included easy tluiif" was lost so tataity anil so care Te Dpuhi.

inl White Mountain Freezers at lessly. The game was the most exciting InvoeatiOluRev. K. W. Cum- boots at Shipmau's, fcOid Reliable Shoe Store." 1 AVe liave a few more bargains iu secondhand wheels that we will close out at low briees.

We alo have a com seen on the bi'l this season, ami was a bard will sv. 1 quaolUios. taiJiily 1- iolir Sfihl fov per liurrel; pprinc patents rof winter Com S.Vo.-37c. per hiitsliel, 'r Bran tint DiHlllmi' TfirfiiSO; Otis 27'i-J0c. per hush.

Cotlou stfd ai.OS'aSI-13: liiutfn Meal SOfttSS. liatmuas ami oraiurt-s sold for rtSOc per d-. lem-ms at "ioc. wr cat)hare Sc. Pr pie iipphs per teck; cucumbers.

A coma each, cthirf. r. cent-? hea.l. Spinach. 35c.

per peck nei'k iiKtit'e susrar, cakes. 12 to Cotton A More have rented one half of their JirtniTe shed to Sweenev Brothers, wro are mining a cuti tug and pidishiu business. K. P. Toting and Geoige More have re-signed as u-'iers at "Bethnny church," and iVA Kev.T.

H. Mitchell one to lose. Up to the ninth Inning the score iui4 to me oui "Wade man-don" on Her I In Edde, tor the tnneral of Mrs. Harroun and child, and attempted to turn around. Fither he was not much of a driver or the pair of horses he had were nnruly, fori hey backed the carriage over the bank and the equipage landed in the midst ot George Blair's garden on the lower street.

Mr. Shurtletl and another man in the carriage were thrown out, but not Injured. The carriage, however, was in ruins and one horse considerably hurt. nt. Itev.

B. W. prayer, had been close, and the home learn always a My itronnrtrf P-illon 31 "-TCSU point in the lead, but the Waterloo cime We WS PECK'S wiiMt a Friend with a thud. The hoys went to piece-, the sermon, "Tbe Memorial and t. J.

helped tncmselves to the pie, and be ot and to order all places repaired or changed that seemed to be in tbe need of it. The New England Telephone company's employes started last week to set their tele- T- tb b.we bail around 4c. per pHils, 7 to per ix, i fiherhurn: anthem fore the inning had closed they had the cvu-t -m'so'ul:" hymn. "America; to pile up runs enough to come out ahead I pimnnnm i elf be per ih-nnuila onii.ns m-. pur pound, pine i Im.

Per hunch. This game going against the Montpelier fci-l MA11N tt rtntiii i back or the station, but have been compelled I3l)eil team makes its chances for the cup rather 1 riu-'inarkft' l.r Rur was easier In Boston last Moli.lav. Clear spring wheat was yuojeri a otiiip- last Wednesday evening This fii'lil Ha Hvrmf. Tne iletailed figures or several ofthe lead-lnn towns are also matters of interest. Thus In Montpelier the bin rate to the thousand, e-itimaTim; the populatKin at 5,030, 13 23 marriages per thousand, S.S; deaths, "16.2; city of Barre, considering the population tt.Ot'O, Ibe tiiiures per thousand are births, 44 ii; marriages', lOU; deaths lei fi; Northfield, hi 1 ths, marriages.

6.5; deaths, 21 1 Waterbury. births, 18 marriages, 54; deaths, -ji) Berlin, births, 18.7; marri 'ges, 10.7; deaths, 12 7. By these figures it will be seen that the best fliowmn (tf births is in the city ol Harre, the worst lu the town of North field. Barre al-o loads In tho maiTiae tip urea while Waterbury runks lowe-t. The b-st showing in the itealh rate Is in Berlin where tt is only 17.7 per, while in Waterbury it is more than double that or 26 3, a higher rate than in any other town in the county.

The lit tires tor the death rate in Waterbury are, however, mileadlng, as Ihe number of dealbs include tho-e at the State asylum, which has no effect on ihe other tif? urea and whose inmates are not included in the population, estimated at 2.200. Cleaned From the Grand List. to chanse their course UUDLOUS. inrio nrtnmied. but the sen'i ii ml leveleil by several citizens oi tlie vlllnne over S150, un.ler aii asieo m-nnntlliced enough The largest trout ever taken from Caspian Lake, Greensboro, was caught there last Wednesday by Dr.

Lb li. Kemp, of tins cttv. The fish was ft beaut-v and wetghe 1 lullv 10 pounds. It was on exhibition at 0. S.

Whit-tter's market a id attracted a crowd all the time it was there. It was a lake trout, wag 29-i Inches long and 16 inches around In the Martin heelock proposes to open wllltlT r-tlwwrgfigg-W-M no -t utui.i ot hnmft which wav about in addition to hU present bus 1 railroad coin panv ih 1 1 could liali'lit tha rtcrtisinn to be. A. Iness, an agency lor the foile or rental of real until Tieeilet for that the eitv eoimcil be instruct be used tor a base uau uem TlinsH Those estate, both city and si.burbun properly. ehnpetl were (juoteil V-i1.

f.n- i.ef.f 111! 1' Interested thnuKlit asnn fnr the band. Presi company's poles could just as farming lanns, nun win ask pai ties who have property of this class that they wish to largest place. Dr. Kemp was using an eight-ounce rod, and tt was half an hour after the eouise and iniule a 70. iambs.

ri imition. h(u: a market (or hmu was cpnet I.oh iberts, ofthn band association, the appropriation ought to be tin neeessarv expenses which wen iouuw -t ruili-oad. dispone nt to entrust their business of this lllieiiua iilllL ii uie t-ort to Ins care. Tbe'e is no expense what 1 ha nhHcrml tn ineur. Mr.

