1 THE BOSTON GLOBE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1996 DIO ORIENTAL RUG AUCTION NO MINIMUM, NO RESERVE, NO BUYERS PREMIUM ARMENIAN SISTERS ACADEMY 20 PELHAM LEXINGTON (Off Mass. Ave.) (617)861-8303 in pyifii RSR1 15 MH PIANOS Vermont Grower Wholesale Fraser Fir 6-9' $16 up. Balsam Fir 6-9 $10-up. 800-331-5955 NOTICE "Before Sending A Fee In Advance Of Receipt Of Goods or Services, You May Want To Contact Your Local Better Business Bureau To Get More information About A Company's Record" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th AT 2 P.M. PREVIEW 1-2 P.M.
ESTATE TAG SALE BY C. DIANA SHERMAN Outstanding old custom mahog furn (inct Beacon Hill dinrm set), coll. of Royal Copenhagen figurines, huge selection china, crystal, pottery, antique access, paintings, designer clothing, appls, treasures too numerous to list. 927-928. 45 The Ledges Newton Centre, 10 a.m.
4 p.m. 100's TO CHOOSE FROM: 2X3 to 12X18 plus runners; all colors designs: Persian, Pakistan, India, Afghan, Kashan, Bidjar, Sarouk, Nian, Silk, Bokhara, Heriz, Mir, Beluchi. Antique Semi-Antique AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Each rug will be described auctioned piece by piece. All rugs come with a certificate of authenticity. Every rug is a genuine handmade oriental rug.
To start and continue auction a minimum of 21 qualified bidders is required. Checks I major credit cards accepted. MA Lie. 494 a 1142 New England ANTIQUES Directory PLAN TO ATTEND SERENDIPITY ANT QUES EXPO SAT. SUN.
OCT. 5 6 Boston Ctr for Arts "CYCLORAMA" The Paper Collectibles Show Sat-Sun Sept 28-29, 1 996 Sat 10-5 pm Sun 10-4 pm Free Parking-Food on Premises Featuring all Ephemera, Postcards, Advertising. Anti- Suarian Toys, ames, Moviet Military, Historical Political Memorabilia, Photographies, Coins. Stamps, Etc. Holiday Inn Boxborough, MA Rt.
495 (Exit 28) atRt. 111 ADMISSION $5.00 ea ($4.00 wlad) B. Bornstein 508-744-2731 ELEVENTH ANNUAL Suburban Antique Dealer Show Sunday, Sept. 29, 1996 11 am-4 pm THE ENDICOTT ESTATE 656 East Dedham, MA Admission $3.50 $3.00 with this card Plenty of Free Parking Refreshments Available for more info, call: (617) 326-1717 or Eves (508) 435-3081 or (617) 329-9375 or (508) 359-4449 ANTIQUE CO-OP 50 Ferry St. at Ruderman's Buy, Selling Trading Open Fri.
9-3 (rear entrance) weekends 9-5 or by Appt. 617-368-9878 Maiden MA SPACE AVAILABLE HARVARD SQUARE M-Sa 11-6; Su 1-5; Tu closed ARROW STREET ANTIQUES 10 Arrow St Camb 497-0390 Dealer Space Available EUGENE O'NEIL ANTIQUES Rt. 128 Rt. 9 Newton, Eliot expanded. 617-965-5965.
wmm SPORTS AUCTION Friday Oct. 4 Preview 5:30 pm Auction 7 pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 15 Winslow St. Arlington MA OVER 345 QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS Free admission, free cata-loa. Consianments for area collectors estates including Babe Ruth Items, rookie cards, press pins, old games, penants, Mickey Mantle items, Autographs, unopen nems, iea wimams Material, Basketball, Boxing, Football, Hockey, Non-SDorts. etc.
Auctioneer lie. 263. Consignments wanted for future auctions. Cks, cash, major credit cards accepted HALLS NOSTALGIA 617-646-7757 EUROPA ANTIQUE New England's Largest Wholesaler of European Antique Furniture morel Now open to the Public 1000 Mass Av Boxboro, MA Rt 1 1 1Exlt 28 Off Rt 495 pn Mon-Fri 10-5, Sun 12-4 MCVISA (508) 263-5542 DON'T MISS 12th Annual FALL ANTIQUE SHOW COLLECTIBLES SALE Royal Plaza Trade Center Marlborough. MA OCTOBER 12 13 SONIA PAINE, MGR.
for info (617) 566-9669 SANDWICH ANTIQUES CENTER 131 Rte. 6A, Sandwich, MA 120 dealers. 508-833-3600 INDOOR FLEA MARKET and GRANNY'S ATTIC This is an old fashioned Flea Market with plenty of okf stuff antiques plus loads of new mdse. al ridiculous pnees Ruderman's Furn. Bldg.
Rte 60 a Ferry St. Open Sat Sun. 9-5 Air Conditioned Free Raffles 10-3 Spaces Available 17th Anniversary JOLLY JIM'S Extravaganza More Vendors More Bargains Oct. 12-14 Valley Expo Center Methuen Mall Info. 508-687-1010 WITCHI'S FLEA MARKET Rte.
1 295 No AMeboro Every Sun Lg dlr spaces $15 (508) 699-8482 CJ'S Second Annual Startin Lineup Show. Sat. 928, 10-5. Wareham Elks Lodge, Rte 28. Wareham Flea Market Sale Directory 539 Tremont St.
