Maria Kavanaugh | College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (2024)

Website: Seascape Ecology Lab


Seascape ecology, remote sensing, global change

Feature Story

To reveal seascapes, Maria Kavanaugh zooms out – way out (February, 2018)


42. Kavanaugh MT., Klajbor*, W. D. Siegel et al., including scientists from five MBON nodes and NOAA. 2021. Satellite remote sensing and the Marine Biodiversity Observing Network: current science and future vision. Oceanography in press

41. Santora J., et al., including Kavanaugh, M.T. Pelagic biodiversity, ecosystem function and services: an integrated observing and modeling approach. Oceanography, in press

40. Benson, A. T. Murray, F.M. Karger, G. Canonico, E. Montes, J. Trinanes, and M.T. Kavanaugh. Data Management and best practices for the evolving Marine Biodiversity Observing Network. 2021 Oceanography, in press

39. Estes M., C. Anderson; W. Appeltans; N. Bax; N. Bednarsek; E.Boss; G. Canonico; S. Djavidnia; P. Fietzek; M. Gregoire; E.Hazen; M.T. Kavanaugh; F.Lejzerowicz; F. Lombard; P. Miloslavich; K.Moller; J. Monk; E. Montes; H. Moustahfid; M.Muelbert; F. Mueller-Karger; L. Peavey Reeves; E. Satterthwaite; J. Schmidt; A. Sequeira; W. Turner; L. Weatherdon. Monitoring Life in the Sea is a Critical Component of Sustainable Economic Growth. Marine Policy

38. Muller-Karger, F., Kavanaugh, M., Iken, K., Montes, E., Chavez, F., Ruhl, H., Miller, R., Runge, J., Grebmeier, J., Cooper, L. and Helmuth, B., 2021. Marine Life 2030: Forecasting Changes to Ocean Biodiversity to Inform Decision-Making: A Critical Role for the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON). Marine Technology Society Journal, 55(3), pp.84-

37. Blaisdell*, J., Thalmann, H., Klabjor*, W. Zhang Y., Miller, J. and M.T. Kavanaugh. 2021. A dynamic stress-scape framework to evaluate potential effects of multiple environmental stressors on Gulf of Alaska Juvenile Pacific Cod. Frontiers of Marine Science.

36. P Woodill, J, M.T. Kavanaugh, M. Harte, and J. Watson. 2021. Ocean seascapes predict distant-water fishing vessel incursions into exclusive economic zones. Fish and Fisheries. DOI:

35. Schultz, C., Doney, S.C., Hauck, J., Kavanaugh, M.T. and Schofield, O., 2021. Modeling Phytoplankton Blooms and Inorganic Carbon Responses to Sea‐Ice Variability in the West Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(4), p.e2020JG006227.

34. Bahlai, C.A., Hart, C., Kavanaugh, M.T., White, J.D., Ruess, R.W., Brinkman, T.J., Ducklow, H.W., Foster, D.R., Fraser, W.R., Genet, H. and Groffman, P.M., 2021. Cascading effects: insights from the US Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere, 12(5), p.e03430.

33. P Montes, E., Djurhuus, A., Muller-Karger, F.E., Otis, D., Kelble, C.R. and Kavanaugh, M.T., 2020. Dynamic Satellite Seascapes as a Biogeographic Framework for Understanding Phytoplankton Assemblages in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, United States. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, p.575.

32. Sayre, R., Noble, S., Hamann, S., Smith, R., Wright, D., Breyer, S., Butler, K., Van Graafeiland, K., et al., including Kavanaugh, M.T. 2019. A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 12(sup2), pp.S47-S56. DOI: 10.1080/1755876X.2018.1529714

31. *Luis, K.M., Rheuban, J.E., Kavanaugh, M.T., Glover, D.M., Wei, J., Lee, Z. and Doney, S.C., 2019. Capturing coastal water clarity variability with Landsat 8. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 145, pp.96-104.