Hoar ever to the owners, unless a sale is made, in trout "sTruoK. belora J. V. Brooks, who was In the boat with him, wa-i able to slip a landing net tinder the big fellow and assist It into (he boat. relates ft fl was atul new wa- i utioteil at which case the fees charged are those adopt an amendment increasing the Ptfkand the motion was adopted ed by he leading real estate apenta.

He also were i nner, ami Hohrous were -inotcl al 1 u.m kei for retine.l eu-jar was in asks owners ot propcrtv suitable lor rental 110 to 57. T. J. Boynton has been relieved of the posi-ticmot post olHee inspector in charge for IMFN'S SliilEB SHIRTS. or sale for new nianutacturing enterprises to ion hist Mnmlav.

Amerieau as tjiiuteu at Kfvi re 4 lnepii its foot flrmlv on tbe m- l. r.Ctuton has been appointed head usher. rs. W. A Jones, of Wait shehl, was a guest ol ihe Misses.

Fisk here last Friday on her way to Boston ami Beebe Plain, P. for a visit. Frank M. Kendall, formerly of this city, going tro-u hefe to Walla Walla, row located with his iandly in Oakesdale, Wash. T.

t. Cotton and K. P. Young came home la-d Sat urdav from Montreal, where they spent several tlays last week in seeing the bights. Frank K.

FeP and C. IT. Lull took a pair of fast hoises last Monday to Watertmry, where the animals are being trained tor the track byvMr. Felt. 'Tin- finnual meeting of the Montpelier nnd Wells River liadnmd company will be held on Thursday ittternoon at ihe general office of he company.

The first meeting ol St. Peter's court. Catholic order of Foresters, in their new quarters in the Lawn nee block, occurred on Tuesday evening. The marriage ins of MUs Kate Conltn, of this city, and John of Birre, w-re published for the tir-d lime at St. Auyuatine'd Church last Sunday.

ManngerC If. Rutherford, cf the Seminary truck a-sociatioii, expects to arramre Held day events wilh the Randolph Iliyli school tor son date in .1 une. About -2u bicyclists took part in the run la! Wednesday evening from the M. A- to the thr-e mile bridge and return and thence around the city. A.

(. Cummins, a-signee ot the Denny give mm inn particulars ana description or hooo halt okm tiwt. Frldav bv de New Euirlaiid, with heiidqtiaitf'rs at Boston, and is now taking hts leave of ab-ence of 15 who colncUleu tu men vic. Tlie diphtheria epidemic has taken a new ea-e ai pareiitly. as tour new eae li been re puled the tew days.

Hi cases are two children ol Frank llui a dau-literot Mrs. Nellie Howe an.l a ot Mis Mau.le Oarriuan. The cases are ln con'nleiaolv severe thonl. it hoped that none ol them will prove fatal, the I da" Horn one to lour Inclusive in the vil-S ere closed Mon.lay, will not reopen tbis Tlie people lie waked up over 1 he Kl nvltv of the plete line of new wheels, including Day-tons, Arenas, hampion-, llerekleys and Tempests. Give us a call.

Capital Electric 10 1-2 State St. Coal. I am" now rea to receive orders for coal. May Deuveky at following prices per ton ot 2,100 pounds, delivered, viz. Sugar loaf Fehigh (irate and Egg, Heading Stove and Nut, 7.10 Franklin.

S.2." N. H. cents ner ton discount from above prices if paid for within ten days after delivery. F. W.

Morse, Weils River depot. 27 2S excursion to pr.A rrsni RGH ith a boat riue on Fake Cliamplain, will be given by the Montpelier and Weds River railroad, from all stations on the line, Wedde-dav. dune 0, via litir-lington tin steamer Re'mdeer. The sail is a'delightful one. There will be band concerts on the steamer, and there will be an opportunity to visit the I'nited States military barracks at Pittsburgh.

Fare for the round trip, from stations between Wells River and Groton, between I.aueshoro and Last Montpelier, $1.25. Special train leaves Wells River 7 a. Montpelier arrive Piatt 12:15. Returning, leave piartshurgh 2 P. arrive Montpelier 6:5.

Wells River :20. said property, so that all inquiries may be dinshnrv aeiidemv 18 to 10. The correctly answered. A full detailed listot it hnr knnnr that if tbeV did not The work of the listers has been finished, the appeals and hearings before the board of civil authority di-poed of, and the books completed and will be riled with the city clerk to-day, although they need not be ae- all property of this class has been long need oavs, io hieh lie entitled. Ho 1ms bi-en otft'ivd a lit I I inspectorship In the aine imt has not as yet accepted i that dav thev could not hope ed in Montpelier and in many entei prising ip and so thev put the oom u.b thT? wern It aVIlll- thonwh it is thought that he win fur a time.

cities ineir uoarus oi traue nme especial ex- forts to collect information of this sort. Mr. ui ni. in appoiniiueni wmcil has Ut-en iiing though, tor Godnard was in win and plaved winning ball irt. Tn tbe field St.

Johnsbury n.v r- (1st tendered nun eoiuui-ncs o. "Gen." Roynton has been as a horotiiihlv aniii ecus" i' aim me 1 I 1 They a.e. well made, suilahle for work or every day wear and 1 iiinni otiivo I I uULbUll 0 li always bfe.i sold for SO coils, our 1 1 1 27 CENTS EACH. etlieient and alert official, ami removal siluatio ni ttian. ami the sanitary comlt ion i ti village will be sharply looked i fte i io be few abuses Ottilia as Goddard, but when It came whs made for political purposes in defiance Caledom a county oo a i.

waahiisctoneountv i tt ih a time of and it is nee- or (lie civil service regulations. The Rantl-t Christian Kudeavor society own. Karri ne bad luck ot the tnat every precaution be even at the time it may appear useless. Goddard will win1 the cup ha' appointed a ctontntttee composed nt K. lowner, cnaries Con and Miss cids will play their two remain.