Clarendon 1 1 am-b pm Dom aays Adm. 5.00 ea wadvt. Info Line 617) 925-2232 ANTIQUE SHOW Nickerson's Antique Show Flea MM. Expo SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 MARSHFIELD FAIRGROUNDS Rte.
3A, MARSHFIELD, MA Vendor Set Up 6 A M. Open To Public 8 A.M. Hundred's of exhibitors will attend. Antiques, collectibles, jew elry, ante treasures, ans a crans. flea mkt.
items much more! Good Food Plenty of Free Parking For set-up info, call: NICKERSON'S ANTIQUES 617-834-9531 Lie. 568 Antiques Bought. Sold Auctions BG62-16 CAMBRIDGE ANTIQUE MARKET 150 dealers under 1 roof 1 block from Lechmere 201 Msqr. O'Brien Hgwy. Tues-Sun 11-6: 868-9655 Plenty of free parking NOW IN WAYLAND ABODE ANTIQUES 334 Boston Post Rd, Rt 20, (508) 358-3394 in Needham, 948 Great Plain Ave.
(617j 449-4311. Concord MA, Antique Co-op Open 7 days, 10-5 Sun 12-5 UPSTAIRS ANTIQUES 23 Walden St 508-371-9095 )LDE BYFIELD EXPO Weekly indoor flea market place. Grand reopening beginning Sept. 28 29. Every Sat.
Sun. from 9-4. Rte. 95, Exit 55, next to Newburyport. Free parking Admission 50 Dealer space available.
mr mm In Globe Classified call 617-929-15C3 Convenient hours: Mondav-Fridav Saturday and Sunday ADVERTISING CCPYMAYEE SLUTTED UNTIL: For SUNDAY HFI WANTED Thursday For SUNDAY CLASSIFIED Friday 4:30 PM For MONDAY Friday For TUESDAY Friday For WEDNESDAY Monday For THURSDAY Tuesday For FRIDAY Wednesday For LEARNING PAGES Thursday For RELIGIOUS PAGE Thursday TO CHANOE YCURAS: For weekday ads. please call 48 hours before your ad is to appear. For Saturday anu Minuay, piease call by Thursday by For Monday, please call by Friday by CUSTCKE3 SERVICE: In the event of an error. The Globe's Classified Customer Service is ready to assist you. You may reach the department at (117-929-2480.
Monday -Friday, PM. Credit for errors in advertisements ordered for more than one insertion will be allowed only lor the lirst insertion. Please notify the Customer Service Department immeaiateiy. CPoTK-ENT mmm-. The Glotie accepts Certain Classified advertising must be prepaid unless you are a monthly account customer Advertisements that require tm'ttavmeut art': Apartments to Share tiusiness Opportunities, Clothing and Furs, IX'als on Wheels, Dtxkside Deels, Information, Ads from outside the U.S..
Jobs anted, Messages. Mt mcv to Loan. Real Deal Classified, Ijeasc Apartments. Advertisers with unlisted phone numbers Far further infitrmatinn Hvase call. 617-829-1500 UicliostrjndMobc WBox (U107-25 GREAT FLATS, km houses, spacious al cu Real Estate Cbssmms Every Ha) Ihe Boston (Plcbt Mt-taiStortfc THE BOSTCN GLOBE For Home Dettvery 617-466-1818 KILN DRIED FIREWOOD.
V. dry cln, insect free, Back Bay So. End. 1 cord128 cu ft $290; i4 cord, $160; 'A cord $90. Green Ridge Landscpg 508-682-0820 3 EXERCISE STUFF USED I NEW Buy Sell Consign Trade Treadmills-Weights More, don't pay reg.
retail Saugus Rtl 617-231-4910 Framingham 508-370-0110 USED NEW EXERCISE EQUIPMENT LARGEST SELECTION LOWEST PRICES Buy Sell Consign Trade Service. Thrifty Sport 617-762-6266; 1-800-792-6266 FITNESS STORE New Used. We buy sell Nordic Tracks, Treadmills, Concept II Rowers exercise equipment. Willpay up to 60. Call 508-9476211.
GYM LIQUIDATION Stairmasters, Nautilus; over 600 pieces. (61 1) boo-or NORDIC Track Pro, new $600, asking $245. Plus, Downhill Skier Simulator, new $800. asking $375. Call Biil 508-947-6211.
GREETING CARDS MUST LIQUIDATE 10,000 greeting cards, shrink wrapped packs of 50 from American Heartbeats. Laser scanned, computer barcodes $1 95 retail. All occassions, 100 different titles. Also 9 revolving card racks with 48 clear com- gartments with cast metal ase 5VS' high, never used. Paid $7200, no reasonable offer refused.
508-744-0064, 9am-9pm or lv. msg. CARS FOR $100! Trucks. Boats, 4-Wheelers, Motornomes, Furniture, Electronics, Computers, etc by FBI, IRS, DEA. Available your area now.
Call 1-800-513-4343 Ext. S-8010. Info Center, 4129 State St, Santa Barbara CA. OAK FLOORING 99t SQ.FT.! Also cherry, maple, ash, etc. Del.
avl. LUMBER LIQUID ATORS6V7-327-1222 WILSONART LAMINATE 400 -r sheets, 1st quality all sizes 50 psf. Call Steve at 1 -BUU-35b-UUr3, Kdtzj WHISKEY BARRELS 45 gallon Wood Oak. rei7) 284-7437 SODA DISPENSER Six Flavors, crushed ice call 603-924-9 im ABOVE Ground 21 ft Round Pool. Compl.
wpump access. (Originally $2500) BO 617-334-5968 ENTIRE contents of Floral shop for sale, 2 dr. cooler, baskets, floral supplies, baloons, (508) 865-4609. French Copper Pots wiron handles. 10' saute.
