The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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THE TORONTO STAR riday May 11 1973 25 Vancouver exchange Toronto Stock Exchange Teck Canex encl Market indices 6 Most active closing sale Afton dispute Stock stocks 2 516 4 19 350 Ind 2 2 3 87a Util 2 375 25 2 5 Pt 2 be called 2 2 INDUSTRIALS 10 1 1 A 2 25 Texal 1 75 75 Alum 29 5 A 13 8 Gleng 8 '6 5 3 6 5 10 Vb OILS 340 3 5 15 7'6 33 40 Ve A Investment 23 River 2V4 Vs 1 1 2 10 3 A A 8 5 Vi 41 5 1 97 5 690 10 435 2 5 Produce 20 16 16 10 3 24 :85 Montreal 5 5 2 15x3 285 3001 100 ctn 12s Net sizes 525 550 100 Bond quotes 1 Labatt Vb Laidla Ve 2 160 1 Vi 90 Toronto bid ask 0 1 82 Stocks not traded to 3 pm A Mutuals INDUSTRIALS 640 Shore 355 450 been 15 110 15' 120 10 $9 Craft 562 NY big movers 436 25 50 88 80 regardless cf volume for 25 40 I Texas 270 3CGI Dividends 56 81 81 30 26 '6 Ex Livestock 1 70 DOWNS Net 7 11 85 6 6 Vi Vi 6 quotes Chicago grain Wed 166 IWrST MORTGAGE 40 41 275 498 15 5 575 MINES 823 6 MINES North 09 Vavbrun 300 2 90 164 3 $8 1V2 35 Ret 5 Eggs butter 391 41 44 Julv 9715 9715 9715 9715 9515 OILS oct 9960 9980 9900 9980 9783 Jan 10190 99 90 Trust units Aor 10370 10180 ulv the Toronto 29 Toronto May 4 1973 29 400 Vi 325 270 130 370 23 19 310 105 515 81 80 159 546 538 518 508 559 533 616 814 857 860 659 A 13 11 9 21902 21980 22370 19988 22932 21365 10829 12072 10628 150 120 25 10 5 3 290 430 430 370 330 MnsTin 124 26 169 171 489 489 200 360 26 103 22 21 U8 189 510 302 385 315 280 293 100 200 300 100 5846 655 250 16815 460 20 9 3586 123 970 415 A 185 335 478 423 1536 439 371 564 679 441 864 572 696 569 703 571 574 610 987 568 825 592 864 401 432 $5 $26 $12 $14 31 13 8 15 125 184 Crows Cyq A Cyq $24 S12 490 80 370 175 $47 43 35 15 5 390 355 051 6377 7166 6219 38 32 21 296 885 15 5 2 5 88 65 65 890 296 30 108 228 228 80 0 62 775 33 109 12 A 895 305 30 108 230 230 86 660 62 800 35 39 230 32 9 28 29 295 250 "255 35 8 530 175 ICO 18 7'6 22 36 18 12 10 9900 10100 9800 9950 9700 9875 10800 9900 9700 5 10 5 5 108 96 89 79 74 4300 6450 558 938 434 Hollinger has lower profit June Sept Nov 1 Jan 556 548 528 518 40 19 547 538 185 335 Bnk Trst 132 279 5 20 350 $6 27 8 405 130 93V4 50 890 23342 23468 24363 21195 29048 25519 10 45 50 40 67 6 09 50 11 08 8 75 129 385 14 215 675 650 405 85 185 355 715 22 500 56 126 56 40 420 93 60 263 11 590 360 545 975 75 129 385 15 42 94 140 42 25 10 20 5 800 21000 1660Q 1000 2000 2000 13400 1000 44500 16150 1850 4500 1000 500 15500 60 26 69 82 6 25 17 22 17 21 14 12 275 180 375 22 16 19 13 52 60 24 69 81 6 23 17 39 40 8 1680 1645 1605 1560 1400 1685 1660 1617 1575 1405 41 8 11 Vi 21 13 17 24 65 118 230 56 125 110 21 8 35 27 60 120 766 62734 498 495 495 494 1595 1570 1530 1487 1337 1213 1200 1185 2'6 6 51 125 320 280 65 125 235 56 125 110 26 100 56 200 360 27 13 24 Pct 122 1725 3050 1850 3A 25 3575 3275 1425 2600 1575 1625 552 538 514 499 Gnstar Gesco Dis Glendale Glengair 10 98 7 14 310 140 2500 1200 7025 35660 2340 2500 2600 16350 10000 500 6500 1600 50 126 $47 $22 25 28 $13 $38 Sll' 200 $16 $18 $66 $14 503 662 9435 200 700 323 1900 12487 1300 15900 721 3400 Whors Yuko Zenmc 590 355 545 975 55 126 56 40 420 93 58 263 Ind Sil Chn Butte 24 640 60 34 22 64 125 20 130 15 25 93 Dev Em Prm City 9 04 3 103 22 21 30500 31000 28530 28530 28200 28200 26700 26700 19400 19600 16200 16400 15900 16200 15800 15800 15700 15700 34 60 27 130 22 17 25 84 17 22 36 18 12 10 6 9'6 93 60 642592 267 562 348 569 7fi7 418 178 234 277 526 8'6 9 19 1234 Ask 150 A 5 15 115 460 176 53 275 180 375 145 175 100 3 '6 29'6 8 IV2 11 21 6'6 12 15 20 3 Pct 148 125 Ltd A pr wt Ind Metals037 10127 10105 10263 9518 10438 8502 dose 8 $95 12 13 Ind Ind A Beast Realt 130 43 40 13 18 6 IB 10' 47 10 8 57 90 16 36 34 57 no 25 24 27 23 570 32 3 425 4' 5 1375 695 5350 1075 640 3225 8800 1350 820 4700 2325 385 1175 4400 3600 530 500 3125 5050 2550 1625 1475 160 450 315 380 12 1578 46 295 15 17' 150 230 1375 200 200 2347 25 210 100 670 1955 1975 450 300 100 700 455 6 130 19 7'6 high low 46 $20 $5 230 46 51 4 335 245 515 410 107 118 60 41 800 1120 317 157 246 237 937 444 635 211 Northland Midcon Albany Asamera Can South pr Dv 20' 6 19 5 PL PI A pr pr pr 11 14 15 33 15 Norlex Canada Northgat Reck Obrien Orchan Pac Coper Pmour Pan Cenfr Patino Pick Crow Pine Point Placer Prado Exo Pure Sitv Preston Mattqml Sturq Radiore Ravro Rio Aloom I Roman 18 40 1 1975 1976 7 July 1979 10373 con 440 6 130 Arrow Chi Rexpr Cpcorp Ara Deer Delhi Discov Dunrai Ornda Goldrm Grny Grnile Gren Pnt Hallnr Int Bibis Irish Jelex Joutel Kam Kta 66 395 480 17 U50 8300 5550 3100 8600 2325 3175 405 890 13 26 243 G6s Ene'qy Investment Scudder Security Growth South African Gold Trusteed 475 66 2 75 Ctl Ctl Ct 150 Ctl Util East Ma! East Sull alco Mar ort ReInc robex Gnt Masct Giant Yk Gibraltar Goldray Granduc Hallnor Hollinger Huds Bay Pam Hydrd Int Mogul Int Obaska Iron Bay Iso Joliet JonsmBh Jorex Ltd Kerr Add 37 34 57 112 25 25 27 23 570 33 3 425 46 60 34 22 64 135 20 130 17 25 12200 4400 125 700 2000 9500 6500 83 170 6000 3500 25000 close: Close Wed Dickenson Camflo Matachewan Sunburst ISO Mines 75 00 Change Thurs X1973 high low Change 1 nurs X1973 X1973 7 2 Vi 7 64 Vi 27 4G 40 3 313708 Ask 9965 9880 9710 9625 10025 9712 9150 8000 7825 8 6 Investors Investors Stock Compound Inc Inti 405 415 22 25 2 11 25 25 16 95 $5 2 3 4 71 453 57 125 28 5' 5 5 235 16 670 3 945 500 40 9000 1500 3000 10450 2000 11000 2600 3450 1525 4825 1925 2750 2775 Barley May Investment Accumulative Accumulative American Horizon Venture Venture Ret $43 $36 $29 $8 CGItv Box 8 33 90 390 20 775 300 465 Acme Gas Advocate Aqnico Akaitc Allied Mng Am Larder Ang Ruyn Anq UD Armore Asoc Pore Atlas Yk Bankeno Barv Expl Bthlm Bounty Ex Brameda 32 79 124 14 283x 28 15 17 155 155 158 158 158 161 162 