The box In tbe station for mailing letters Myrtle Cloutfh, to meet a similar eonnnlttt' I ftrluorticpmpnt 11 i ftlie leaeue coniesi unniio ihpv wi nlav St from Bethany Christian En ieavor sock-tv anil form a envral coimntttee to have t' st. johnsbury, and r.ti thev can do to cnargp oi uie entHrtai ment ot the State ft II tup nurinntT CTDRF I ilat-e be the post office, 'the is IhM the people have gotten so tn inhabit oi'g their letter there that nv the MontpeliiM tyiinstian Mnieavor convent ton here next fi gi 1 H. K. SLAYION, Prop'r. I 111- lor Goddar autumn.

I he members from the Rrthany so ciety are II. my S. Coitun, Miss Mary Urahum Brb u1 a oiilieed the trains to make hese games to win the champion-section, bid tbe nova expect to dh tiip.i win the cup and Miss hannv Knapp. The dot.bte com niilti-e nit't jn Bethany htst Monday a 1 stop in Norihueld than the time allowed, aa well as a great inconvenience to me at Burlington. If Goddard hth aamoH.

which hardly seems evening ami i'iet tel Kv. v. A. iUvl-on chairiuun, ajul II. s.ColU.n, vice ehatrmun.

Rvmihi leave the three contesting Two citizens of the elty of Montpelier JHKSSS. gmmmggiiSSiiii oootinn with the same stand one-nay la-t week loiuied possession Insome uneYpiained way, of a nntrt of whi-kfv ami th'ere aveb Jen more liters in the box "cieiK could carry In hie msbeen ob'iged to gel a pouch lo. them. The dox will l'e xl Le rteimrtment allowing a week's no.ioe. Allel that tlie postmaster will be compelled to Sum av.

the mail Inii aS fher series would have to be at A rl. I have ju-t received a complete line the Improved Knickerbocker Mumlder Brace tor Uieu, wouirii, boys nr.d girls. The cheapest and only teliKble combined brace and sus-peniter tu the matket. and exmimie them. Lksteh H.Ghf.ksk, In ligm-t.

LISTEN -A. looking tor some where thev mijhr Mt iiiiKiinuu riii.ij ii ju Ltieir o'-me tut ihi av will win ne ccieiiniir-i the State house as pi-t tne spot. They went tua ai li rfi av hi a i-iui "it o'clock, lleleiolore all Sunday tlm Will aSlim place ij niu ii. jusc hum io one or tne cam net rooms directly under the leNlative hull, Have been mailed at the station. where trie prohthitory laws have been so ureal bacriiiuu bum meeting of the Washington MAKE many times -na-te and rem-ide.

and sar. down coriting to law until next Monuay, so that the listers hml several days' leeway. There has been a perceptible increase in the value of real e-tate since the list was taken last year and a slight increase the number of'tas-able and altogether the city is shown to be in a prosperous condition In every way. There has been a slight shrinkage in personal estate but that is easily accounted for. as, with one is due to the fact tlmt residents who refused to make lists last year and had what the listers could find doubled and assessed, have this year pre pared and handed in their inventories, thus escaping the doubling, which last year amounted to a number ot thousand dollars.

The book Is not to be hied until to-dav. as noted above, but the facts and figures in this article were furnished by City Sheriff Charles DeF. llancroft, who was one of the listers, which assures their correctness. The total value of the real estate this year is while it was put in la-t vear as $2,32,60, making ibe gain $73,550. The tax able personal property last ear amounted to $1,212,284, whtln this year it is $1,156,939, showing a loss ot $5:1.

235. Tin los is due to the falling off of two lists, and the removal of the Montpelier Hardware company caused the INt lo drop $32,000, that being the amount that lhey were put in at last year. Oneother thins1 tended this year to reduce the personal estate very materially, the we-teru failures, especially that of the Sioux bank. Tho local stockholders received nonces of assessment, and put the amount which they were assessed into their inventories hs debt, which, of course, was perfectly permissible. Tbe total number of polls this year Is 1,511, or which number 95 arc exempt from taxation being over 70 vears of age, and 80 are ex-em pt from being soldiers or members ofthe militia company.

This leaves the number of taxable polls 1,330, a gain of' 24 over last year. Tiie to'al valuation, including polls this vear Is against 3,772,264 last year, an increase of $23,015. showing that the Capital has continued to thrive in pplte of tbe hard times tbe past year. The total number of tax-pavers according to be li-t which Is to be tiled todav is 2,102, a gain of SO over The deductions made tn 17 for dents owed is while last vear the amount was One gratifying fact has been made apparent, being one which argues well for the sniidityor the city. Nearly every business place in Mont pelier has made again per-s.

ma! properly during the past year. It is honed that this condition ol affairs will continue. The total number of real estate owners In couulv couterenee of (Jontretfatlonal socio. Card of Ihanki. I desire to return mv thanks to the kind friends who Kenerousiy a--iteo me in my late to th who HMt nii-ed the tei vices tn a bod for the tloiat otfer-lnfr sent and to the clio'r tor its appropriate Btngmti.

Mas Moss. In counecnoii HO me in lh Sl'l' luB wi Company E. V. N. I.

1.H. battalion. Cant. A. B.

Lane, ft MJi- commnlrv. K. E. W. Bs-SV i(ancllns, Uniform Bunk, K.

1.. fW-ii Austin, Etlliin Allen council, O. IT lifi'liyor ami alilermen In enrrlasosi. ehittiren will form in 'rout ot the I I1S1 1 i II Wheelock also intends tokeepalNt ofthe names of the parties of both sexes who desire to procure situations, who request him to do so, entirely tree ot any expense, for the present, and 1 hough he gives no assurance as to how long he shall continue this last brunch, he hopes this agency may be a convenience and help to both employer and employe. An exiKMience of 22 vears as town clerk of Berlin bhonld make bis services, in the examination of Uties and records and the making out of deed-, of value to sellers and purchasers of real estate.

