Fort Collins Coloradoan from Fort Collins, Colorado (2024)

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Fort Collins Coloradoani

Fort Collins, Colorado

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Friday Jan 25 196J FORT COLLINS COLORADO Page f- ft I TWO LOCAL UOMFN tRADLMLS Womens Columbia Assets Up $99 Million age it I MissGreffenius Party Planned Tells Betrothal For Miss Felton Miss Susan Greffetuus daugh-J Mrs Willi Diener of 425 ter of Mr and Mrs Gref- Elizabeth Street will be hostess femus of Durango and grand-j to members of the Golden Sunset daughter of Greffetuus of Home Demonstration Club at 3 824 Remington Street announced pm Saturday at a coffee party honoring Miss Peggy Felton of Kansas City Mo Miss Felton who is visiting heri parents Mr and Mrs Felton of 1813 Orchard Place 1 will be married to Roger Min-neman of Kansas City March 2 the First United Presbyterian Church here She will leave Feb 1 3 to return to Kansas City and will come here agam about Feb 5 24 to complete preparations for 'the wedding Mrs Felton is a member of the Golden Sunset Club Those attending the party Saturday will take copies of their favorite recipes for the bride-elect Two Fort Collins women are among 17 Colorado women recent- ly graduated from a course Aets of Columbia Savings and practlta nursing sponsored by AiLM1 ucreLased St Luke's Hospital find the Emily in 1962 bringing the total to 373 Gnfflh opportunity School in 072740 Don Stuart vice dent and manager of Columbia Fort Collins office announced to-s day During the same penod Coltun- bia added 1542 963 to reserves de inciting tlie total by 42 2 per 0)101 Lmverslty cent to 5200148 The association 6 cn had no oustanding debt to the1 The 81WIP ol llceiwd Piactical Federal Home Loan Bank or any nurscs brin6s the number other lending institution graduated from Opportunity The association gamed 7322357 and cooperating Denver I savings deposits dui mg the since nxt year To date more than 92000 1 I savings accounts have been op- Expected here tonight from ened by Columbia sterling aie Mr and Mis Paul i Total bans outstanding mcreas- McCoy and four sons who will ed 11 122164 or 20 6 per cent The spend the weekend with Mrs Mo-t association closed 10806280 moie Coy-s paiwU)j Mr 8nd Mrs Wal in new loans 1962 than in 1961 ter Wyss of 403 Remington a volume increase of 78 per cent -Dividends paid or credited on savings in 1962 amounted to 2-480422 or 21 1 per cent more than in 1961 A portion of the Increase resulted when Columbia increased the dividend rate from 4 and percent to 4 and per cent at the beginning of 1962 Martin's Service Stations Where Customers I 1 3 I JL thin straight bangs slanting across the forehead Hair at sides is brought in front of the ears in a long thin rurl turned toward her cheek Ears back in view for are showing AFTER FIVE STYLES A new tipped hair style has been designed for those who have hair to the waist or even to the shoulders The model at left wears hers with off-center ed through Svett but not for womea with extremely thin faces the hairdo right shows all hair drawn up from the back of the bead Underneath permanent gives hair body here as well as la the I variations The extreme upped i hairdo center is built around a small hair piece twisted in a roil open in the center and the ends of your own hair are pull HairStyles Baffling But Safe AMA Says MISS GRKFI KN1US Notes About Clothing BY ANN JACKSON CSU Extension Clothing Specialist Daily Calendar Calendar Kami should ba talaphonad to tht lociaty editor batata 10 Mon day through Friday 1ft daoditaa for itama for Sunday I calendar la ft Saturday Young women nowadays and sometimes their mothers are showing up at the office at school or at a party with a variety of elaborate new hair styles that the men often find Send Their Friends Keep Special Snow Treads On Your Car to her Pi Beta Phi Sorority ters this week that she is gaged to John Butruille The couple has tentatively set as a wedding time the 1963 Christmas season The bride-elect is a sophom*ore at Colorado State Umvelsity Mi Butruille a 1962 graduate of the CSU College of Forestry is working for the Forest Service at Boulder He is the son of Mr and Mrs Frank Butruille of Doylestown Pa en' Craft Session Slated Monday January craft session for Home Demonstration Club members will feature two knitting workshops