8' 6" sauce pans wlids. Superb cond I $475. 617-395-3598 GAZEBO, Vixen Hill Victorian style. Val. $5500.
Won on Price is Right show. Will also trade for car, truck or cash. (508) 4b3-t)i JOHN DEERE Snowplow lawn tractor, like new; staging, masonry tools heater. (617) 344-9276 PUBLIC Notice. Major steel building company liquidating six buildings, all steel, never put up, with blueprints.
40x30x15 was $7770 will liquidate for $3980, 50x80x18 was $18,270 will liquidate for $9820. Other straight-walls available with deposit forfeited. Ask for Don. 1-800-292-0111 RACK SHELVING 12x36x7' w5 shlvs. $35 ea.
www.yankeesupply com YANKEE 1-800-232-RACK ESTATE TAG SALE BY THE PRO'S Entire furnishings ot Framingham home, china, sterling antiques. Pool table, microwave, freezer, books, exercise equip, ew-elry, clothing more. Fn 927 Sat '28, 9-4. Rt 9 Edgell Rd Belknap, on Grove to 12 Powdermill Rd NEEDHAM ESTATE SALE BY WHISTLE STOP 56 Meadowbrook Rd 927. 9-7; 928, 9-1 Contents of home mcl.
mahog. BR sets, desks, Vict, Melodtan. Lots of bric-a-brac. Xmas dec, linens cost, jwlry. Numbers given at 8 o'clock.
UFOUsed Furniture Outlet Maiden 108 Ferry St 321-7430 M-F, 10-7, Sat 9-5. Sun 10-4 Sept spec 20 off MattBS FURNITURE WANTED Also antiques, rugs, clocks, bronzes, paintings, bnc-a-brac. KAY-BEE, 266-4467. DINING ROOM SETS 50 mahoa $2850 up. Xcond 617944-1944 BAR STOOLS Cherry.
Mahog. coffee table, $45 ex end 401-827-3063 dy; 508-528-3420 eyes BED, Queen matt, box frame new in plastic. Retail $500. Will take $250 Free uenvery. I -jzo i BEDROOM, Set, lovely 6 Pc.
double bed. Solid ruitwood. framed mirror, $1 150 (508) 359-4053 RF ST OFFER-MOVING! Girts 6 pc. white BR set incl twin beds; 2 Paine Itnr sofas; 2 cloth chrs Cent oval DR table wieaves a enrs, Ladv Sleioh desk wm- layed Ithr tor? 508-358-5029 niNRM Sat Exauisite Must sacnfice. Hand crvd Jacobean.
Refin'd reu-phol Mint $3500 566-1442 ELEGANT Cherry dinrm set. 6 high back chairs Needs refmishmg $1 000BO 617-322 387 FSTATF Tan A Yard Sale. Furniture etc 9 28 29 9- 3, 84 Ambrose bt. Hevere FUTON, full. Black metal frame thick Futon Matt New in box $200 tree de- liver.
call (617) Z47-o8l JENNIFER Ithr couch, light hiirnimrlv A mos old L1e- time warr on frame $1000 negotiable (617) 265-8135 MATTRESS Box Sphng sets, twins $99, tuff $13 Queen $169 Tuck load saie! 'CaU us we II deliver Rme liav rteliverv! etc Castle Mat tress 508-755 2716 MOVING Sale OH Sun 9 29. 9-2 pm 62 Chestnut St Brookline Weekdays can for aopt 73i-t moving "This End Up Bdrm Set (twins) 2 chairs coucn a marcn love piano 506-696-0627 OAK TABl md w4 chairs $385; ass loo tbl 4 chairs $325: p-ne hutch $100, (617) 327-ZVIB PINE entertainment unit. $600. stereo set, $500 Can Kathleen. 617-628-138 623-7159 964-8400 RUGS turn never used, etc 6x9 S'8 912 $30 1215 0'ienta's.
otners. 617 523-9533 961-459 love seat, cnar ofrorran 4 oo scotc" gtard exc cyq $50 617 54 -134 wLNUT otieei sz wa tensed Ir. Dcase. head- boa'd wl ais A bo 8MB RAM, 850MB HD, 3.5 FD, mid-T case, KBmouse, DOS Win 3.1.1 $545. 14 SVGA $125.
617-696-3203 MACS, Used Refurb. We buyseiltraoerepaiiuM-grade all Macs Pwrblw-Call for quote. VisaMC AMFX 1-800-909-6227 MEMORY, 16 MB. $129: 8 MB, $55: 4 MO, i U'U harddrive, Must sell. Call (617) 520-8002 NEW Pentium 166 wSVGA, 1 .313 MU, 1 o.o iviyu.
8X CD, plus more, lyr. warr. $1695. 508-369-3900 PERFORMER. 6300.
640a Kwr Mac fzw, 'ow, Best prices. Business support. i-800-765-4114 r.mr. niir of MISINESS '82 Tymco model 600 Ford DD, 40K, new fan, recond v. tnr wrk S12K .2, 6V4 yd.