165 540 28 16 425 58 $11 $25 525 $8 465 $10 $21 $53 $3334 $33 78 $8 310 Pv Order nf the Board I BARTON Secretary Treasurer 581 582 199 276 370 553 878 1034 325 365 8 21 135 27 10 10 ields inning codex ord Cnda Seasons Sea A pr raser ruehauf 10 5 13 R34 350 140 135 380 'a 8 500 1000 500 19000 5000 790 36000 2000 5 86 10 10 $5 390 746 60734 491 4 90 491 491 12 285 GREAT NORTHERN CAPITAL CORPORATION LIMITED 38 470 6 2138 46 56 30 21 1334 103 4 11 13 14 14 85 175 172 166 169 171 $28 $11 $7 $15 $7 $10 $18 $23 $1834 $35 $17 $12 05 unct 13 645 15 40 10 10 42 325 50 120 46 24 26 13 370 205 27 8 91 12 $12 35 $16 '4 $1334 $16 4 $21 24 193i in 125 140 200 44 78 2714 01 06 25 50 44 43 67 22 620 440 59 15 5 $7 SIV'2 $15 $68 $57 $11 $14 $29 $29 $1534 15 68' 7 10 18 23 18 35 17 96 30 80 25 54 20 48 10 15 46 40 19 300 53 20 18 130 502 14 18 8V2 1691'4 8 160'2 153 $24 $1438 92 $2234 Acrofund Special CanadianCom Canadian Div CanadianVen Canadian 4000 78 4 25 250 275 20 1595 1560 1525 1486 1337 1205 1196 1185 13 10 10 5815 6548 5673 68 320 Dawson Delta Ben Distl Seag Doman I Dome Citrus Dofasco Dofasco Dorn Glass Dom Lime Dom Store Domtar Textie Dr Me A Du Pont Dustbane Dylex A $18 $10 $11 ''4 690 725 435 $38 190 182 179 174 176 177 13 14 350 125 2234 22Vj 19 $5 Tars rt Teck A 63 190 6 47) 480 St abn Tho Gas pr PWA Potter Dist Redhill Inv Saratoga Sparlinq Steintron Sun Thermo PIx Tokar Ltd waraair Weldwocd Westward Whonnock $5 $834 6 23 143i 35 12 130 8 $78 65 300 Tk A 6 43 56p 484 515 40 120 9 12 5 11 5 26 265 30 20 MlnexMoresbyMt Sicker 18 25 9 34 62 28 130 22 17 25 84 19r'2 23 020 $20 $5 $1834 $40 $20 $15 $54 $57 $56 $73 $23 $23 $10 1 $17 $12 180 470 20 Vi 15 20 11 19 15 21 8 36 27 65 125 17 80 370 11 18 25 260 $15 $22 345 185 275 $8 $12 S83a S621 8 $10 $10 Captain Cassiar Cent Pat Chmly Chesvl Chlb Chim Coch Coin Coldstm Comb Met Conia Con ardy Durham Marben Morisn Con Negus Con Nichol Rambler Conwest Cop Courvan Craigmt Cstland D'Eldona Denison Dicken Discovry Dome Explor Dynasty igures supplied by Exchange 330 pm TD Rlt un 369 Stocks 29280 33408 28893 Vi 3 Vi5 5500 4000 2000 5000 GOO 12000 2500 5500 4500 33 1000 5000 7500 10500 8500 3000 1500 7000 12500 500 80 iZZU 2000 700 1000 1000 2000 5400 9500 300 505 i 200 31000 1000 1500 1000 22000 4520 1000 500 2000 169 700 13475 100 431 2100 100 600 100 5000 80G 2010 4025 1300 400 5994 155 800 1450 215 100 2200 14G 400 2500 450 Z10 150 1050 3245 700 125 800 982 100 3140 9090 525 550 475 820 450 z50 200 4750 400 220 200 100 200 615 210 250 4454 1100 600 11 6 46 $12 $9 185 85 260 180 210 25 92 63 160 $25 257'8 575 575 6'4 18 10 25 26 125 160 61 22 Micro MLW Life Morse A Morse Mrse pr MPG In MPG Ip MTS I Nat Dr Dr Gr NHes NB Coo NB A Nfld LP Nia NCt NCtl 65p NCG 270 Nor Tar Tar NS Savi Okan PWA Ap Parag Paulin Pemb Pemb Jewl PJewl Phil Ph Eng Pitt Pow Trst Povi Prov BC Broad Que Tel Que TA Que TB Qnwer Quinte Quint A Rai Reich Reid Reit A Revel Reyn Rileys Ripley 1 Yrn A Lit A Rllnd A Roth A Roy RH pr StL Ce StL Crp SLC Ap Sndwll Sayvet Schier Schier Scintr SMSL Set Pap i Scyth Seco Sec 9875 103:00 10000 $14 $27 495 $5 $7 8 305 310 130 Turbo Uap Inc Ultmr Unicn Unicor Un A ip UnA Bl UnA Cl Un Carb Gas Cdn Cp A Co Cp 63 95 30 80 25 52 20 46 10 12 41 38 17 300 48 20 associate that pr A LE A Pipe Pro 4 $6 $20 475 470 $6 Bramalea Brascan Brdq Tank Bright Brinco sr BC BC BC BC BC 9 9Vi 9 7 84la 11 Vi $8 $20 $40 $19 $43 $67 $20 600 21 20 12 18 06 09 130 30 12 C8 $19 975 08 35 10 07 10 TStar Trdrs Trd 4 Tr GA $21 1 ud Tr G66w Tr G69w Trns TC Gias Tr CA Treco I 391 8 11 11 21 6 $13 $31 $8 $12 $37 245 $19 2100 1700 2943 20 $102 400 S8 300 $10 900 Z83 $11 Nnor QRaq Sen Nrbask Bcaqe Osisk iPato Man jRedst Rppv Pin CM SiORyanr Gold Crest Goodyer Godyear Graft GL Paper GL Power GN Capital Gt Life West wt Greb I Green a Grey Greyhnd Rrpvhnti GSW Cl Guar Trst Gulf Can Auqmito Avilla Basic Res Baker Tic Bison Pet Biuerr Cabot 1 Caliper Cdn AAaq Capri Chsbar I Iron Karand Chibex Chib Cep Con Dev Louana Tch 'Coulee 5 October 1 1973 April I 194 i'a ucroner April 1 7 July 1 77 O'2 2 12 20 17 16 06 570 07 13 27 22 $11 10 22 45 $80 07 15 25 09 320 290 22 l'a 32 1 31 22 '4 345 5 185 275 8 12 20 Unch 45 Unch Stock Granby Min Loral Corp Rucker Co Host Inti PainWeb JC Zurn Ind Appld Maq Callah Mng EngelMIn pf Skyline Cp 7 11 36 8 36 39 23 18 35 3 12 18 28 100 1000 200 onn 8600 $12 2600 A Dair GIS Sc Domtr DTpi Donlee Doglas Dover Dover DRG Dylex Esin Estn Eaton Ec Inv Ec I A 93ft 231 233 9 39 933 232 232 229 232 232 766 766 627 627 511 485 510 488 0 1 1 4 1 250 $26 180 190 275 325 57 $63 $25 $25 950 25 14 10 19 9 350 18 35'4 25 11 Dale $7 uaiex Dalm Debhd 0 405 $6 $68 305 425 350 $9 36 36 56 $18 405 S8'1 4 $5 $12 $7 $88 $80 9 28 63 15 7 8 6 42 12 500 18 20 $5 185 185 255 $10 $40 511 $61 183 $6 375 410 S77n $87 90 514 Eddy Mtch in in E'ectro Electro ltd Elks Stors Emco Erie Exquite pr airview alcon arm Mer ed Diver pd Ind 6 5 39 1034 36 9Vi 27 71 10 13 19 8la 12 28 952 448 682 703 1031 549 737 356 A 41 948 1036 y05 529 530 181 251 337 503 799 647 391 $28 $78 $17 $17 $17 $52 350 38 $5 5 5 1 6200 400 900 300 330 z50 3300 1450 100 900 500 10960 200 200 400 4711 2362 1300 400 680 13425 50 1965 11434 410 4UU 400 6592 Z5 26 95 65 125 235 56 130 1 in 26 26 ivv 56 200 360 97 101 10 4 0 5 680 2215 $8 610 $16 300 $13 300 $10 560 375 100 405 250 $11 1405 $29 3215 245 4134 691 100 293 1504 4000 50 150 410 Z15 710 600 $22 JO3U 375 700 500 100 31 912 20 08 09 140 33 09 Complete tabulation of Thursday transactions Quotations in cents unless marked Net change is from previous ooara ioi Pathfindr Peel Res Pinebell Pine Lake Pinnacle Polaris Primer Pyramid Rackla Ramco Ind Rayore Ent rtivtera Robert Mns Rocket Mn Ring Hills Rose Pass Ryl Aqassiz Sabina Ind San Jacint iniea Sierra Silbak Silver Silvr Chief Sllverguick Slvr Spring Standard