at 130 pm Monday at the Court House Auditorium Mrs Ellis Reeves who conducted a knitting session for HD women last year is also in charge this year Instruction is planned for beginners and for those who learned to knit last year Women who have knitted before may take articles on which they wish help Monday A craft meeting is arranged each month for HD Club members of the County Exteision Service office Tonight Townsend Club 6 30 pm Social Center Home chapter of Women of Moose Chapter 8pm Mrs Henry Gideon 216 Park Street Saturday Forestry Triangle Club 6 30 East Ballroom Student Center Sunday Fort Collins Duplicate Bridge Club 7 15 pm First National Bank Building Will Open Bookstore Mr and Mis Hugh Darnell formerly of Boulder today announced plan sto open a student book-stoi at 650 South College Avenue formerly the Handy Corner They hope to open for business eaily next month Before moving to Boulder where he worked for the Coloiado bookstore Mr Darnell worked the Michigan State University bookstore for three years The Darnells lived in Boulder 2 '2 years Mr and Mis Darnell are graduates of Dennison University at Grenville Ohio Mr Darnell in business administration and Mis Darnell in modern languages The couple moved to their home at 710 Colorado Street Jan 17 They have two children Christie 9 and Timothy 7 Mrs Darnell said the store will not have text books at this time but will have supplies gift items and books be supplied by local store personnel Plan clothing needs but do re member the different types of garments should be used for a specific purpose A few hints are given herewith Casual clothes cotton slacks sweaters sports may be worn to school and for sports but are not exactly appropnate for church or dress-up In the same line the cuirent fad of white crew aie appropnate for active spoits wear but not for chuich or dress or to be woin with wool slacks Buy for bpecific Use Sweaters are for casual wear The bulky knits are for spoils skiing and skating or games and school and soft lighter finer yarns may be woin to informal school functions Hie sweater does not replace the jacket' for some informal di ess-up occasions Casual car coats are serviceable for every day wear but should be replaced by a short top coat for dress An all-purpose sports jacket may be used with slacks in wool or wool blend for most informal social occasions These are diessy enough for use by the young teenager but the senior high schooler finds need for a dress suit Production Credit Group to Meet Feb 2 About 350 persons stockholders of the Fort Collins Production Credit Assn with wives and guests are expected to attend the 29th annual stockholders' meeting here Feb 425 North College Phone 482-0653 On Highway 287 Laportc Colo 482-0361 MARTIN'S Service Stations We have trailer rental somewhat baffling Most of the new puffed up hairdos depend on roughing back-coming or teasing the hair to give added body to the newest style Some other names for these techniques are ratting and lacing Today's Health the magazine of the American Medical Assn reports that roughing or backcombing does not damage the hair if it is dime properly and if the hair is in good condition that is if It is naturally lustrous and the fibers are strong and springy' However these operations tend to tangle the hair quite badly Tangled hair is difficult to comb and somewhat greater than normal fiber breakage may occur unless care is exercised And when milady tires of the puffed up hair-do and decides to return to normal she should begin combing at the ends and then gradually progress toward the scalp to remove the tangles by gentle combing Actually brushing is more effective than combing for removing the tangles and is easier on the hair If your teen-age daughter turns up one day with what the parents believe is an absurd hair-do or a dye-job in unnatural colors worry about it Hie new hair that grows out from the roots will still be daughter's own normal hair and the new style will go away with time TWO EXHIBITS BEING SHOWN AT LIBRARY Special attractions for visitors to the department at the Fort Collins Public Library are two exhibits now on display One display featmes dolls rep resentmg 25 countries Hie dolls property of the library are dressed in costumes of the different lands Also on exhibit in the department is a collection of spoons lent to the library