Flink Sanders mech. sound, ready for work, $1400 sets of controls tor auto, sanumy, $350. each WRAP MFTAL Don't throw away your nn 1 1 wo uill nrn- vide a container pay you. uoruainer iunu wmy. McConnell Enterprises (508) 768-6078 (617) 849-8449 OIL i GAS TANK Romnval installation.
Commi. resid'l. Sewer -water foundation ledge work. Building demolition. (617) 245-8385, Z4P-KPI GAS -OIL -SEPTIC P.
Certified Inspector Removal Installations Licensed, Bonded, Insured Emergency 24 hr. Service T-800-475-B624 NORFOLK POWER EQUIP 194 Main St, Norfolk, MA 800-696-31 20 Sales Service Parts M-F 8AM-8PM; Sat 8-5 PM STUMPED BY STUMPS? Call McConnell Enterprises $10yard to truck dispose of. Loaded on our trailers. Call (508) 768-euB loaayi (UOncrete iuper yaru.j STEEL BUILDING SALE 50', 60'. 70' wide by 100 long.
As low as $4 95 psf. Calf RMF, Steel Buildings, 1 -8UU-341 -VMf Bobcat for Hire Hyd hammer, backhoe, broom, power rake auger TV pipe inspection locating. 1-800-418-7900 FREE FILL Boston Sand Gravel, Charlestown. Bob Connor or Don McNutt 227-9000 EXCAVATOR Linkbelt LS5800 for rent with or without operator. Call (508) 548-27Q4 Five Pneumatic Fork Trucks 3K-5K capacity.
LP gas. 2 3 stage. Prices 2,900. (508) 663-2574 SEPTIC GRAVEL Septic-Road-Bldg. Gravel 508-663-0035 CLEAN FILL NEEDED yds.
in Wayland area. 508-443-8433. ATTENTION: BUILDERS! Brand new curved oak staircase for Ige. foyer. $3800.
508-887-3264. 1969 MAC diesel 6 whl. Dump Truck, very good concT $9500; 1979 CAT D60 tilt blade Bulldozer, excel, cond. $43,900. Days 617-843-2382; eves 617-828-5003821-4619 1979.
CASE, Shovel Dozer 1 yard bucket, low hours, very good cond. $9500. Call (617) 944-9886 20 TON Tag trailer, air brakes; several yaru R.T. loaders. DeRoma Bros Corp, 617-323-1885.
79. CAT 235, new chains, new engine, very strong. clean, working daily. $49,000. (617) 444-1963ask for George A.
P. SMITH water tapping machine, 4 in, 6 in, 8 in, 10 in, 12 in heads, air pwr $7000. (508) 946-0409. ARROW Boards, Exc cond 2-Amida Industhes trailer mounted. $1 .000 ea.
Must Sell 617-825-7650 M-F. BARBER GREEN SB 131 Diesel Paver, auto grade. 10 16' Hydrostat $12,500 Dresser S4, 6AW. 4-6 ton diesel roller wretract whls. tow bar $9500.
Blaw-knox PF180 Diesel paver $6900. Hydr. Hammer off 25-30K lb. excavator $6900 Stecco 24 demol-scrap trlr. wbam dr $2500.
Model 400 Tuckett track paver. $5900. Mack DM 600 tri-axle dump set up for snow plow $15,900. RDS 617-364-1941 HONDA Generators and Water pumps. Discount prices, most models in stock.
Saleservice parts SALES. Rte 38, Wilmington. 800-446-4534- LOAM, Screened, $11yd. loaded on your truck. Swampscott Salem, Mass.
(508) 740-0122 READ Screenali RD. 150 new screens, new tires, runs areat $62 000; 26 aluminum dump trailer $'buu; L3bo aiesei utility truck 1 1 body wtuel tank 508 822 9800. STUMPS. Leaves, orass brush, all can be mixed picked up in 30 cu yds or 1 00ft cu yd trlrs. $6.50 per cu yard or dumped in So NH $2 50 per cu yd 1-800-446-4439 TAKE over leases CAT Loaders.
10 avail; txcava-tor 95-330; 416 Loader Bkhoe LJU 508-632-fyyw ROLEX I CARTIER Wanted Also Buying Patek. Vacneron. Audemar other Fine Watches. Contact: Paul Duqgan (508) 256-5966 or Fax 508 256-2497 BUYING FINE WATCHES Rotex. Cartier.
Patek, Brw tfmg. ec. wmtage Also diamonds ootd We pay more for what's in your drawer Call 6 1 7 868-7190. BEFORE YOU SELL Diamonds or Jeweiy Can Bob 1617) 356-9009 FOR TOP CASH OFFER DIAMONDS. JEWELRY We will beat any otter, casn 17-449-1094 Ash for Frank JEWELRY 1 WATCH BUYERS In Want Roex Patek, Can er 800360-2592 Rolex Diamonds We Buy Sea 506 92 1-5440 MOVADO Museaum watch New case Ong $1 195 Now $850 Cat) Mary (SQ8) 8811600 i i EARLY BiRD Special Ouak-ty Fwewood Cut scrt hdwds green, semi or seasoned 617 245-1267 FIREWOOD.
Northern txtwos 16-18 nafu-rany aged seasoned 12 mot 16 cu ft gua' meas D- wtrvn 24 -3 cord $69 2 cord 3'9 craves mav aocy Acceota ss Master Name Brands Lowest Prices Grands, Consoles Digitals We Beat Everyone's Price Shop the N.H. Advantage LONDONDERRY PIANO Rte 1, Portsmouth, N.H. 603-436-3336 Rte. 102. Londonderry N.H.