The bids advertii-ei lor for the building of the abutments and bridge bet ween this city and Berlin were opened in accordance with the notice at the grand jury room in the presence of the citv council and the Berlin select men. Tht' bids on the abutments were Ward it Iotiglass, Barre, Vermont Conet ruction company, St. Albans, $4,212 Cyril- Barton-i- 1-owell, Wood-bury Granite company, $7 4ti; Napoleon Uuhue, There were bids on the bridge from 13 different concerns. Each company was represented bv an agent and put In several bids for bridges of different kinds and qualities. They weie, the highest and lowest in each ease being given, Ver-mout Construct ion coin panv, $Vj90 to $11..

Mace Moirtnn, Spiimztield, StJ.ittui to $1 1,996 Ma-illon Bridge company, Massiliou, to l-irotnn Bridge company, $8,714 to Wrought Iron Br id ye com p. my, anion, to Bridge com pau to $11 sin; Berlin, Iron Bridge company, $7,2:4 to Bridge company, to E'lueT'oot-e Bt lge eoinpan tb Ki (1g Kridue compiiuy, veliiinl, $t3 'o SUi-T; Maryland Steam con jiany, to New Jer-ey Steel and Iron company, 79 1 to Bo-ton Bridge works, 3'i" to The bids aie now in the hiinns of the city council and Ihe Berlin selectmen, and have been once considered in executive session. They reserve Ihe right to accept any bid they chooae, or to reject hem ail. The laiceny of a woman, full grown land nresiminhly in her right uiPul, is not a tent eay to pi-norm, though it waa sncetssf curried out this week hy two residents of the city. A short ti me ago Clai ence Bbut well, of Jones brook, mumed a Monipeiier woman about town, who gave her name as Bertua Wiliiins, tnit was known to the initiated as "Trilby.

Clarence took his spouse overlo Jone brook to leslde and all went well until this week, hen Joseph Pelican and John Noye, ot the Capital, went over to look up the woman. They found her in Bout well's poh- Friday and Saturday, May 28 and 29. i imi -ind fti.2T to wuld 59c. Pair. W'v property.

Las moved the goods from the store tm State street to an upstairs room In the Lawrence building. E. B. llammett. of Fruit hurst, met with an accident while boarding a street car ln(hicat'o last week, wiieh will delay his Vei tnoiit trip a few days.

State Chiel Rai jjer John .1. Kngan, of the Catholic Older ol Fore-ters, baa been presented by the hit-h court with a handsome pali ot lose wood gavels. The Colton Manntaetuiimr company has put tn machinery for I he manufuctine of iho laige number ol pa-leboard boxes which they use In packing Mls- Kmilv Cooper. oT Barre. hid two tumors removed at lie Heaton hospitalla-d Fildav Dr.

C. K. Chandler. She is doing as well as couid be expected. Mis- Kii'iim Ibtna has resijjnel her position a teacher at and it rumored tnat there are other changes to be made In the coi ol thcie.

1i-s Kvelvn Lease. Mrs. Vinnie Mursh, Alfred Temple and Mr. and Mis. W.

Mor-e were nii.i.ii-! those who atlended the musical pstivul at Burlington last week. Mrs. W. of Northflel 1, has been spending the week wPh Mrs. D.

G. Ken p. her sister, while Dr. Kemp was tie U-tng her tor a bal burn on one arm. Thomas Lit rence, for -ereral years employed in the stone cutting business here, died at hi- former home in F.nglaml the first ol this month.

He went there last tall. State Chief Ranger John .1. Kntan wnfi In St A. bins last ff'iidav pv-niita to th (0 iairs of mil tiuaiil it ion. tlWlllg mm si.o -1 of the Sorlhtiel.l ConKregational uman za-tlon.

will be ueid in Noithneld unlay ami on -sday. The couterenee occurs to day and ti an o-er-ary ex on Thursday. To Sv' eierclseS will Include mornlntt 8. 9 devotional services, Key. M.

II. WrlKht Ktv.J- Gooditcre; oiKanizauon, re vt" from societies. Key. H. L.

I -'J' AI 1 noon session, devotional Berv ce, Kev. li" brook "The Helaiitm of Huslness ue tuai lnf-rests of the Bev A. A. Smith: "The Ii.nuenee of on Civil and KcllBloll, Liberty Key Dr. Jackson; the woman's board of 4 pan parts of tin- worhl In all SALE COMfVlENCES FRIDAY MORNINC AT 9 O'CLOCK.

to pimin tin whi-kev. a little later, how. trver, tnv wern di-coverfd and driven forth by lltll and the first bar evr Known to have been estahlisheo In the 8tiite house Is now clo-ted. So in or the tenants of the "ilillstde" on Court street last wek called the attention ot Ir. II A.Vkt health officer, to a supposed c.e-H' of ieproy in a Thompon family living In the bnit.llng.

Dr. Ki-k al-thoi'ifh he whs co tn pe I toalrnpst force an entr nice into the tenement oec'iiin tl by the familv. He found the case io be not leprosy, but an ngitravati'd of p--oria-ts, which is a seiions skin ili-i'ien' somewhat reseinh-Mng lepro--v. The victim is a boy only Hve vears oh lr. made the p.tuont a c.tfii-fort able a- and qmi rant I tied the ci-e, as the is somewhat, though not dangerously, contagious.

V. I. Nish. the engineer of Montpelier electiic railroad to be, 1m in town, coming on Ut waa from HitVHi tive IS ill 2 21 II St nal lionae an.l Join tlie parailo. Thl is will be itellvpi-o-1 hv Mavor .1.

nf Vfc. Dinner will be servi-il hythe 5Q.A. R. to all common Tiifl'5fs at the Knislvt? of I'vUiliis ball at ll)e(if the exercise. iijnnt has been entered into by the of-flT'ftt'e Presbyterian society with N.

A. ui't ihe erection ot the new I'r'-J 'S-ilr I-, louse of worship on the foundation i-iiet1ma)5oattlie corner of North nnrt Summer streets. The location rfirtBhe finest tn the elty tor such a li tlieileslgn, fiirnishe.l bv Architect Fisher, of Worcester, while B'l plain, In verv churchly, ami the n'iSl strnctare will be a treat rol'iat part of the city, fho work of "Kl i win ho as tbe lum- mentH for sale at our oliico Frisf-t M. Hortl, Stopkliri-lge. Vt tireyory Frank VnttT.