Skaist Mns Slocan Dev Sonic Ray Spartan Exp Spctroair Stall Lake Taseko Tav River Texal Dev Torwest Res Trans CoIm Turismo Ind Untd Copper vaney Vestor Westn Wharf White Zenith Alrsn BBC Trst Balco Ind Bank cf BC Block Bros BC Sugar Cdn Pacific Caot Intern Computrex Cornat Ind Cor Cred pr Delta Hotel Doman Ind EDP Indust inning Tr irst City our Season Gt Nat Land Gregory Ind Grouse Mtn Hobrouqh Imo Marine Inti Cent Inti Visual lonarc IU Inti Thursday May 10 1973 Quotations in cents unless marked change is from previous board lot closing sale Odd lot 36 Vi 39'6 23 18 A All All All All American Growth Andreae Equity Associate Investors Canada Growth Canagex van Cdn Cdn Cdn Cdn Cdn SCM Japan Capital Growth xChase und Collective Mutual Commonwealth Inti 5 CWal Cwn 5 Canro Carrir Carir Casidy Cas A CC Yac Cel 1 Gai Chrm Cities Coc C0 A Cmnr A Cmb Ins $12 Liec A Condui Conn Gs A Corb vt Corb Cornt ood Cod A Costn Craig Cr Life 16 43 17 IBVj 14 THURSDAY'S CLOSE WINNIPEG (CP) Grain Thursday (basis Lakehead): Open High Low Close nn Exp 1000 butt Res RIvr 12 4 2 6 51 125 320 275 1158 607 820 651 6 26 198 2419 2644 33 574 790 369 393 1091 1199 388 427 824 905 97 107 915 725 725 1072 1178 589 647 741 812 607 665 2305 2526 4J6 387 1405 402 340 516 6 17 1043 1146 364 401 534 1668 1746 8 600 560 593 1655 1655 53 571 402 912 1293 480 445 682 82 9 8 490 475 CGS CGOL C1L pr Intr Kilo 9385 CrL UK CRncl A Salt Ut 5p CUtl 6 S81 CU SI 25 $26 Util 410 Vick $13 SlVb $15 570 280 200 250 56 $10 $12 $44 150 20 $27 $13 $10 $11 $13 OSO 995 $15 15 185 185 185 5 $10 $34 515 30 541 574 $70 $12'2 125 S7Vb $14 15 546 6 18 10 50 10 8 8 77 5 29 S6 $40 $40 $33 $33 $75 $56 $60 $16 $19 $10 $6 $10 $21 $70 $14 19 15 22 9 37 27 65 195 17 16 8U 350 11 18 25 9 34 60 26 130 22 17 22 84 17 22 34 16 12 10 6 9 93 3 90 22 20 570 47 450 84 890 650 58 2 iu 32 17 5 $41 $5 275 $16 S24 13 165 1 5 8 z9 575 1012 2700 112 200 430 310 9DO 1100 133 51434 253 13270 203 600 125 Z25 100 910 315 $21 1800 $11 300 $8 9785 $19 1634 500 100 1750 1000 3201 7214 2233 200 75 127 380 11 14 42 1 40 18 19 185 45 340 290 290 45 12 9 185 85 250 180 210 25 92 60 160 56 1 19 33 24 19 1 5 28 28 76 12 29 73 10 15 30 8 16 13 10 375 405 11 29 240 18 300 5800 ICO 1900 2400 1600 100 2C0 8600 Mines 100 2800 2100 5900 32 1503 3775 4000 9000 3000 2333 300 4200 400 100 3000 3000 60000 7000 2530 1000 200 12300 14400 2500 900 54500 3000 500 5000 10CO Net Ch'ge 2 ladies' reody to weor manufacturers hbs opening for one additional line coverage area Write Box 3016 Th Toronto Star 53 425 9570 8 12 16 59 826 28 425 133 8 12 10 465 6 34 36 58 97 16 5n 39 56 255 20 32 550 65 8 10 131 16 280 515 140 765 290 14 310 108 236 40 21 29 8 69 180 180 19 19 58 5 5 135 130 375 363 11 10 11 14 14 14 I5U 125 26 340 24 Gid Sunloch Taaami Texmont Texore Tex Sol Tom bi 1 1 Tcrmex Tribaq Tundra Min Asbesto Keno Mindam Sisco Upp Can Vespar West Mine Westfield Wilco Willroy Wdfall Win Eld Woodreef Wr Harg Yk Bear Zulapa 118 123 850 850 655 660 5 6 925 975 895 904 905 805 805 805 805 785 766 627 506 505 509 510 $6 $27 $11 $18 $13 8 SI 1 325 365 $8 $21 135 $14 14 355 $18 $35 $25 320 266 13 14 38 32 21 296 850 13 Vi 10 185a 1 4 9 8 9 50 450 400 6 '2 S8 $12 290 180 375 145 175 100 1 lz (Husky Tll Hv's Ltd 1 a IMV Tancr 23 Tanc 238 Tele 13' Tex 310 108 14 14 I IU 400 63 19 20 ZU 25 775 300 465 6 18 24 575 10 40 2 47 10 8 50 87 IS 36 31 57 no 25 24 27 23 550 31 3 475 46 34 33 22 57 125 20 130 15 91 279 50 122 174 9 10 63 63 9 10 655 655 Shlly Silknt Silknt Silknit $37 PIIWQ Sklar Slate Slate Slate Slate Sobev Sonor A Stafrd Stetly $19 $11 S9 $56 $56 $13 $15 $17 13 168 31 275 97 $16 16 16 e'a 415 380 28 15 44 94 140 45 26 36 280 515 142 775 290 Petrofina Phillips Cb Pitt Eng Pow Corp Pow 5 pr Pre Cable Prem Iron Price Com Quinte A Rank Orq Rapid Dta Readers Realty A Redpath I Reed Oslr Reichhold Reitman Reitman A Revelstk Riv Yarn Little Rolland Ronald Ronyx Cor Rothman Rofhmn Rothm 2p Kcyai Royal Russe 4 4 350 400 340 370 27 28 15 41 90 TO 42 97 31'6 35 26U 505 135 765 285 46 51 5 350 250 515 410 115 118 62 z7 13 36 59 1 91 Sales 1500 400 1 3000 3448 640 i 200 900 700 200 100 530 200 3200 400 100 1100 100 5C0 1600 1000 55 56 13 8 410 10 22'6 65 McLaughlin Secretary 6100 1480 15617 Z400 800 18000 1525 5450 1800 8000 200 325 5UU 700 1000 3765 13000 10620 1702 2000 350 375 55450 253 zUUU 3000 3000 95 2855 $12 19 9Ca 69 912 1319 527 489 746 1221 1046 492 709 772 1133 549 805 391 702 630 S18 $39 $8 $34 480 $15 76 $6 215 250 $19 $1348 $11 $21 $36 $36 $8 $21 Vi $23 250 $26 $12 $97 $29 $25 $10 $32 $8 $15 405 6 147 471 55 178 2 53 12 275 16 2 24 28500 6500 21050 3000 10000 15C0 10000 8500 6250 1300 32000 1000 4500 2000 100O TOGO 100 $14 yiuu 1000 1500 7700 3000 10000 2660 500 6200 63750 8000 37500 15000 25000 INDUSTRIALS 4VU45 41 34 21750 percentage changes are the between the previous closing May Ind Rec Appr Price Appr Yield 839288 108 100 96 18 356 50 2 41 2 56 1 260 21 4 32 1 550 70 9 10 131 425 8 5 320 22 8 9 20 5 90 14 15 27 20 '6 20 Vs 5 17 18 40 19 15 54 57 56 73 23 93V? 985 15 nr Laidlaw LOnt Cem Laura Sec uau Lau Lau 1 ah Leigh Inst Levy Levy A pr Life Inves Lincoln Tr Livinqsto 8 15 16 Partial tabulation of Thursday's In dustrials transactions Quotations in cents unless marked Odd lot Ex dividend Ex rights xw Ex warrants Net change is from previous boara ioT Closing saie NEW YORK The following list shows the stocks that have gone up the most and down the most based on per cent of change cn the New York Stock xenange May 10 Nel and difference price and 583 622 A 71 1128 1219 1496 1644 521 574 555 903 517 1349 1482 1143 1170 874 955 570 626 1555 1709 40 1 786 522 634 518 647 1126 1236 1269 660 863 715 686 9 I iHalfax Hmbr 1 TIM fr 6 42 41 35 34 78 57 61 1 67'8 67 20 13 8 8 73 14 12 'a 13 97a 255 260 15 14 77 345 185 275 for tfico it was to 12 