(603) 434-9026 PREMIER PIANO COMPANY New Eng's largest Best Steinways, Masons more Baby to Concert Grands Spinets to full uprights Special discounts thru 98 Finan. avail. We also buy Cust rebldg refintshing for your pianos available CALL 1-800-Piano-39 PIANO SALE Steinwav. Baldwin. Yamaha, Knabe, Chicker-ing, etc.
Spinets, consoles, studios grands. From $795. Call 508-777-7237. BACK TO SCHOOL SALE All pianos, keyboards, digitals drastically reduced. One week only! The Piano Man, 719 Main St.
Wal-tham. (617) 893-6644. PIANOS UNLIMITED" Spinets, Consoles, Grands From $695. 508-977-0808 LIQUIDATION 150 metal librarybookcase shelving units, sizes Also 30 bays of whse. hvy.
duty pallet racks, 8' 16' high. Truck-loads of used desks, chairs filing conf. rm. furn. etc.
Hrs 9-5, Mon-Fri. OFL, 519 Broadway, Somerville, 625-7060, 1-800-585-3250 TRADITIONAL WORK STATIONS 15 all in excel, cond. Also truckloads of 1st. class, pre-owned furniture avail. Much more, ever-one invited.
Hrs 9-5, Mo-Fr. COF. 113 Richdale Camb. (617) 876-6614 OVER 2 ACRES of used, repossessed mfg. closeouts of quality office furniture.
Best selection, quantities prices. ACE OFFICE FURNITURE Braintree 61 7-848-8550 APPROX. twenty 6x6 Herman Miller cubicles, must be removed. First $1500 takes itl (617) 272-2899 APPROX. twenty 6x6 Herman Miller cubicles, must be removed.
First $1500 takes itl (617) 272-2899 FILES, FILES, FILES A grade 2 tier 30 lat. $99 A grade 2 tier 36'w 2 Shelf bookcases $10 dwr vert, full susp. $69 Goldstein Office Furniture Systems 1 56 Lincoln St. Brighton, MA 02135 (617)787-4433 NEED CASH? Old or new photo equip, is worth more than you think. PHOTOGRAPHICS, Vinnin Swampscott 598-6664 WE BUYISELUTMDE rTMiiiittri'HmwTii COMMUNICATIONS, 12 Motorola 2-way radios, 6 Merlin phone systems.
Best offer. 508-694-8911. pikuHin Iffcl 3 if il 'I; PP KENMORE, With Ice Dispenser, side by side door, Uiar old, excel cond. 617-594-1344 17Vfe 9 Kazvin rug pad, open beige field wrose, blue beige. Appraised $5500: O.
617-585-5712 BEAUTIFUL, Custom Pattern floral rug. 8x10. Original $650 asking $300. Call 617-246-0080. riniiuii.iraTrra M.
HARDWOOD FLOOR Sanding, refinishing, staining, installations. Old floors like new. Low Price! Quality work. 617-288-0925 or 872-5367 BZ HARDWOOD FLOORS Install. Sand- Refin Re- Bairs- Low price.
Free estim all Billy: (617) 387-3532. Andy's Hardwood Floors Sand, refin. lav. reoair Qual ity work low 617-825- 0766, Beeper 351-6462 FLOOR SANDER Refinishing instllation all types of hardwood firs Call Chamber at 617-889-2698 IF, You Need Painting Odd jobs done. Call Erik for estimates Voicebeep.
617-758-7401. LK Hardwood Floor Co. Sand, repair, install, refinishing. Free estimate. Call 617) 884-3528.
WINDOWS REPAIRED RnnAK niats reDlaced prompt reliable rets. Rea- CABLE TV CONVERTER BOXES 1-800-430-4301 CABLE TV DESCRAMBLERS Alt major credit cards 1-800-652-2305 Al CABLE BOXES 1-800-475-2355 rmM.Hi,Wl:Ui 9 Showcases, matching lighted. TL30 safe. Hallmark wall and card racks. Telzon.
(5QB) 564-444i! USED STORE FIXTURES. Rackscasesctrs shelvingslatmanniquin-s etc PU del thuout N.E MCVISA 617-246-3844 3 FRENCH TUTORING Indrvtduat or small groups. TRANSLATION WORK English to French and French to Enghsh. Compet- itive pnees- (617) 566-230 I can improve your writing SKiiis, tbsi scores eic. en- Siish Teacher Journalist.
Oct. stu. 800-593-8632 HE LAST MINUTE TRAVEL Ftv 4fl slatBS UAUS TW 800 630-6127 AIRLINE Tickets Tne lowest air raes Realty'' Save uo to 50. Travel Savers. O.
Box 191, Belmont, MA. 1 -tHJO rJtife0 ANY US' Canada. One Way-No Restrictions -your name $250 603-434-4032 Best time 7am 9am CELTICS, 4 fcjH season. Sect 10 Cost $0fC SeH Premium seats. Bru ms A Celtics Discount pnees (617) 334-3770 CELTICS 2 tickets lor assorted home oames avatl $39 per seat (lace vaue) anytime CLUB SEATS 2.