H. Tiiit-v. liuiiinaton. JSutlie, Vvi'ii Set-lev, liMi-re. K.

KHiV. BiirlDititoii. Vt.t jiulH'- 77.31 ii 17.21 14 1 23.111 f-1 I mil l.lllj tl Vi It All the hi hint am jovial ceremonies which Hie pre-cnt men ol any'hhitf new from the pen vt clever Charles Hoyt tnva riahiy cnis- ili come intoe i.lence I loirs June at the li i.c hti rd opera hon-e, hen his htit st i -nt fed. "A SI i ungiT In New Voik." wiil n.uke its tifi how the thertlle k'oers vt on! pel er. "A htrai(tfT in New ot Is farce coined i ii ten uruti the siime lines "A "I up to Chi but stud to ci-ntam plot itiof a better Sloty, bri-jhler 'lliilosur, moic luaitM-us Scenes tint piesenlet by the Hoyt ever Tiie new piece "is abundantly supplied with mTi-ic bv Kie taitl inn tior the op-ras -1 he Lion Turner." "'1 he "Said etc.

Mnnv rt ihe nuod r-nre expected to imiWe proiuuinced succt--es. iintahly, hen Someone Pulls li iiinr." i Anon Hn.ll," the "Toast Suny," "Lou and Sou," "She Was Such a Mmpie Little Thing." and 'l he Boerv Atn't tl It V-ed to Be" The rat named is --imie by Hurry Conor, who made the oi irimu tit- ei nung tniious-'1 he pleet-l-m hree scene-, pnd if is said missions. Kventni! sessiou, kihSi. an eharie of Rev. K.

S. ft-k; "The Missionary wS lS Turkey and Us I'leseut (Jul Uev Ur. Utrttsworlh; "The Mutual ot Pastor and People," led bv Hev. II hlllotand M. Winch.

Thursday the programme will be niomiim eesioii, Key. W. Valer; "Hisloiyof A. E. NILES 24 State Montpelier, Vt.

I. S. 1-. li'C''. UftTo.

C. ninliv. Itn c. ra SirUn-v iiiirn. t.

work (ty the rnln xtorni. lie. bowtvcr. e-K- pwUto proceed tbis mornitig wim tt sur- her vs ami eon-iruetion wm Iniuiedltitelv fol mttlHl meetpiK and lusiKil ttie officers of St. Al bun court, Cat hohc Older of Fore-Mers.

1 Miss ilhi rine Washburn, from Bo-ton, who will be rernemheied as a violinist of extraordinary abiiitv. is expected in the city today to visit Ml. and Mrs. D. 3.

Wneatley. low. H- and several i.ffl er of he eomp niv are in coniilta ion hoard of alder k. anil pusbetl ntwnru as le. The societv ts to tie heartily atert on its success In raising tlu) essarv to take this forworn step.

iiaker. William Wishart and E. H. rant ir, non.l last Momlay lor tiie Churoli," Itev. nr.

Iraternal ad-di-esses; "Some Memories ol the albers." Rev ti. W. Winch. Anemoon session, devotional services, Key. J.

l'emn; sermon Itev l)r Seaver; communion, f.iiclt sock ij wltliln ibe bouuds the conference will send Its pa-tor ami four delegates. A bllef ul.itoiy of the society ZiV A ,1. Snutli. liarn. Vt Will Barrt-, 11 Chanl'-n, Sweeney, Monti Hier, wT Newton.

St. AlbAiid, K. Co.ins. liarrn. men to whether the rfl'lf "tall be Int.i in 14.31 14.72 IS center or on ttie spo-a tieer n.i The Center of Me the city is 710, which is double the number of Thev alleceil on their return Next Sunday heme Memorial dav Rev.

A. Lew i-. the rector, will preach a Memorial similar matters, mii-t be fettled at once. President E. C.

Crosby, of the RiatCe- For further iiitonnaiioii on or ii.l.lrisn The principal Jrortlons, which ale of public bnro treet Railway ctmpiiny, and II. il- sei hPn at t'hn-t Church tn the mornitiL' ami caicn was over several well known citizens to Ai statement. One of these citizens W. IVl ORDWAY, Manager, invites Grand Ai mv men and veterans to at f'hrlst" was eoje. ol B-rlin, t.otm weiealo tn the city on 1 ut-sday and were parties in the consulta tend.

the reporter ami asaeii -d in a'T'T: Rooms 'i, 2, 3 ami 4, tion. 'resident F. C. Kenneitv. of the Monnvltr-r truth ot tne statements.

"t1 Attraction 12 years ago. There are 49 taxpayers whose names commence with the letters Me. One-twentieth of ail the taxpayers in the city are named Smith, Brown, Clark, Dewey and Beck. There are 35 23 Browns, 1" ('larks and 14 each Dewey and I'eck. The report Miows that there has been a substantial increase in the grand list, and the residents of Montpeherhave every reason to be pleased with the showing which has been made.

The basket ball earne nt the V. M. A. In Wi-. ebi-tric s'rei-t railway com pa -y, was in th ttiH' Jtf "ought from the appearance oi u.e Lawrence Building, Montpelier.

Vt. LlieV IliLVW IHl.l Pain iMllltlhe " now yj v.awl ir.vlt.-J the Ia-t Krldav evening was anolher l'itpre-tlnf confe-l and witnessed tiv a la i ire erow.i. The teams weie cnpiaine hv t'hvalcal I1- ettv last. I hursdav -da'ed am horttatt vely that work on the line would Oe begun within a week. snip mil.

If. tlteCeiiter vlt- MIRROR LAKE. rector ft. Lawrence and secretary Tliorn. pennyweiKbta to half an ounce aucletT i mil a i istj v.