37 9 245 19 21 11 8 19 17 01 A O1 A 360 36) Troilus mi Viking ResW Mn Acheron Adonia Mns Afton Mns Alice Lake Alwin Mns Anchor Mns Arcadia Ardo Mns Atlas Expl Attila Res Avino Barrier Rf Bthrst Nrs Beaumont Belcarra Benson Beth Copper Blue Gulch Bow River Brameda Brenmac Bullion Mtn Buval Exec Bx Develop Calico Cardigan Celtic Min Charts Mns Citex Mns Coleman A Colt Cclumb Met 2000 Columbia Rv 500 Lomei Conoco tn nn standrd Cinch Cop Ex Cop Giant Copper Lak Cop Ridqe Cord Inti 330 Net Low pm Ch'ge lUJ4 31 425 425 40Jx 13 11 22 17 19 14 54 60 24 69 81 23 17 Vi 237 238 232 232 231 233 230 233 232 556 543 528 518 389 4 19 650 675 25 150 165 20 IJ' 1U' 040 646 12 15 40 31 32 J8U 130 92 50 890 4325 2025 3550 2800 5850 33 50 2350 2025 1725 16 75 1750 22 50 2975 1650 2225 1175 3800 3400 2700 1450 1975 825 3000 9600 1650 2950 3375 102525 1825 3275 3950 2975 2400 2525 2675 1150 650 1425 2950 19 50 2675 5225 4875 1050 2775 1275 3200 3175 1200 3250 14 00 1800 3750 2225 1725 1125 5150 2200 109 73 Wednesday's volume: 67 tracts Nabrs Dig NaChrs I 1 Nat Sea Nat Trust Neonex KI RTul Provid Nfld Tel A Nla Wire Nia Wire Noma Ind Norsnda 1 Nordalr Nor Nor Nor Nor K1W Nowsco NSI NuWest NW in Ocdentl Pt Oceanus I Oil Patch Okanagan Ontario Tr Orlando OS Ind Oshawa A Oshawa OverInd 2 Pac Pete 475 135 281 55 125 184 10 63 10 AAA See list below 15599 14 imw io 1100 80 5 13 6 8 305 33 17 the agreement Iso will develop prospect and pay $38 52 270 $14 $6 S9 $21 1 $8 $8 120 Insco Ungava NA Asb NA Rare Min Pamour Stock Sales AblTlDl Abitbi 7p Acklands AAcres Acres Acres Aara Alta Gas A Alcan Alcan pr Algo Cent Aiqma Algon Alqcng Allarco Alliance Alpa Ind Almin 2p Anvlo cn Ana CT 265 Anq CT 290 Aquitaine Arqus Arqs 250 Arqus pr Arqus pr Asbestos Ashland or Meo Ind Ml Sugar Ml Suq A At! Suq pr Auto El Auto Hard Bad Boy Banister Bank Mtl Bank Cdn Nat Baton 1 370 380 14'4 37 20 28 8 51 5 2 '4 23 42 68 68 45'3 47 750 800 46 22 1234 140 115 234(1 22 Indust Gold 1121 29285 26457 23920 18752 29285 18489 Imsaco Imp Gen Imp Oil Indal Can Indusmin Inglis Inland fta Vs Inter Citylnter A Vs Inter 1 lntrmetco Va Interpocl 8'6 380 12 S22V? 26 330 330 36 37 1 542 4 568 $47 800 45 $22 $6 $20 56 495 $17 $11 $43 $15 360 270 $10 $42 $10 115 375 135 S6 $32 $71Z2 $6 $10 $6 460 10 21 52 33 33 78 8 310 310 12 12 8 $9 225 sin 225 225 225 $10 10 10 135 135 135 380 380 380 $13't $11 58 $9 79 $5'2 $30 $11 265 $7 $23 $82 475 495 $33 33 $15 16 340 345 10 $24 26 $22 S15 325 350 3U 80 19 5000 130C0 11000 2000 2000 20C0 500 12000 125 500 10 2600 4500 5000 9500 4000 100 7000 5000 8000 98600 5000 1000 4500 10500 5500 4000 11000 400 21000 1000 9000 Minimum eqq producer prices fob farm for this week established by the Ontario Egg and owl Producers Mar keting Board: A extra laro? 53 A large 51 A medium 47 A spiatl 40 Nominal wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quoted by a com mittee of wholesale egg dealers: Extra large 59 large 56 57 medium i2 53 small 45 39 24 25 Butter prices: Canadian Dairy Com mission tenderable carlots buyinq 39 score 70 buying 40 score 71 selling 'Paarmao Phoenix iProoe Min Que Expl IQueerstn Roy AcasstL Coi 170 250 120 320 130 220 95 72 1100 lUU 500 250 240 550 150 23780 200 450 315 33'4 173 8 26 330 Trading was active at steady prices for slaughter steers and heifers with some pressure on good cows at the Ontario public stockyards Thursday Veal calf and lamb prices were steady Hog prices were higher Slaughter cattle 2441 steers ALA2 and A3 $44 $45 with sales to 4550 common 38 43 heifers AL A2 and A3 42 43 with sales to 4460 common 37150 cows DI D2 34 34 D3 3250 3350 D4 26 32 good heavy bologna bulls 38 39 common and medium bulls 33 37 Replacement cattle 300: good Stockers and feeders $42 547 good heavy short keep feeders 40 45 good stock steer calves 47 52 good stock heifer calves 45 59 common and medi um stockers and feeders 35 42 Calves 106: choice vealers $52 $56 good 45 51 medium 39 44 common 33 38 boners 25 32 Hogs 528: base price $48 4970 staas and boars 3025 heavy sows 3795 3810 Sheep and lambs 63: crop of new spring lambs $50 S60 sheep 8 15 Cree Lake Cumont Plait ah Rs Dankoe Mns 700 Drkhawk 3000 Davenprt 10500 Davis Keavs 300 uemsey Dusty Mac Equat Res Exeter Mns alaise arwest lagstone oso Mng ourbar rontier Ex Giant Vent Gibraltar Glen Coppr Golden Gate Gold River Grandora Granduc Granite Mtn Gr Pete Green Eagle Gunn Mns Harr Hearne Henrietta 400 8 9 55 1 56 13 410 10 22 65 3 9 09 (Mid Ind 300 Mines 07 iMistango 90 92N 95 95 94 94A 95A Ve 8'6 95 30 80 25 54 20 46 10 12 46 39 19 300 50 20 18 130 50 40 6'6 Vi 18 24 640 The shares of the following companies may be considered as being in primary distribution through the facilities of the Exchange pursuant to a Statement cf Material act previously issued shares Bary Exol 1500 65 65 65 CANADIAN GOLD KILOBARS Thurs 3:15 pm 9385 9570 21)M Pleas 19 Musccch 16Nw Hpsco 580 C8 15 37 25 11 Panaca 14 26 55 85 08 41 I Tcl sa'es: Industrials Imines and oils 861634 Total sales: 2740000 Indust Mines Oils Total TORONTO EXCHANGE INDICES Oil TORONTO (CP) Thursday's clos ing prices of selected mutual funds supplied by the companies directly or through brokerages They are prices at wnicn me secumies couio nave sold (bid) or bought (asked) Bia 136 277 745 802 383 ns raw 7" 07 08 jMassvai 16v2 us 290 $11 12 eagle 165 1 usur 54 567b 73 23 23 15 9R5 17 17 1500 8277 100 15875 2015 684 410 85 1450 i z25 1100 25 z20 25 610 125 2220 525 600 950 2000 $10 260 $27 125 $97 1800 285 100 $8 80 $56 100 $19 575 $33 1650 1450 $19 1940 $5 300 $28 300 $28 200 76 Z25 $12 450 $29'8 800 $78 400 $10 600 $15 236 43 3 36 29 10 36 9 4 71 14Vb 10 13 19 8 70 10 15 7 10 18 6 14 ORO 31 534 6 280 400 945 31 V4 'l J5'2 15 225 17 470 10 7 635 635 10 400 400 8 8 200 5il 11 11 500 6200 480 300 100 160 726 1450 7719 405 6780 215 650 900 Vb