Ctr crt ctr tee Brums a oetcs met future ngrrts 973-7649 PATRIOTS, Buffalo cKftTs 10 27 96 (617 630-8228 Total Expert- TOUR Cornpaoy wisres to purchase Boston CoJege vs Not'e uame tfcseis Cafl 1 -800-52O-6345 ESTATE FURNITURE Weston Estate. Large oval Inlaid DR tabro 8 Chippendale chairs, inlaid breakfront, all by Beacon Hill. 2 matching glass door bookcases by Cfwak. Mahogany sideboard by Kit-tenger. Mahogany console table.
Solid mahogany 4 poster BR set. End tables more. Authorized 'Council! Craftsman" dealer, 30-50 off retail. TOWNE ANTIQUES 256 Washington St. Brook line Village 731-3326.
Open Mon thru Sat. 9-6 Delivery Arranged FURNITURE WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID For furniture, antiques, china.clocks, paintings, etc TOWNE ANTIQUES 256 Washington St. Brookline MA.T31-3326 ATTORNEYS EXECUTORS Estates purchased Estate residue purchased and cleaned. Hank Garrity 1-800-465-8828 STANLEY J. PAINE Buying contents of estates: antique furn, paintings, oriental rugs, porcelain, silver.
Immed pymt. 617-731-4455 CASH WAITING Lady buys Furnjewelrylin-enchinasilverlamprug etc Mrs Johnson 617-332-7135 ANTIQUES WANTED Furn, glass, china, oriental rugs, paintings, etc. Cash paid. (617) 391-6892 ART COLLECTOR PAYS TOP Pre- 80 tine art ptgs prints Free apprsl. Larry 262-6295 WE BUY CHINAGLASS Minton, Spode, Stemware, Lenox, etc.
617-523-8313 STERLING FLATWARE, ETC. TOP tt PAID (617) 969-6446 CLEARANCE SALE 100's ot Recond. Appl. At These Phces Refrigs. (a Washers IS Warr'd.
Delivery avail THE APPLIANCE MAN 258 Willard Quincy (617) 773-4004 A-ZAPPLCO. I AZCO APPL SALES CO. We service daily sell recond. new washrs, dryers, refrigs, ranges. $169 up.
Parts avail. Also now have scratch dent march. 61 7-321 -5777 MAYTAG Coin-Op washers, very good cond. $200. drive-way drop $35.
Call 508-875-2749. USED. Refrigerators, Washers 4 Dryers from $1 29ea. Guaranteed. Delivery available.
Coin operated washers elec. dryers, from $199 95. (617) 47Z-74tfO WASCOMAT HUEBSCH Comm. Indry. Best price, Call Joe Caprio, Nelson Small.
1-0780 WASHER DRYER, Heavy Duty, full size, excellent $260 Will Deliver. please call 508-370-3751 CRAFTERS WANTED, Craftworks Grows Again. Square 1 Saugus, Uoerty Tree Rockingham Park Malls. 508-777-5515 CRAFTERS. We will display and sell for you 7 dayswk.
Retail location in Mall set-ting. (617) 935-5558 CRAFTERS Wanted: the Treasure Cache' is coming to the Natick Mall. For info call (508) 337-8524. OVERHEAD PROOF SYSTEM BENIER SealerRounder Diasner spiral mixer, bread molder, intermediate proof-er. (617) 395-8612 BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT Modern, like new 617-272-7431 eves; 274-6634 days "3 HUM POOL TABLES Factorv Direct Starting at $1250 00 installed, visit our showroom.
Call for brochure SPENCER BILLIARDS 1 -800-649-5236 POOL ROOM SALE, 9' antique Brunswick circa 1920; $2500. Will install. (508) 966-0053. ABC BUYS (SELLS Phones All Others New Used. 800-786-4664 VisaMC Accepted BUSINESS Telephone Systems.
New used 2 24 lines 3-60 phones $500 up SunTel 8O0-793-99S8 COPIERS totally rebuilt by authorized dealer. All have full onsite srvc agreements (617) 933-2350 WANTED: Used copiers. Most makes models, Komot pymt. free pick up. utt' Brands 508-790-2565 COINS FLATWEAR We will beat any ofler.
cash B17-449-1094 Ask tor Jeff ANDREW WYETH. Beauty Mark, 19VM22, 80-30u rel 85, framed Exc cond. value $8500sell iiui Waltnr Kuhn Kneeling Nude 1928 1207) Bltl-aau CARDS (Hundreds cess ol $30 000 Wi all offers to settle 5Q8 CHERISHED TEDDIES Hallmark ornaments. Barbies. Creepy Hollow Call Jan 704-784 8150 or Onnna biu- iu uilU At tfT tl Ra- Ofed dons only Seot 29 Tne Log oin jmhjv 401 -934-01 23 LOOKING TO SELU Fine 694 pteaso msg day RED SOX 1967 World ISe- tea A nam, $2S0' Ca Ed 415-952 5653.