Vt 11- her'ff C. DeF. Bancroft was In Burro nn that Ho has iv the "Mramter tii rii-t eili a ntf.iiit sti-jb Ti li sf act repie-entsUie idles''orin Ihe Hottniuri ouse, ami tie 'o ot t.i't ac's n' lid in i he tower tf the Madiron Gulden, New rk, on tne and evening of lh annual French ball TUe-e Hi nt- r.e kot AriiitH Vocg'bn, sc. at Hoyt'n tiiea-tie. Tire new pbi will bv heie under the dneelion ot Mr.

Ilovt, -siitvl bv Artist Artlir.r Vo'-mUhi, i. i. eitrtl I'CheM. and ctutol Slur-', eil mu-it'al i nee tor for Hovt 4 VcKir. That will be tn-attiiy welcoiurd heie is not doubted, for lover- uf pien uneiit in citv ate paiiu uiuuy fond Ot Uo ccuailu'n.

West Danmllk Whiitlins Mis. Jobti Uuipi) 9 iK)w uttj pujg iu.r boihe. Tuc Intter team won by a score of 15 to 14. 1 auu i scssiou aim int marriage ceuiucnte was produced to prove he property. Tnev allowed thitt ihe certittea'e was a fraud and that thev had just as lLiuL-h right to Trilby as be ami intended lo take her away them, but a-j a fair concession they offered to take along he certificate and see If if it re any wood.

They nad to use more or iess force to Induce Crareijce to see ti their wuy, but finally kc-coinpLi-hi-d tneir purpose by ciut-bma torn Into 8ubnii--ion. lie utd not si av subsided, however, mid citine ut once to Montpelier lo see state's Attorney (lowland. He declared that this wu-- ihe second time th il hAtl tiikun a wtmoin awav from Mm ttnd tie ifiiu-tii subinit longer. Tlie eu-e put lu the 1. Carleton, who had 1 lioat Liverv Sluhie t.

litrx cerve.i hj umpire, l. HoJ.b'n. further snid that the boys iosi a of fi-h coming borne by carelessly tha li.ft.(ivr anirle worms to ride East Mostpeukr Etchings. us in- Tui-sday. and tolleeied ft tax tr 1 fiom Ntcoinedo Cobo, a Sptnii.rd.

who retenily re luthtd to lias couidiy after a lilp to Spain At our i our New KMI'IIJK VIOLHT. A an.l true o.lor, ta.lin-ami I'Ichmh-. Wcnro nura of it- invit0 referee, and -I. E. Leland, coore kee per.

The ot ihsi.kir.g unin ,,,,..1 ih. tialltd I the same basket witb tbe fish and linltiir tefiin was compoHed of Me-rs, and cuoa. v. b. the liubiie f.r tlu-ir very lilwrit! pnlroitae 1" Inn" see litem sll in the as I ilieni at mv new ihhi: Tnotp.

Hoolb, In-atlev, Srjyntn nd Melon rmicutol Kiirre nc ftiiKie wuima Ill mid scrvu uif ilowed some of the best ot tne catcu tated eonrlBve of Mt. Zion Comnan-wi'l be ht-Ul fi fr'ndtty evening nt 7 belief tt lw-OV o'cloeK mr. which lime pet mors trill T.nt one were present at islrit'a i. lIaiitlktM lii with it the next iK of tlie citv council lat week.

1 ia Mirror l.i JinaiieM! for tl Thurston presided. The mlnulea levtous meetlntf were read and a- the metiiiil h'atso in ti.v -i 'i Don't forgot Huh. w. Se.aiff aniiiated betore Hie time you visit us. auie ai-lii'H s.

W1U.IAMSWWS MM Mattie Crnm ut work at Winwr uii. iho i.oitnl to striko out tlifl con J. 1 such uutll lWiX wlwii Hev. uvlard is worMttg for Frar.k Good. I i.i.lalHrs Willi tlie the franchise to the New England i.r i-nminv reouliltit' the coi pora- buralle.) tr.

14. Tne S.Kilelv went back to Cabot Hitlle'a. M.iit Mr. Kane tavts.i last eefe to live. the farmer have thtir coin brtecsl!e to t.prul.rwl pav an annui.l liccn ne of 810.

The wa-. n.fHi-rf.1 to Iheommlttee on leK- HARRY A. SLADE, Pharmacist. VJttroll'ts r.V".:. it.i r.ln.ll..n cooiUUoo ctn about n.

Melver appeared before tbe IWit. IV, helnre. ask nermtss Oil to lenceon me mu No. 10 State Street, u.o. i 1 Harre Mfmtiitlitr a Summer ulreet while buildltiK the lai'M tire' ehdeeuie ii MONTPELIER, Vi.

ato. ill' (iiner was mane up of St. Lnw-lence, i'urk, Itrvmn. Me nnl an.l it pxpecteil that iitmo will he pUvcil next Froittv eveiitnc h-twfii fL-al M. C.

A. team and a V. M. C. A.

team irom llol yoke. Mm-. F. Collins, tne pionnVer of ihe move. mpiit for an a-xoclatlon of the in? re-t-til ro-'rrhaiili to alnpi ttie c--h -v-'eui spoke Hictlfi betore a mm ber of i-inr-a n-n at the KrHtnl pity room lat Tburs.t;.y ere'iiug.

Mr Coiims staled Umt be Hppear-e1 solely in fie Interest ot the whoie-Hieis and personally hud no axe togtptd in eouiln here-. He a I vaiu-cl tfte e-a-ne Hruuincn h-i at tbe itu-etuK ftiul urtfed ne kiI v-Ktitairec to be neil from such a svs-tem Ttu-re is no (pie-tm hut Hint If the scheme In advanced ciul be carried ou' tl would re-nit adviinhttii ou-d for but it Is more thuh doubtlul If an at. te.npt will be n.aite here. Krel E. Smith.