IBM Inco Int Div Intpr pipe Int Pipe Ipsco Inv Group Inv Grp A Inv Grp 5 Irwin Toy ITL Ind IU Inti Ivaco Ind IWC Com Kaiser Kaps Tran Keen Ind Keeprite Kelsey Kentinq Koffler $5 $17 $y'2 1AG 350 350 350 240 220 240 $23 22 22 41505 Sll IV2 11) Z5U $41 $19 19 19 iy 185 46 350 290 290 10 350 350 350 5 290 275 290 25 516 $1934 $5'4 $9 $7 $17 $74 $7 100 $9 $9 $20 $12 $8 'tiuron tn Husky 'Husky 10 Va 325 365 8 21 135 14 355 1834 V4 2534 11 turner 28 Koffler 28 K0ffler 76 4 12 29 lLabatt 10'8 15 30 Vi 8 16 13 a 375 10 405 5 11 Vb 29 3e 240 19 2905 25 1100 710 50 Wheat May Jul Sep Dec Mar Corn Mav Jul Seo Dec Mar May Oats May Jul Soybeans May Jul Aug Sep Nov Jan Mar May Soybean Oil way Jul Aug Seo Oct VANCOUVER (DJ) Kaiser Resources Ltd said it has reached agreements in principle for higher cok ing coal prices under its sales contract with its Jap anese customers and for a program of additional equi ty investment in the compa ny by the Japanese compa nies Kaiser par Hollinger Mines reports first quarter net profit dropped to $15 millioh or 31 cents a share million or 42 cents ayear earlier 2000 1500 6000 14000 3000 4000 16000 1200 52000 2000 9500 500 12300 1500 2500 1000 500 2200 46903 1000 9X) 6100 5000 23000 500 92864 3300 1000 12030 4000 18500 3503 10CO 500 SOX 5100 44000 3000 Keiser Cdn Parifir ederal rtrain Wcoast Trans 18 800 Baton Broadst 16815 MINfcS 97400 80660 64500 57500 55450 OILS 50800 46500 19900 17668 16100 VOLUME 937488 1496437 309884 2743829 Am Bnk orest rest Sugar Sugar Phone Crh BCPh BCPh 3CPh 3CP 704 Sudd Auto Budd A Burns dsad Dev 2AE Ind Calgary Zalgy 540 Zalvrt Die Zampeau San Cem 3 Cem Ian Malt 2 Packrs Zan Perm Cdn' Brew 2 rew Ap ttfew' Ap 2 Curtis 2 ound or 2GE pr 2G Invest 2 Hydr 2 Hvdr nr 2 Imp Bank 5360 $31 ina uas 21L Int Pow 2 Intrurb 2 Manoir Marconi Ocdental CP Inve pr Plnve CP Ltd CPL A CPL $3 pr Cdn Tire Cdn Tire A Uiltles UtiL $125 Uti! CWN 4 PC Canron napil Div Cara Carma Cassidy CDP Com Celanese Celan 175 Cll und A Chrysler CHUM CHUM City Sav Cockfield Columbia Columbi Cominco Holiday I Compro Compute! Comtech Conn Chm Conn Bath Con Bath Con Rath Bath o8 Bldg Con Textle Con Distrb Cons Gas Con Gas Con Glass Control Cooper Corby Cornat Ind Coronatn Corontn Costain Crain Crestbrk Crwn Life Crush Inti Dsle Dalmy A Cabbage: Tax crt green 525 550 bag 50 lb 475 500 Savoy crtJZs Z25 750 Carrots: 50 lb 225 250 cello 24x1 IVU 2W 24X2 JVU 323 Tex cello 48x1 540 550 Cauliflower: Ariz and and 16s 600 650 18300 500 5000 1000 5500 9000 3885 8000 2000 5500 7000 800 9772 2000 14500 4000 1000 7000 Mount Wash 1000 New uremn iNew Jericho 'N Privatr New laKu Newvan Northair Northlode North Par Homestak 1000 St Maurice Schneid Scot York Scot Lasal scons Seaway Seaway Seaway Selkirk snaw Shaw IShell $iftnn biiverwa a Simco Eri Simpsons Simpson Sklar Skyline Slater Stl Slat WC somviue Southam Snar StBrcdcst St Paving Stelco Steinbq A Stinho or iSteintron Ster Trust Strathri A Stuart Hs Stuart Oil Superior A Surpass systems Teledvne Texaco Txsglf i na Thnm Thom Nes nne Toromont Tor Dm Bk Tor Star i racers Traders Trnsair Tr Can Tr Can Tr Can Tr Can Tr Ca nP Tnansqob Trans Mt Trans PPL Travlway Trimac Trized Crp Trizec Tru Wall Un Carbid Gas UGas pr Union ON Corp Un Mqt Un Tire Uni Trust UWbn 6d Sectoins Van Der Van Ness Vencap Venpower Versati A Vic Tr VS Servic Vulcan Ind Waiax Wainoco Walk GW WCI Can Weldwod Wstburne Wbur A Wburn wt Wcoast Pt Pet A Wcoast Wcast Westeel Beas A Cdn Seed Realty WSuddIs A Westnhse Weston Wstn 6or Wilev Oil Winco Wix Coro Wood Alex Woodwd A YR Proo Zellers Zenith 14 37 20 28 8 Close 3 14 1334 10 9800 10000 9600 9850 9600 9850 10600 9850 9600 Apples: CA Delicious bush 650700 McIntosh CA bush 500 550 CA spy bush 525 550 225 690 65) 415 88 185 355 735 22 500 A 16 428060SO 40 285 100 40 100 160 140 7288286070 100 908825407050 100 7260 80 20 300 100 v10602456962060 10070 7 nn 80 08 433826 10080808) 140 605020606010051889 100 602010 6060 140208040 160 1202005 180 12018 40 350 160 404005 10 10 20 08 $13 $43 810 8:0 810 50 7 75 $24 24 24 $21 19 1 425 365 380 65 34'a Aiax Min AII Rox 50 24 Atl Tung 61 23 29 745 775 1)0 High $10 $52 $15 $4AVk 1520 310 165 3550 15924 2685 500 in3R0 tlJSk 300 450 450 450 22 460 460 460 ruu z88 200 Silva 25 $36 495 $8 50 $36 Z10 $39 937 $23 500 $18 50 $35 125 $4 803 $12 532 $18 iuu 1020 3900 450 37 12 18 28 98 $7 $14 310 140 425 405 $10 10 430 430 27 12 6 Z50 $31 31 31 893 $10 10 100 635 Z66 400 1WO 100 3996 630 1900 1105 500 7100 6050 5 10 10 Vb 5 $29 700 763 105 $1 1 $68 400 56 120 i $5Va 225 $42 $41 $41V2 $13 $20 $19 $1912 453 $41 125 I $9 $81 $60 $13 $101 108 45 72 290 $19 i $7 $9 $8 $19 $5'i i S33 $32 $11 305 $81 $8 $9 440 333 $24 25 $96 101 '4 45 $18 117 117 116 1 1 1 1 Ills 1 103 1 1 1 106 ljoi Canadian 4 4 4 '6 1 Un Wbn UW 6p UWbn Secs versni Vic GTp VW A Vcentr Wal Red Wfair Wfair i I I Wsn 4 i 7anaf 60 IZeil 10 115 365 130 32 7 10 6 19 17 13 42 25 25 8 4AA 10 21 52 33 33 78 8 Vs 335 270 $14 38 32 23 305 900 11 11 46 Canex $4 million per cent interest have received for develop ing the property The agreement also pro vides that all court action relating to the development agreement is to be termi nated The settlement is subject to approval of Afton share holders at a special meet ing which will soon Teck and its Iso Mines said on Afton's property willre same immediately on com pletion of the JunA 1 Auqust 1 1980 September 1 1983 May 1 1990 CORPORATIONS Bell Can 8 May 1 94 9825 Con Gas 8 Oct 15 1993 10100 Tr Can Pine R7B Mav 1 93 9950 PROVINCIAL AND GUARANTEED Aira 78 uct 15 ivyi Man Hyd 8 Auq 31 92 NB 7 Mar 1 96 Nfd 8 eb 15 1993 NS 7 Dec 15 91 Ont Hyd 8 May 15 98 PEI 9 Sept 15 1991 Que 8 eb 8 1994 Sask 7 eb 15 1998 15 15 79 80 3 Ack! 2pr Acres A Admrl AG Ahed Alta Alta Alt Nat $20 Alu 1 4 $19 Al 2 4 $36 A Me A Anare An CPp ACT 4 ACT 315 Ant Ant Arg 260 Aland