30. Kavanaugh, M.T. 2019. Seascape Ecology: A Review. Landscape Ecology

29. Capotondi, A., Jacox, M., Bowler, C., Kavanaugh, M.T., Lehodey, P., et al., Observational Needs Supporting Marine Ecosystems Modeling and Forecasting. Frontiers in Marine Science 6 (2019): 623. Special Issue for Ocean Obs 2019.,

28. Kavanaugh, M.T., Church, M.E, Davis, C.O., Karl, D.M., Letelier, R.M. and S.C. Doney. ALOHA from the Edge: Reconciling three decades of in situ Eulerian observations and geographic variability in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Frontiers of Marine Science.

27. Bowman JS, Kavanaugh MT, Doney SC, Ducklow HW. 2018.Recurrent seascape units identify key ecological processes along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Glob Change Biol. 2018;24:3065–3078.

25. Muller Karger, F.E. and 49 others including Kavanaugh, M.T. 2018. Satellite sensor requirements for monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables of coastal ecosystems. Ecological Applications 28 (3), 749-760.

24. Rohr*, T., Long, M., Kavanaugh, M.T., Lindsay, K., and S.C. Doney, 2018. Variability in the mechanisms controlling Southern Ocean phytoplankton bloom phenology in an ocean model and satellite observations. 2017. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31:922–940, doi:10.1002/2016GB005615.

23. Kavanaugh, M. T., Rheuban, J. E., Luis*, K. M. A., & Doney, S. C. 2017. Thirty-three years of ocean benthic warming along the U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf and Slope: Patterns, drivers, and ecological consequences. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122.,

22. Rheuban, J. E., Kavanaugh, M. T., & Doney, S. C. 2017.Implications of future northwest Atlantic bottom temperatures on the American Lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122.

21. Sayre, R., J. Dangermond, D. Wright, S. Breyer, K. Butler, K. Van Graafeiland, M.J. Costello,P. Harris, K. Goodin, M. Kavanaugh, N. Cressie, J. Guinotte, Z. Basher, P. Halpin, M. Monaco, P. Aniello, C. Frye, D. Stephens, P. Valentine, J. Smith, R. Smith, D.P. VanSistine,J. Cress, H. Warner, C. Brown, J. Steffenson, D. Cribbs, B. Van Esch, D. Hopkins, G. Noll, S. Kopp, and C. Convis. 2017. A New Map of Global Ecological Marine Units – An Environmental Stratification Approach. Washington, DC: American Association of Geographers. 36 pages. [C]

20. Sayre, R. , D. J. Wright, S. P. Breyer, K. A. Butler, K. Van Graafeiland, M. J. Costello, P. T. Harris, K. L. Goodin, J. M. Guinotte, Z. Basher, M. T. Kavanaugh, P. N. Halpin, M. E. Monaco, N. A. Cressie, P. Aniello, C. E. Frye, and D. Stephens. 2017. A three-dimensional mapping of the ocean based on environmental data. Oceanography 30:90-103

19. Muller-Karger, F.E., Rueda-Roa, D., Chavez, F.P., Kavanaugh, M.T. and Roffer, M.A., 2017. Megaregions among the large marine ecosystems of the Americas. 2017. Environmental Development.

18. Mackey, K.M., Kavanaugh, M.T. Chen, Y., Liu, F., Glover, D., Paytan, A. Atmospheric and fluvial nutrients fuel harmful algal blooms in the East China Sea. 2017. Front. Mar. Sci. 4:2. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00002

17.Kavanaugh, M.T., Oliver, M., Chavez, F., Letelier, R.M., Muller Karger, F. and Doney, S.C. 2016. Quo Vadimus: Seascapes as a new vernacular for ocean monitoring, management and conservation. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (7), 1839-1850

16. Kavanaugh, M.T., *Abdala, F.N. Ducklow, H., Glover, D., Schofield, O., Stammerjohn, S., and Doney, S. C. 2015. Canyon effects on phytoplankton biomass and community structure along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 524:11-26