A. Johnn'-ott and Arthur 'lien were ,4 r-, or al uieettng oi the Wittrhatfrn I'nb'l-htnir roiu-pany IhbT Wedne-oy nfernoon. The com-panv year hi flv-adtiectotbtit on motion of It. Lucia 1t wan voted to reduce the number to To cover outstanding it wn- dei.te.1 tn ifivc Mic ore.ilfftrn lianrtun house. A resolution was be recei ed Mud tlie order ol the temple Kill be worked.

oiiidv court did not coiuene lust Moil lav, was expected, and the setiienees which were to Ik- prtmounieil at that tune have b- tii pos! poned um tl the adj.mmed teroi opens next week. K'b Morris Chapter, Older Fas-tern Star, on Tuesday even! tig enlettHine-. lbtnct Depnly Grun Mattel N. L. Hoytlen, (f Randolph, and Oixirlet Deputy Grand Matron At in Clai a Burn b-tu.

of abot Henry Molnses has bis meat mar-ket ami bu-iiies to Wallace C. Hal and Os-man L. G'x-, who will lake nt's-e-tsion June 1. Mr. Holmes will devote hn entire alien Hon to the real estate owned by him.

ante tt win horse ran from Sibley avenue Jr.wu Hurt si teet to at ti Wst s-attirdHy uiomltiK- When tto Knin, ui ainr'ed It whs attftct-e 1 to a wcraper, ba contact with a tree relic veil it of mat te tore it had goce far. The business of the Colton NnuufsCthring company, which has been vetv dutl for a wait ne a dor the and in evt-ntrip a ban-tuft fullwwod ty brief a.Jdre-.&t;s ai-l a wycial tour i E'unlmi ttie itemreo iieruiiB.ipi, bd of two months Irotu June 15- The retiea.ii and Noye arretted on a charm ot as-fcipui Hbtl Imticiy. Tht warruits weteMi vnl by 1'oHeetnan I'enieritt. The respondents came hefute -tudiie Smllie 5 o'clock Tues duv iit'-rnooii, wh- they guilty unit weie flueil fel moo nt nf to 4.33 tor each iiinn. Clarei-ee and Trilby did not- appear at the hearing, and it is supposed that they hreiigttin tionhle har-iien-i amid tlie ineadows of Jones brook.

The arrangements for Memorial Oav have been con.pi-tei bv be committee OI W. V. W. K.

II. H. Wedge aniiti.W Colhv, of Brooks Post, ti- A. and Mrs. tovtna Peek, Mrs Amanda T.

New-cotiib, Mr. Mury.l. (iaUon, Mr-, olive M. H'neesock, Mrs. Flora Sto-ldard, Mrs.

Vfcto-ria Ordway and Mi-. Ksie Hill, from the K. lie! IK-tall- fro Hi me pot will ihe graves or in ttieceme-iTict. tn me morning. Tne pi oces-ton, width will start promptly at two o'clock in tbe af-vinoon, wiil fonu on Barre htreet, the rteht resting on Main, ami will be made un as toiiows F.

WslcniiXli. vtfr ...1 1 onTaesdBy. vvilltnms -aa at lut ISurre Ubt WBlter Br. TneilHV. L.

K.OniMbee commence! work on his harn last Monday. T.eeTeinpleton Is painting his buildings, George Vincent doing the work. The creamery at tne Estvillit i3 being poshed rapidly to war.t completioo, ttiefiaiue beiij up and covered. Uoal Coinitiissioner Coiling ftiul eleetman in llitrre last Crhlay lo see the road machine, but it did not meet with their approval. KASr MOSTPELIEtt CENTER, Mrs.

E. H. Foster is HI with erysipelas. nj ttTiia Wheeler visitea in towi Thursday. John Cloutfh has been making some repairs on Ins huue.

Herbert Richardson has been laid up for several days with a Sore band. Calvin Ilertfoy has bargained for a part of Mrs. Mury Shtutuek's farm for $725. Mrs. Mary Sbuttuck has returned from fVan-mul, an.l la cow slaying with Mrs.

George fTtsT Milton Wiiirunos Mra. L. Snow visiting ia South Hero. Mrs. Belle Osgood nnd daughter visited at l- Onle'ts in esltonl lust Salunlity.

Mrs. M. W. Smiih spent last Timrs.lay and Friday at Mrs. Muriila Aseitin's in 8 wanton.

Mrs. C. 1 Sanderson and eon and Mis Cora Ballard visited at Youm? Naj'sinJerU ciio last Saturday and I. C. -sortd and wife vn-itetl Mr.

Eliza PRINT THHTLHSTS lv Organdies and Grenadines, Mti. (KU ikiik frhteiiatntd iUora from Peaeham last ek C. 1.. Kuif tt tut contemplate moving toiUt- orftubank pia-jtr iniht ir-hi tuture. Tb mother and!b rof Mrs.

J. II. Tte- sett" went to their home tn Canada ut week. Miss Abbie tinmlennnb the guest of Mr. J.

W. Aruusiroug, her tister, lor a few Week B. Mt-s llanm returned mt MndKy from Ctti't, wheie ebe hut bren worklujr lor K.J Neil. K. R.

Badger and fatiiPyai'd B. K. Badger and fHUiily wete gtiet of H.C. Had Iter, their folater, 11 Suoday. There wilt be a bail at J.

M. Keilup'a litt'l next Frl'luy tviniix, nd on i unlay arternoon evening at Lake Puik. A. X. SulhHin lott about pounds of ee1ar oil from the fbtd where he a Uaiding laaOnday.

tuplcion teas upon a young Uiftn of the place. a White Swiss Mull, askell" Taffeta and Glace Silks, )mn ttrne, showed marked improvenettt of Slemor-ttl dteU ueii Sttuttlay. will. I.r.ttKe tieen off on fihlii trip ftt oreeiteioro 0 Bmtt.t.ier tin. traded hi.

Kray inure Cttntiee ll-ddeo oay iare. ry ttnukrr, of imikft-Wl. cat.te tou. 1 nn liitty. Krn H.ui-rtion td Clarence WciK-rti-oti.