Atl Auto Avco pr Barb Brclna Bartac Bath Bay Ml By Lm i Beck Beldnq Bell Kni Biltm Bilt A Bilt Rnmar Bmac A $6 Bow 17 bOWT BP $70 Bram 325 Brsc $100 Br BC BC BC Bet Bet Bet Bet Rrt Brook Bruck A Bruck Bushn CDev Cal 5 famhr Malt 98 bat CSL or CBr Cabl Ca Can A CCMa A CCM Eguty nd CGE CG Inv THURSDAY'S CLOSE CHICAGO (AP) Grain Open High Low 13Stbg 15 Stu Stu I Tmhln Tmbln $25 225 $10 11 56U 475 710 $72 $203 XI 20 37 163 167 1 1 160V a 165 Cash Prices 2 tw 117 3 tw 114 ex cw L14 ex 1 feed 114 1 feed 112 2 feed 109 3 feed 106 mixed feed 58 1 and 2 cw 6 row 166 1 cw 2 rcwv 166 2 cw 2 row 164 3 cw 6 row 153 3 cw 2 row 152 1 feed 152 2fed 160 3 feed 157 1 and 2 cw 158 3 cw 140 4 cw 133 ergety 124 track no quotes 1 cw 547 2 cw 542 3 Cw 52 track no quotes No 1 Canadian NO 2 Canadian 392 WINNIPSG (CP) Gold futres US funds per ounce Winnipeg Commodity exchange: Open High Low Close Wed 22 750 10 830 5 MLG MLM Maplx Mrtio A McLn 860 MEPC $19 Melcher Mt Strs S22 Met $18 MSt 67 SIR MLP 375 $6 330 $6 $94 $22 $19 490 S30 335 390 315 325 $62 63 $23 27 S77 $7 Net Sales High Low Close Ch'ge vunrs 42 41 930 295 303 381 308 533 65V wuiii jzj jju 494 Asparagus: Basket 11 gt 1131 750 11 Qt loose 500 525 NJ crt 30 3571b 1550 1600 Calif crt 30 lb 1500 3 1550 Wash crt 30 lb 1650 1700 Broccoli: Calif ctn Us 575 400 tSIovex ctn 18s 575 600 ft I OZ 358 400 444 X03 533 562 MO I R4 4 41 I rlru' Calif rrt 3 £0la crt nil sizes 6 00 625 Cucumbers: Req hot house ctn 24s Ifllllarqe 425 450 medium 375 400 333 small 300 325 No 2 175 200 hoiuShouses eedless ctn 12s larqe 375 400 424 med 300 325 small 200 250 No 2 576 200 250 56 490 490 17 10 43 15 16 350 270 10 42 419 422 4 08 395 4 402 389 3R9 3993 Rapeseed Thunder Bay way Jly Oct" Nov RyeAay Jly Oct Dec 1000 2955 1000 15460 21000 18500 14600 20700 4C200 1027 5500 11500 1000 5700 9000 6100 8000 700 7525 4590 675 19526 175 IUW 775 32560 7100 1739 $32 9 400 405 200 130 1945 $94 2200 50 2200 905 236 22V'4 229 MONTREAL SALES AGENCY irst time odvertismg with a record of Oct Dec lex May Jly Oct Nov oats May Jly OCt 4 Rapeseed Vancouver Growth 4U7J 4U' 2 4 2t AV'ie vviiiiflin oiieti 425 405 405 415 IxOppenheimer 395 405 racHic uiviaenr racnic ub Pension Mutual Phillips Haqer and Planned Resources Principal Growth Prudential Growth xPutnam Growth Regent Growth Reqent Venture Royfund Sav Inv Pret et Rev Sav Inv am Pret i Scudder North America Speculators Taurus und xTech Templeton Growth umea United United United i United United 1 United Universal Savings Equity Western Growth Xandu und US unds 165 30 31 265 275 5 25 261 23 iN Gvue 4U 22 Satellite Sherritt SinrriA 8153 Silvma 6592iSteep Sud Cont 0 59 Sullivan Sur Ex 24UM 01 1 947 LONDON INANCIAL TIMES Thurs inancial Times 438 African Mines 1073 Thurs 21601 COMMODITY UTURES INDEX 2 21624 Wed 21733 18 23 18 35U Til 'fiume 17'2 VeHome ft 5 'pj 43 43 26 C9 335 Sf Lucie 155 iClArsn 10 43 1 1558 1 Vi JbU 270 10 7 iU 115 365 130 32 370 243 37 27 3 8 954 Vt $42 42 42 2 Jb5 $14 37 $20 $29 $28 S87b $5 $23 594 315 315 315 V'2 74 215 45 IU IV Elect Elect Emp Erie Eie DA Exqui ed Pin City City ittino wood $714 rbea Galt Ml Gaz 5 Bak GPM A GPM Gerin Glexi Aw Glen Bw Glen Un Me A Grft GL GN Cap GNG A GWest Greb GSW A GSW GSW HGr Ham TT $14 Ham VT Ham Tr Hand HCA pr Carp Harris HWnn A HWood 35 Hwk Sp S66'b How DH $5 Huqns Hughs i Hughe HDCL Hus A Hs I AC 4V2 IAC 5 IAC wt Imsco A 435 Imp 38 Iml $105 inc uis IncD Ind Adh Inglis Idty A ICity IMP Island S10 ITL SH IU In A $60 Keez $13 Kel A $7 KPniinn Lacrix 1 $5 Lana a Laila LKL Lau 6 A Lpnns Life In 70 Living $38 Lob $31 Lob G2p Lob Gr $103 Logsic MCL MHnt Maqnt Monm Maher S73 S3 2 S86 3 AO $10 S'0 21 Canadienne Imperial Com Montreal Nova Scotia Roval Toronto Dominion PREERRED AND STOCKS Alcan Alum Arqus Al tc suaar A Bell Canada Canada Cement Cdn Breweries A CP Invests 4 Cdn Pac 7 A Domtar GSW Ltd Hudson's A 5 Loblaw Cos Maple Lf Mills Cen Gas Power Corp 4 Silverwoods A Westburne 8 A Weston COMMON STOCKS Alta Gas Trunk A Alcan Alqoma Central Alqoma Steel Atlantic Suaar Bell Canada Brascan orest Calqarv Power Canada Cement Canada Maltinq Canada Packers Canada Perm Mtae Cdn Cablesvstems Lon inousTnes Cdn Pacific Ltd Canrnn Ltd Cominco Ltd Consumers' Gas Corbv's Vta Cram Dist Seagrams Dom Bridqe Dom oundries Dom Stores Domtar Dom Textile DuPont ord of Canada ftencter Gr Lakes Power Gulf Oil Canada Haves Dana Hudson's Bav Co IAL Limirea Imasco Ltd Imperial OU Int Nickel Int Utilities Interprov Pipe Labatt's Laura Secord Loblaw AAnrioanl MacMillan Bloedel Maole Leaf Mills Molson Industries Moore Corp Noranda No Central Gas Pacific Petroleums Power Corp Southam Sfd Broadcasting Stenl nf Canarte 1 Thomson Newspapers Traders Group A TransCanada PIpeLlnes i rans Mounram Union Carbide Union Gas Walkorc Ci A Weston MINING STOCKS Bethlehem Camflo Camp Red Lake Cassiar Craigmont Denison Dhrnn Minac alconbridoe Cooper uiani TeiiowxniTe Hollinger Hudson Bav MAS iron odv i rusr Kerr Addison Labrador Mattaqami Lake Newconex Orchan Pine Point Placer Rio Aloom Snerritt Gordon Siqma Steep Rock United Keno Hill Western Mines Yellowknife Bear jlui ww 5 Tom NT 300 19 Ml $16 $56 500 10700 4000 4500 Warrant WtS A 5000 2 1 INDUSTRIALS 650 $29 28 1100 $11 11 300 $13 13 120 S24 94 4400 280 275 280 bit) 700 50 1000 4550 500 son 640 $10 uuv 100 250 200 1500 1100 100 100 4000 WOO 2000 800 200 185 46 350 290 990 l8 45 12 912 185 85 260 180 210 25 92 60 160 25 424 424 412 400 Prepared by Moss Lawson co BANKS VANCOUVER (Special DJ) Teck Corp will develop the prized BC copper property of Afton Mines having set tled a long dispute over de velopment rights with Pla cer Development Teck and its associate Iso Mines Ltd have reached an agreement with Canex Placer Ltd wholly owned by Placer in the litigation over the property Afton is now controlled by Teck Under Teck and the