SPORTS Non Sports rarrlit 1 afi S0 VGA 8mb ram 36ornb not), tape softwa'e Asxing S62S. Star 391-7124 COMPUTERS 486,586 svstems. 16 l6 800 "Bw-onntej fjx- (ens-ve software Je" '42- Aiv 486 CD Rom modem color ir-duoed- $500 (61 jyw MACINTOSH LCW Styw-rW it pracfcai mrae-v FLEET CENTER Club seats below face val Celtic betw. basket below Bruins loge below tace val Bulls Lakers NY Knick $25 PATRIOTS We Buy Sell Super Bowl Sugar Bowl Best Less 61 7-350-0050 BruinsRangers 1 05 Opening Great Seats Gnat Price Olympic Gymnasts 1074 Fleet Orrter 1-800-382-5242 SMCot Tfctwt Agency W.E. Urged TtckM Sowct WORLD SERIES YANKEES PLAYOFFS CELTS VS BULLSLA BRUINS VS RANGERS PATRIOTS ALL GAMES All Events! BuvSell Two Guys Tix 401 -273-0550 UNBEATABLE AIRFARES Anywhere 48 states $350 mi iiya i-wav.
oave isi els, int'l. Travel Entp 800-239-8269. MCVisa RED SOX BRUINS RANGERS WHO BC PATIOTS CELTICS D.Matthews Blk Crow. Buv Sell. Ace Tkt 617-327-0968 SYNDICATE Bruins, Celtics, (4) lux club seats, 14 share left, incl.
riahts to all other Fleet events. Call (617) 524-1801 FLY NOW-CHEAP! 1-way $325 RT, S285-S50O RTW Travel 1-800-400-1350 BRUINSRANGRS Gvmnsts, The Who, Circus, BCNotre Dame, Celts, Pats DISC. TIX. 603-666-6456 Bruins vs RaneersGretsky Celts vs BulfsJordan BC vs NavyGymnastics BIG EVENT, 401-351-3868 HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE Dec 27-Jan 6 wFr Mitch Pacwa SJMarlene 617-581-0169. Deadline Oct 25 BALTIMORE-PATRIOTS 106 $25 (301)299-8540 PATRIOT TICKETS All games.
45yd In, 7th row. Best imer. (4Uij aaa-u JAZZ CLASSICAL LP's TOP PAID. Also Rock, Blues, Country Will buy CD's cassettes Will Dick uo collections LOONEY TUNES 247-2238 WANTED BOILERS We Buy Complete Boiler Rooms, High Low Pressure, Gas Oil. Call: 1-800-556-3826 SLOT MACHINES Antique types only.
Any condition, workina or not. Call (617) 567-7377 OLD CHANDELIERS parts etc, CASH FOR TRAINS SS Lionel For Collector 508-851-2451 CASH FOR TOOLS! Hand or oower. free home evaluation. 1-800-745-8665- WAR SOUVENIRS German Jap. swords, daggers etc.
617-598-3832 GOLD BEARING Electronic Materials purcnaseo tor scrap. Circuit Boards, Connectors. IC's, Transistors, Pins, Etc. Also Gold Plated Gold Filled Jewelry Industrial Scrap. METALTECH 603-524-3677 WE BUY LAUNDROMATS For Cash Joe Caprio (a NELSON SMALL.
INC. 1-800-34' 0780 G.E., Like new washer dryer set, $450 firm. Still under warranty. Please call (508) 820-0865 KENMORE, heavy duty washer dryer, less than 1 yr. old.
$650. Can deliv. on 929. (61 7) 269-8882 DORCH. 8 Alicia Rd Sat 9 28, 1 0-5.
Ram date 929 Furn, otic eqp. clothing etc HOLLISTON. Sun 929 9-4 1465 Highland St. clothing, gemstones, etc MALDEN, Sat 928 9 am-4 pm. Antique to brand new.
Cor of Forest Gordon. MOVING SALE, Sun. 929 9a-4p, 101 Charger Revere. Complete BR set, collectibles more. MULTI Fam.
Yd Sale, clothing, books, toys, furniture, Baldwin piano, etc. Sun 9-4 263 Lake Ave. Newton. NEWTON CTR. Clothes, toys, hshd items, furn.
176200 Hartman Rd. Sat 928, 10-4. Rain date 929 SAT, 928, 9-2. 37 Maple St Stoneham. multi fam.
Furn antiqs, etc Rain date 929 SAUGUS, Sat 928, 94pm 711 Forest Green, Rte 1S behind Russo's Candies YARD Estate sale 9-1 p. Sa 928 Su 929 and Furn. bike, baby, records, stvr, Brookline No early. 108 Fuller, nr Harv.St Che Boston lobc PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD BY FAX 617-929-1511 Please include the following info: Billing Phone Full billing name; Contact person 9am 5pm phone after 5pm phone Date(s) ad will run and Classification. Please follow these suggestions when preparing your fax: A Row of R's at the start of ad text; A Row of J's at the end of ad text; If preparing your fax by computer 12 pt type and Helvetica, Arial or Courier font is pref not req'd.
(The Boston 6Lobc Classified 617-929-1500 GOOD USED FURNITURE Armoires, bureaus, desks, couches, chairs, DR sets, BR sets, reasonable prices. ANTIQUE REVIVAL 1 Harvard Ave, Allston Delivery avail. 787-4040 AGED MANURE $18 cu yd del. 8 mi radius. Landscape Development Dover Ma 508-785-0552.
FREE CLEAN FILL Arlington area 400 c.y. Take away. Bob 617-894-8677 AWESOME Stone service Bluestone granite steps $22sf; used granite $4lf; aged fieldstone $85ton; cobbles 85 each more. Croteau Sons 1 -800-23 1 -2200 COBBLE STONES-uniform Jumboregulation Trailerioads only 1 (800) 571 6799 FILL Available, approx. 1500 yards.
Good stuff. Brookline Village off Rte. 9. Call 617-581-0750. I will Rototill lawngarden for winter fallow.
Power ro-totiller. Reasonable. Call anytime (617) 391-4256 AVON Mech. Srvcs. Owner supplies all materials, we supply permits, labor insurance.