by Mrs Larry Jones of 311 Mathews Street Several of the spoons are souvenirs of various slates or cities One dated 1913 bears a picture of the former First National Bank Building at Mountain and College Avenues The department announced today that will not be scheduled every Saturday as it was in the past but only for special programs The programs will be announced the Friday preceding their presentation A story hour is not planned Saturday of this week Mountain Avenue here and field off ics are in Greeley Bnghton and Longmont Boys should be as particular about personal appeal ance and right choice of clothing as guls Boys need help learning to dress appropriately and in good taste The well-rounded individual should be confident that he is properly dressed at all times overcoming any feeling of self-consciousness The wardrobe of the average boy ranges from casual to dress-up The number of gaiments owned vanes of course with the activity of the person The teenage boy should have a part hi planning and selection of his waidiobe This has seveial advantages It teachs value of planning tire wardrobe and when the entire family group participates in discussion of clothing needs there is a better understanding of lmpoi lance of sharing funds for clothing purchases The individual who has a part in selec tion and purchase of clothing will enjoy his clothes more Before one simps for clothing some homewoik is necessary Every teenager should be encouraged to evaluate his own waid robe This should be done at least twice a year This evalua tion will pm-point specific ward robe needs check fit of present supply and wearability of cloth mg on hand also review colors of clothes which can be worn Remember Boys Grow The teenage boy often grows rapidly Therefore clothing should be carefully selected It is better to purchase a limited number of garments at any one time spread purchases throughout the year lather than buying a complete wardrobe at one time Likes and dislikes of teenagers change rapidly A few well-selected gai ments that can be worn out in a year are a wiser buy than to have out-grown garments on hand -Teenagers should be encouraged to build them wardrobe around a basic color then to select a secondary color that combines well with the basic color These colors can be combined in stripes plaids and fabrics or in accessories Coordinate Wardrobe New clothing can be selected to coordinate with what is on hand Knowing needs before shopping does not necessarily mean exact decisions for pertinent information as to style trends colors fabrics and construction can These Apple Rules Different Tasty Two pleasingly different recipes using apples are for jellied apple slices and Cape Cod baked apples Both aie from the files of Mrs Lucille Payton county extension home agent Jellied Apple Slices Broil pan-fry or bake 6 tom pork chops Core but do not pare red apples cut 12 thick slices Place apple slices in large fryihg pan Dissolve 1 glass (8 ounces) currant jelly in 4 cup boiling water pour over apples Cook over low heat tinning occasionally until apples are tender and well glazed To serve surround chops with apple slices garnish with parsley Cape Cod Baked Apples Six large baking apples I can whole berry cranberry sauce cup miniature marshmallows 13 cup finely chopped pecans Spread a tire cranberry sauce in shallow baking pan Add enough water to fill pan to depth of about inch Core apples peel about Vt down from stem end place peeled side down on cranberry sauce in pan Bake at 350 degrees 30 minutes Turn apples peeled side up Combine remaining cranberry sauce marsh-mellows and pecans Fill apples heaping full Return to oven bake 15 minutes longer or until apples are tender Makes 6 George A Shonka manager announced that the meeting will be held In the Colorado State University Student Union beginning with a dinner at noon George Weaver of Fort Collms is president The speaker will be Sam Studebaker of Tipp City Oluo vice president of the National Assn of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and member of the Louisville Ky disti ict Farm Credit Board The business session will Include election of two du ectors for three-year terms to succeed Martin A Shoeneman of Roggen and Mr Weaver The association established in 1934 provides short-term and intermediate-term loans to farmers and ranchers northern Colorado