Afton 66 SB1' SA 180 183 4122 4U 490 '4 100 $9 3200 $31 10CO 100 $12 100 $5 1197 280 HSKt 9810 $10 1067 $11 11V2 11 100 405 405 405 2C0 tUUU 4UV 400 $6 1899 $20 250 $20 775 33 275 775 11375 315 600 480 225 $23 23 8452 $15 15 IUU bbl 350 $11 l4Jb 500 100 6G3 100 Z40 200 453 1753 100 625 975 100 HAWKER I CANADA LTD Common 4c Qu payable July 16 record June 29 June 27 Preferred $143 Qu payable July 2 record June 13 June 11 (10 Tax) STANDARD PAVING MATE RIALS LTD Common 8c Qu pey able Aug 3 record July 20 July 18 (10 Tax) GAZ METROPOLI TAIN INC Common 7c Qu 540 Pref 1965 Series $135 Qu 5 Pref 1966 Series $137 Qu all pavable June 29 record June 15 June 13 (10 Tax) COMINCO LTD Common 50c SA (increase of 5c) payable June 22 record Mav 21 Mav 16 (10 Tax) MINDUSTRIAL CORP LTD Com mon 10c Qu payable June 30 record June 15 June (Tax ree) LOUISIANA LAND EXPLO 4 I CO Common 25c Qu (US) payable June 15 record June 1 May 30 STERLING TRUSTS CORP Common 10c Qu payable July 3 record June 22 DJune20 (10 Tax) 675 575 2103 905 250 6907 378 Z90 91 xoo Z25 1400 403 z25 753 12 I1: Egg plant: la bush 700 725 Green Onions: Bnchd 1 doz 65 70 Leeks: Crt 1 doz 375 400 NJ crt 1 doz 450 475 Lettuce: Calif ctn iceberg 24s 1100 1900: Rnstnn rtn 94: A95A50: Ro inline rrt 94 A 7A7 OH 396! Mushrooms: ive lb ctn 290 300 burtons z75 286 Onions: Yellcw 50 lb lJn mln 900 950 2'6 in min 1000 1M0 cello i 12 2 lb 525 550 Tex baq lb 875 I 900 medium 50 lb bag 1JJD0 1150 jumbo 50 lb 1300 1350 Parsnips: Cello 12x2 lb baq4D0 425 Peppers: Mex ctn green larqe 900 950 medium 650 675 Cubanel ctn 750 775 yellow hot ctn 1800 1850 Potatoes: PEI baq 75 lb 525 550 50 lb 375 385 25 lb 190 200 10 lb 85:88 la red baq 50 lb 650 675 white baa 100 lb 1150 1175 50 lb 625 I 650 Alta netted qems bag 50 lbNo3 I 360 375 Man red baq 50 lb 350 375 netted gems baq 50 lb 360 375 Calif i white baq 103 lb 1100 1125 50 lb 625 650 Rhubarb: orced ctn 10 lb 375 300 No 2 100 125 field crt 1 doz 175 200 Rutabagas: Waxed bush 300 325 I Ctn 50 lb 300 325 ctn 40 lb 260 275 Strawberries: Calif 12x1 pint 450 I 475 Tomatoes: Hot house ctn 10 lb large 425 450 ctn 10 lb medium 300 325 No 2 10 lb 250 275 pink ctn 8 lb 350 360 ctn 10 lb 450 460 10 lb jumbo 400 425 Mex vineripe lug 3( lb 6x6 650 700 6x7 600 650 20 lb and 5x6 450 500 la Steak ctn 30 lb 265 $20 20 Vi IUU 600 100 1000 100 100 TOO 3300 100 1100 3600 700 400 mi Aiasxa Kenai svu Aioany un Atta Pete Allied Rox Ba 1 1 inderry Cdn Hdroqs Chapparal Colonial Comaplex Concept Res Coseka Res Delta Pete Earlcrest ive Star reehold uturity Giant Reef Greenland Mnterey A Mtn States Plains Pete Ponderay Prp Expl Rand Res Sachm Expl Seneca Dev Silmil Ltd Christal Skat Res Stampede Wstn Ex Wstn Wrnr Whistler Wms Gnlri Total sales: 2167341 185'e Aquabl Capital Dyn CniTi Hnlrl 55'crawfd Al 7 Deltan oodex MR Rice Polcon Prefac Res Ser Law SCU Spart Air I lAbitib Asb lAoi Cop iAcrcll Ltd Commonwealth Inti Lev Lcmmonweairn venrure xCompetitive Capital uorpcraie Corporate Dominion xDreyfus xDrevfus Eaton Vikinq Educa'or's Equity Entarea Investment Executive und Cda Executive Inti Inv xidelity Trend ronos coiiecTiT onds Collectif ends Collectif onds PEP raser Growth GIS Compound GIS Income Growth ntiitv Guardian Enterprise Guardian Growth Harvard Growth Industrial Growth International Growth Keystone Cda xKeys'one Cust 2 xKeystone Cust xKeystone Cust 4 xKeystone Polaris xLexinqton Resea'ch xManhattan Maritime Equity Marlborough Mutual Accumulating Mutual Bond Mutual Growth Mutual Income Natrusco 117 Natural Resources 111 1 mi' Equity 475 5 66 10's dosing price UPS '4jPac West A Pancana I t8Peel Elder 470 5 peeress on iJPembin A 8iPemb cl 1 Penningtn Jp Dep nSv Jewl A 10 23 '6 $11 11 11 450 435 435 $5 2 $6 $51 125 320 990 $18 173 i778 140 135 135 10 10 '6 24 22 82 9 8 490 475 2 100 100 9 19 1234 7 102 102 8 8'6 10 2034 Vt TORONTO (CP) Selected bond quotes in Thursday's trading as sup plied by the Bank of Nova Scotia: CANADA AND GUARANTEED Bid 9955 9870 9700 9615 10000 9687 9100 7975 7725 $5 5'6 5 $5 5 305 305 305 260 255 255 $7 74e 7 Vs 400 400 400 $8 8 8 10 10 27 27 97 97 275 285 8a '6 shareholders of record as at the of business cn May 31 1973 CLASS DIVIDEND NO 103 189'2 19U3 18234 I Bl ia2'4 l4'2 177V2 179 172 173 166 I4 10 174 176 Old no no 15 15 390 390 395 400 y2 6 '2 70 15 1 15 654 725 787 663 675 800 342 659 690 568 450 774 640 645 746 561) 465 698 52 1 034 15 Va Vi 300 11 3a 14 29 A 90 725 725 25 4J1 18 18 38 38 1 34 9 15 41S SI $14 6 200 200 300 10 19900 545 9675 4193 600 17668 1203 1033 4700 5205 1630 16100 2333 900 1900 1300 1003 1490 732 $49 4931 49 154 10 10 1 265 1 1 '8 1 1 1 U'J ivy 2000 370 1400 550 Rnn sin 2500 $30 30 8UO VUU 7100 305 3500 31 100 108 4950 234 3950 230 46500 8500 1800 8800 800 134 $15 15 15 2114 19 Z333 53 fiAftO 18 1945 $13 13 13 Vb Meteor 2ZUU 56 200 126 1600 56 5000 40 3300 435 2000 96 4000 60 400 9Aft 3280 28 28 Va 7A 800 12 ent Kaiser Steel Corpand public shareholders The revised sales contract which will be effective from July 1 1973 through March 31 1985 provides for" a price equivalent of $1985 (Canadian) per long' 2240 to MarcfiT31 1975 up to a further 150 cents a ton on April 11975 plus escalation clauses for certain cost increases Un der the current contract which expires June 30 "the price was $1873 per long ton 46 325 50 120 4650 1 25 2 jNumac 28 5 Oakwood 13 Pallise Pan ocean PanCdn Peruv Petrol Place Ponder Pevto Oils Puma Puma Ram Ranger Scurry Rn Siebens $15 643 Ip $15 2p $15 6p $16 485 $7'8 $5 365 375 612 $75 $7 $8 $26 44 173 Auuiec Dasscn 15 Devils El Ducros iXiDumgmi 23 $6 Duvan2 (Dvnco 'Emo Pet Apv 1 MU $43 idelity 9' lint Rk Gaspe uoicex Gold Hk Grandrov GL Nickl Mns Invictus Joubi Jupiter Kiena Kinqswd Ladubor Lederic Mdonid Mai Hyqd Mrsh! Bn 7 310 140 415 IO 430 Albany Alt East Alminex Am Leduc A Quasar Asama Bracell