508-584-5000 MR. SMITH BUYS AND PAYS CASH RESTAURANTS -STORES EQUIPMENT FIXTURES 1 Piece or Entire Premises IMMEDIATE REMOVAL (617) 436-8829 LIQUIDATION SALE ALL TYPES NEW AND USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT ALL PRICED TO SELL AVENUE AUCTION SALES 388 E.8th SO. BOSTON (617) 268-5234 ALWAYS BUYING Used Restaurant Equip. Entire Premises 617-437-9595 A-1 RESTAURANT Trader. used equip bougm, soia consign, auctions.
Buy 1 pc or entire premises, cash. Certified appraiser (508) 538-9737. ALMOST New, Blodgett uaa cut iv. uvw compart. SS Sink, $150; double jet spray, $100; 2 soup warmers, mixers, pans, trays, bakers rack.
Call for information 61 7-773-5223 HOODS-WALK IN Coolers Freezers, built to your specs, new used restaurant equip. 1-800-231-5955 or 508-295-6689. RESTAURANT. Equipment. time way uorp.
ttuys a Sells used restaurant equip. Call with your needs. BOO-225-3330 x321 t.l'.Tiilf- DIVQRCL'BANKRUPTCY Fr $399, Pars injury, works comp Free consul. Maloney Assoc. 800-696-4611, BANKRUPTCYDIVORCE Attorney William Markley 1 -800-559-3235 LOST vie of Long Wharf 14k goto monogrammea cun finks JSC Reward 617-371-9600 GET OUT OF DEBT RESTORE YOUR CREDIT We can help you.
no matter how much you owe even if you are past due everywhere. One place to pay payments you can afford. (NO lyO-O'yilBIS No Collateral For an office near you, call: 1-800-884-8444 Ask for extension 31 Wysocki, Boston P. Gardner, Needham Waterfront HYPNOSIS GAIN: Cntrl Confidence! ELIM: Unwanted Habits. Fears.
Guilt, Stress, PAINI 720-4454 Fulton St, Bos 1987 MULTt TECH Wheel Crusher. 4 diesel, very good POT) ood condition, duu. 753-1993 A 55 Gallon Breeder tank, wstand a access $70. drafting tbl wbtueprint drawers $100: Nordicflex New $50 61 7-246-0080 ARCHITECTURAL. Woodwork.
Mahog drs. salvaged from Ginn Est in 1947, 2v32x112' $1500. or o. (508) 877-1678 COPIER, Zerox 5018. collates 10 copies, multiple paper trays $1 000 Cost $7K new 603-432-4192 bef 9pm GRANITE COUNTER Tops.
Cut to size $19 50 sf CROTEAU SONS 1-600-231-2200 SEEBURG. Juke box $1600: Diamond ring, 1 carat $1800. Snowblowef. $500. (508) 429-0780 RJ.
MOVING STRAGE We wM beat all competitors pnees 508-922-3068 SSC MOVERS. The best the cheapest movers in town. Licensed insured 24hf service 617-397-7865 HAMMOND. X-66 Organ Lg reatre-tvpe Gd cond 2, 61 note keybrds. 25 note pdi brd Sokr cab mcl $500 603 542-4125 MARTtN Guitar D18 Mode, 1974.
exc cond w.ong case Pcijp $1085 Cati (6Q3J 471-0124 NCKELOOEON Oak Cotrv oo. 8 tnsrrument. sta-ned glass drs rot's hokj up foiSsonqsl 80x52x29 ex-ce) coocl'5300 294-1554 PIANOS WANTED Top 506 777-7237 STEINWAV PIANOS LK new. 12m stock art case etxny manog POGEn 6' 7 826-0453 YOUNG CHNG G-aod t-eo won on P'lce B.on Val $17 traoe tnr tate mode tr'jc. car or cash 5Q8-4j3-Z2ai mm $25.0 SPECIAL! RESERVED SPACES FOR Iyard sale merchandise Available ta Sundays CANAL STREET ANTIQUES 2S6 CAMAL ST SALEM, MA 150 DEALERS Open Sunday Admission $50.
Rt. 128, Take Rt. 1 14 East to Salem, right at 1A onto Canal St. Dealer Wo 508-744-722J RAYNHAM FLEA Over 700 dealers. Now open Sundays 8 6.
Rtes 24 44W Exit 13B. 508-823-8923 GIANT FREE FLEA MARKET 1st of its kind indpoutdr. Every Sat Sun 783-3U40 HOLLIS Flea Mkt NH Rt 122 Open Sun. 7 am! Spc $14 603-882-6134; 465-7813 mm -3 TiS New Bannered Feature in The Boston Globe's PLUGGED IN Section Every Thursday For people competing in today's highly-skilled job market, there's no career that's too technical or too challenging. And your ad in The Boston Globe's new Careers in High Tech bannered feature, appearing in our popular Plugged In section every Thursday in Business, is key to putting their high tech education and training to work.
Call your Globe sales rep or ask your advertising agency to check out Careers in High Tech. And be sure to take advantage of our special introductory rates. hblicitiiE Thursdays Ctef 48 hours prior to publication btts $3.25 per line Thursday in combination win Sunday Mtxts Wendy Evans. Divisional Sales Manager (617) 929-2167 Miss 929-2250 or Classified Telephone Sales at 929-1500 flic Boston 6ok CLASSIFIED I J2 0568 ca-J 6t.