-1 e.t-ocl.Cui.1. WW, lo to.u ji.turday Dea Beckett li lieert tiatleK S-ui in fiittceof ti.e old one to.t llle iitwa. 2, PAINT kutiful Embroidered Chiffons, i nit aoi nunpanv uuriti tne few dav Kiveu euiployment io nuiiihtr ol new hands. iiiur' on tb' o.r to Mfitary baud.

T. H. -MerrhU CardrI bld tt no' ber tne-. in; June lo what can Tj'tmmine: Braids and Braid Sets, The esse of Bowman aifalnst Stittyn, who lacliarjjed with the Conversion id' mi esge owned t-y Mr. Bowman, a an Md ror trial la-d Sttutday in city rourt imt ut Hcrnin post, poned owiriK to the absence of Mate At-torMey flowiaa t- Mr.

and m. A Hn under Broaiitooi ami unn several rott(tf are betnt? erected on the Ti I'oiiarniBtlonBl ehmranrt flc quartet u. liture Ist TijulwlK n.fltt to dick Dress Novelties, cJttize, Taffeta and Fancy Ribbons, "perby" Shirt Waists, Chamois Cloves, rfoepn. Amutm thebutid en are ne p-tr una currier. Sevetal are negotiating for buihlij-M-loU.

t.n eliieitaiuii.ent. Is That Kind, and it Costs you Less than SI.IO per eallon. Sold for twenty years by BARROWS PECK Dun I el left br Boston last Friday frim which pia'e they ailtd on tne ftttiowmg day tor Gla)(ow, Setdland.via tie tne Cuuaid team iiip "Cepna ouii." TLey are to be away a At fshcm lft Satunlay fi. L. Ert for ll'l eMl" he d'-ne toward m'inif the the company and to if iheditertor-.

(hlek tl advtj-ahie tr- the pitiperty or re or-xaniz ttie eMbpatty hut. Ti ol-rectors were to organise 1-st Wedite day evening, but faileii to do WiUlum Wo--diel laT atnnUv ei-frnpg at tl' 37 jeKM, from crmttumptTini, He wa a barber by tiade atM a t-rn in HI. Albans. Hi CAtne lier- trom Burlington everal year ngo ni entere-I ibe etnpi4y. ment ot Felix Pratte.

Cp to a ftioii time mii, hen the dtea-e coiujH-Pe 1 hUa to work, he hail been in par? ner-ddu with l.nee in the earne- huoneis. Tisre vests ajio he married Olive i'umaw. of Iont- jH-iler. They have one child, a bov, old. Aitoiphun hi- taTher, ami Cha'le-, a brother, arrived irom Montreal "isInnUv hi-t heforn tit* ii.

im n-m. api. rtl-w eemit.atxliti: H'j'li wli-n-l hatun.ja. Capi. Ni hetttU- cumieaneUftif Mt.

Zwu Ki-u'iiti Tettij.lsr. 1 S. httlvv, Kuilnenl Can: on Mt-iitpePer. Patrianitu Mlllltani, 'apl. A.

TaTlor emiuan-ilnsr Order I'fiited An-erScii! Meebiojivs. V. Hott eoni-id-; earrtBife witti inavtir and aldermen: earrnu-e carriaKt whh m-jo. Kraut I'iuni-" v. -Ui'l carriajf wMa It tSe' raiii'c aitli eivielreu; u-utat Irim wrt; Urik (Mt, i.

A. S. C. Peck eHiniiaitd-er; l.j. u.

Meplteh Tiwiii aiun. V-teras. fc. o. eU'-, t-Aptahi;;-! Be-Sia (li-ni'l vi-tt-rsii In carriages.

1 he line ot mateh ill be up Main street to Spring, to Kim, io Com 1. 1 fcnttern avenue, to and to the Opera hnu-e. The pro-ifiamuie there, which will be interspersed ilti music hy th4 band, will open with a prayer Iw the chaplain, followed hy "The Silent Land," Cecilia guarteCe; memorial ceremonlei by the post; "To Thee, Country," Cecilia quartette; address. Hob. Frank GKAKVJLLe Gitalin WUs Ue-ie Mr Intyre HI with n.ea-!.-s.

Mi. t. awenade at tll hu. t'epot coupie oi luoiuna. "Mathaway" Cotton Underwear.

Vmun idemorlal h. rte were He'd at tt John A. tn ton iu culled to Montpelier Omrv, tbeir sister, at fci-x, 1h-i week. She has recently sufleitd a shock of jtaraiyslri. r-.

Calair Calls. Mri. 8. O. Kblnson is slowly Improving in health.

Rev. O. Davlais very feeble and eouflned lo tbe houce. Frank E. Ialley has purchased Myron DaUey's place a ad will soon lake posuslon.

Mia? Kiizabeth 11, liobtthwaite will preach in the vetry at Maple Coiner next Sunday afternoon at i o'clock. The inontblv bitslne'-ij meeting ot the Woman' Auxiliary to Y. M. C. A.

will be held nt o'clock this aftertuion, and a full attendance tbe memufit tn desllr t. From BARCAIN DAY EVERY FRIDAY. tan wee lit cb aara. I'lUimicif, OlS who in- ety 111. 1 II.

Rylev, school uiter1ntrndentf vtited ton tti iatiief witi keep opa house, bach i tlie I.Wn.r oltBe. Cort. a.d tt.e. Keir. A.

II. wlb v.rU.t. MJU. a 64 MAIN STREET. uirtuoer iui iting a guest thedtifirict t-uoot iat week and re pons the north and south hollow ci.ooU as the H.

C. Gleason Si. iuaige ot Jau-ea hex-lock A Ibt wley were blatng In their lKlifi4-u- a tier noon last week beo a alone most Duuriamtig la towu. luneiat ww held oa Tuvaday moruintf ttam.

Argus and Patriot from Montpelier, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.