Calvert Goother Merrill Nor West CS Pete CS Pete Bonanza Ex Gas Homestd CLI Pete it Reserve Cdn Sup 0 Candel Oil Chieftan Clarcan Coseka Decca inancana Gr Plains GT COilsds Houston 0 Inter Tech Lasitr Km jLocme Merland Midcon Montrey Nat Pete NC Oils Nthld 28 7 8 Va Stock I Brdr Chem Cn Int Pow Gan lavelin Central Dyn du Pont Jamaica I La Vrndrye Marche Un Miran A Mitchell A Mult Access Popular Ind QSP Ltd Treco Trust Can Ultramar Co i Unican Sec Uniqesco A Unigesco I Velcro Ind Villager Shce 253 IWrnck Hrsy 100 IM Canadian 20 V4 5'6 32 470 A1A 14 23V2 t2 Change t4 1 Thur close Week ago iMonth ago 8 iedr 12 X1973 37 Vi X1973 9 245 Va li 8Va 19Vb 5 71 10 9 va 28 1 27 10 1'8 18 Hibernian Hlghhwk MHiqh ChiefUinhlrt Va! I 1 Imo Metis Inland Cop i Iskut Jacpot CPR 2000 joy Mining 1 Kaico Kamad Kelver Larone Laura Leemac I Ainntn Lon Pride Lone Creek Lori Explor Lornex iMakaoo Dev (Maverick 12 93 970 270 $7 7 7 29 29 Winnipeg commodities dend of five cents (5) per share has been declared payable July 2 1973 to shareholders of record atthecloss Notice is also elven that a quarter fh jn lays ly dividend of twenty cents l20o per Ot business On June IUJ share has been declared on the out standing Class shares of the Corporation payable July 2 1973 to nf thp Board shareholders of record as at the ctose i LJraer OT U8 of business on May Ji IVJ London Ontario May 3 1973 S49 $19 $65 353 475 $16 $14 170 190 $14 $26 $19 23 $10 lOVi 1100 535 Z50 4690 3780 100 izu 200 695 225 1000 150 $70 8000 195 200 $13 13 13 JIMAI 460 500 $6 inn iin 203 $19 19 7DU S'7 400 $12 12 1537 $33 33' 13350 250 250 250 lUJjj 5 8 300 $10' IU 200 5070 300 1200 3825 2405 900 1400 $41 41' 41 inn cm to la a Le oen 593 488 340 516 10 6x7 700 750 6x6 950 1000 5x6 1050 409 JI 00 $6 $5 $39 $10 $36 4 571 $14 $10 $14 $19 $8Vi $I2 $7 $9 100 410 530 650 1675 300 190e 350 100 700 2359 100 2200 91950 ago high Liu up until previous (Dow Jones) Indust Ralls 93927 18323 1 105170 22810 92219 18323 NYSE INDEX Comp Indust Trans inance UJ U00 3833 6726 4V6 3788 MONTPEAL AVERAGES Change 067 024 Thurs 23819 15765 26736 high 25572 16298 28742 X1973 low 23052 15456 26209 wdid pruviutiu uy me luiumw mg H2M Exchange on trading up to the closing I idelty 100 1A9 1 A9 1A4 166 1623'b 157 158 155 140 19 450 61 22 15 A 13 $2978 29 2978 265 265 265 $25 25' i 251'8 Vb VJU 95U 1 4 '4 S10 $11 9fl5 $28 25 $21 21 Vs 335 335 335 40 0 3 40 350 Kaiser negotiates higher coal prices with Japanese INVESTMENTS 11 12 Yield We have several excellent first mortgage investments available between $5000 and $50000 or information: CLEMENTS Mortgage Broker 27 Market Sq Napane 613 354 2153 or eve in gs 6 1 3 389 1 020 290 22 32 97 161 161 180 180 10 10 jy 228 32 InC 25 253i 730 750 10 'H Grouo 15 ifl naroee xftia 6 Hard Cro iHarlpnuin J'Harris in' iHarvevs HawKer Dna iHedwav AHome A iHorne Pit I 14 Rr mnr Bav Co HB Oil Gas cnaz 1 lHB 01 Dr 50 Huron Eri 407 414 398 398 406 380 380 390 377 378 Living Lob Co A Lob co Lob A Lob Lob Inc Loeb Logistec Maclarn Mcian MH Cable MB Ltd Magna Int Magnason Maher Maislin I Major Lf Mills Maritime Markboro Markel Mass er McGraw McLaqhln MEPC AAPC Melton Melton a Mercantil Mercant Met Trust Mex LP pr Mirr Microsyst Micrsys Milt Group Mindustrl MrtfAr niton A Molson Mon Inv Monarc Monenco Mnt Trst Moore lAAnrsp nr 5 Morse or i 72v io imer 291'8 Murphy 71 32 Vt 7 6 IOVb Vb 6 54 19 17Z' 13 1 8 123 855 670 A $17 17 $10 925 970 5 260 255 260 5 10 10 10 1'2 22t 690 655 420 88 191 360 735 22 510 100 $38 1600 470 200 $6 2450 $21 1500 $463 i 25 $56 9410 VMWk 19499 700 755 750 Z40 830 830 IM $6 2445 18 18 lUU i I 72 JI 4UU 423 6241 $41 225 $1374 200 $13 225 1125 5000 3520 100 1600 200 9M Z24 $2330 327 328 1 4yJ 100 1135 300 2750 250 5313 3010 5004 600 7367 220 500 49045 2450 775 400 203 536 Z5G 400 Z100 29 71 17 470 460 7 $10 107 10 rru 335 $7 336 292 iT9A 329 i 391 1 585 182 339 1 410 299 i 153 287 571 180 8 Vb 9 77 56 11 255 255 '8 1138 5 26 12 11 Vi 2778 10 SILVERWOOD INDUSTRIES LIMITED CLASS DIVIDEND NO 107 Notice is hereby given that a quar terly dividend of twenty cents i20ci per share has been declared on the mitstaEdina Class shares of the corporation payable July 2 1973 to NOTICE is hereby given that a divi ehoffihnidprt nf rornrrt dc at rlASAl 300 $22 32 $28' 161 180 $10 39 238 32 149 $25 750 3000 3710 2200 2000 1235 1000 2400 57500 1185 16105 20720 38001 33CO 2000 7000 1100 100 11500 12500 17000 2200 530 7300 2075 4600 4500 1200 2400 1000 3000 22100 8000 1225 1833 1700 7012 I 115 $15'4 395 400 i $9 '2 $6 70 $15 $7 $10 $1878 $634 ST 434 380 380 $31J4 $14 $81'8 $5 $11 3415 $393'4 39 39 $32 317 32 4IU 41U $12 $7 $97 25 $75 900 $6 850 $11 100 305 I zUO 9M 3000 350 1705 145 6465 $19 19 1594 450 450 CU5 S6I13575 $22 2 00 $15' 210 $6 500 $13 2500 $8 1200 315 2733 2400 6400 50 100 4872 185 214 924 1465 I 403 3150 100 300 4000 390 600 200 1000 12440 25 100 602 500 300 550 100 200 625 600 16C0 3800 100 410 500 100 1116 710 2705 S54 100 $19 1521 370 275 100 Z25 560 12155 18800 410 650 900 300 100 Ann 3700 $22 Z10 $83 550 $978 525 $8 600 490 500 495 Aon 597 200 200 18 300 285 285 265 5 yields 10D0O 46 43 43 4500 84 83 83 3 1844 535 575 575 500 41 41 41 34425 54 49 54 5 4650 510 505 505 5 1900 150 140 140 2 27710 575 545 575 25 16 S' '4 Vi 97e 97'a 7 7 73 73 714 7 arenaa 1400 575 5 70 Br Reef 20850 47 44 Brunswk 965 5 455 445 Calmor IB 3500 85 83 Camfl 80660 900 830 Cam Chib 3300 650 625 Camp RL 2060 $59 57 Tunq 1600 170 165 Cn Lncrt 17000 3 3 32 Malart 1000 17 17 Gaz Metr 200 475 Gaz 540 70 $66 Gaz 63w 1600 2 Gaz 66w 300 75 Gdn Manq 700 $7 Gen Distrb 1585 $30 GMC 702 $71 Genstar 2432 44 42 43 16 6 6 62 57 62 38 32 35 154 152 152 1 45 44 45 42 42 42 50 50 50 50 49 50 130 120 1 20 45 45 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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.