15. Saunders, M., Brown, C., Foley, M.E., Febria,C., Albright,R., Mehling, M., Kavanaugh, M.T. and Burfeind, D. 2015. Human impacts on connectivity in marine and freshwater ecosystems assessed using network measures. Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI:10.1071/MF14358

14. Kavanaugh, M.T., Hales, B. Lockwood, D., Emerson, S., Quay, P.D., Letelier, R.M. Physicochemical and biological controls on primary and net community production across NE Pacific seascapes. 2014. Limnology and Oceanography 59(6), 2013-2027

13. Muller-Karger, F.E., M.T. Kavanaugh, E. Montes, W.M. Balch, M. Breitbart, F.P. Chavez, S.C. Doney, E.M. Johns, R.M. Letelier, M.W. Lomas, H.M. Sosik, and A.E. White, 2014: A framework for a marine biodiversity observing network within changing continental shelf seascapes. Oceanography, 27(2), 18–23,

12. Kavanaugh, M.T., Hales, B., Saraceno, M., Spitz, Y.H., White, A.E., Letelier, R.M., 2014. Hierarchical and dynamic seascapes: a quantitative framework for scaling pelagic biogeochemistry and ecology. Progress in Oceanography 120: 291-304

11. Kavanaugh, M.T., Holtgrieve, G.W., Baulch, H., Brum, J.R., Cuvelier, M.L., Filstrup, C.T., Nickols, K.J, Small, G.E., 2013. A salty divide within ASLO? Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin (22) 2: 34-37

10. Lockwood D, Quay, P.D., Kavanaugh, M.T, Juranek, LW, Feely, R. 2012. Influence of net community production on air-sea CO2 flux in the Northeast Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB4010. doi:10.1029/2012GB004380

9. Kavanaugh, M. T. 2012. Dynamic seascapes: a quantitative framework for scaling pelagic biogeochemistry and ecology. Ph.D. dissertation.

8. Hamme, R., and 15 others including Kavanaugh, M.T. 2010. Volcanic ash fuels anomalous plankton bloom in the subarctic NE Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters VOL. 37, L19604, doi:10.1029/2010GL044629

7. Kavanaugh, M.T., Nielsen, K.J., Chan, F.T, Menge, B.A., Letelier, R.M., and *Goodrich, L.M. 2009. Experimental assessment of shading on an intertidal kelp: do phytoplankton inhibit open-coast macroalgae? Limnology and Oceanography (54) 276-288

6. Davis C.O., Kavanaugh, M.T., Letelier, R.M. Bissett, P and Kohler,D. 2007. Spatial and spectral resolution considerations for imaging coastal waters. Proceedings of SPIE 6680

5. Schoch, G.C., Menge, B.A., Allison, G.W., Kavanaugh, M.T., Thompson, S.A., and Wood, S.A. 2006. Fifteen degrees of separation: Examining patterns and processes on Pacific coast rocky intertidal benches. Limnology and Oceanography (52): 2564-2585

4. Kavanaugh, M.T., 2006. Phytoplankton shading of benthic macrophytes: implications for intertidal community structure. MS Thesis.


3. Ducklow, H. Kavanaugh, M.T., and Fraser.W. 2016. What will the Palmer LTER look like in the future? LTER Report. 2016

2. Kavanaugh, M.T., Boersma, K., Close, S., Ganio, L., Hooven., L. and B. Lachenbruch. 2015. Advancing Toward Professorship in Biology, Ecology and Earth System Sciences. In FORWARD to Professorship in STEM: Inclusive Strategies That Work. C. Mavriplis, P. Sabila and S. Heller (Eds). Elsevier Press.

1. Kavanaugh, M.T., Holtgrieve, G.W., Baulch, H., Brum, J.R., Cuvelier, M.L., Filstrup, C.T., Nickols, K.J, Small, G.E., 2014. A salty divide within ASLO? Chapter 5 (Reprinted with permission) In P.F. Kemp [ed.] 2014. Eco-DAS IX Symposium Proceedings. Waco, TX: DOI: 10.4319/ecodas.2014.978-0-984559-3-8.

Maria Kavanaugh | College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.