for production costs and capital investment needs Headquarters are at 417 West FOLK CONCERT SET IN DENVER FEB 2 Dick Gillis young guitarist will give a folk concert at 8 Saturday Feb 2 at the Denver University lounge Mr Gillis is returning to DU because of the success of a similar concert he gave there last year Also taking part in the Feb 2 program will be Judy Roderick blues singer and the Folkscene Three Tickets will be available at the door' We've Kept Up With the Times For Many A Year and we intend to do so in the future all for your benefit For all your printing needs Dial 482-4741 We're as close as your phonoe Don-Art Printers Inc New Location 1810 Laportc Commissioners OK East Loveland Zoning A resolution establishing the East Loveland Zoning Area was adopted Thursday by the County Commissioners The area consists of 39 square miles adjoining the city of Loveland on the northeast east and southeast The resolution requites that any construction in the area be auhonzed by permit from the commissioneis or their agent It regulates land use building setbacks lot area and width yards and height of buildings Zoning is provided for land uses for business forestry and agriculture industry single and multi-family dwellings and tourist areas German Chocolate Cakes Torte Cakes Ice Cream Cakes Fruit Flakes Fancy Cookies Come to the HOME BAKERY 609 Mason serv-rngs Madison Attending Math Assn Meeting Prof Madison head of the department of mathematics and statistics at Colorado State University is in Berkeley Calif for a meeting of the Mathematics Assn of America The meeting will continue through Sunday Mr Madison attended prelimin- ary meetings Wednesday and Thursday as a member of the board of governors of the association and will attend other meetings as the representative of the Rocky Mountain Assn Three other members of the! BROWNIE GROUP CSU mathematics department will VISITS COLORADOAN join Prof Madison in Berkeley jjmg gals of Brownie Troop 121 They are Stein associate dm-d graders at Hams School professor and assistant Profs 'visited the Coloradoan Thursday Deal and Whitcomb They q-hg guls accompanied by Sarah will return here Tuesday i Carlson and the troop leaders Mrs Lawrence Kechter and Mrs Goinq to Quota Event iRaymond Carlson were taken on 3 I a tour of the various departments Mrs Waldron lieutenant of the newspaper The nine troop governor of the ninth district of members were Kimberly Lakin BIGGEST VALENTINE VALUE YET! 1 i PENNY mwsm Dawn Goddard Pam Lynn Sandy Kechter Vickie Smith Cmda Peterson Shelagh fa*gan Kathy King and Donna Cholas Quota International Inc and five other members of the local Quota Club will attend a dinner Tuesday of the Cheyenne Quota Club Mrs Waldron and Mrs Frances Thomas of Pueblo district governor will be special guests at the dinner at the Trail Restaurant Local Quotarians accompanying Mrs Waldron to Cheyenne will be Mrs Paul Wood president of the Fort Collins club Dr Leone Johnson Mrs Jessie Milligan Mrs John Bales and Miss Kath-aryn Bauder Bowen's Book Store Your store of friendly Service 147 South College PRACTICE SCHEDULED FOR WOTM CONFERENCE Ritual practice is scheduled at 3 pm tonight at the Moose Hall for officers escorts chairmen and other members of the Women of the Moose Chapter planning to attend the WOTM midwinter conference Sunday at Loveland Women of the Moose Chapters of Loveland Greeley Fort Collins Longmont Fort Morgan and Boulder will be represented at the conference Combination Plates (Our Specialty) Tacos Tostadoes Burritos PLANNING A PARTY? Treat Your Guests to The Finest Mexican Food El Burrito 404 Linden Next to the PV Coop Wm pWf cp wa eftcsflWWwr Art Pm Tb differs? A Wcfey Rita bow to twice a IMchina CrilHant Spring color jt A3ESD4JH MADEMOISELLE a Y-g WE DO DRY CLEAN ONLY SERVICE Dresses and or CAft Pants Slacks Shirts Sweaters Suits ea Blouses and Skirts BLANKETS 50 No Minimum Number at Pieces All Returned on Hangers ia Plastic baga ALL THIS PLUS: Prespotting before cleaning post-spotting after cleaning Everything sorted and cleaned ia loads of similar colors and fabrics OLLEGE LEANERS 116 West Laurel 4826816 VACUUM REPAIR All makes all models Completely equipped to service them all paper bags HOSE EXCHANGE Only $599 WHY PAY MORE? KIRBY COMPANY of Northern Colorado SALES and SERVICE College 484-0659 Plenty of Free Customer Parkins rear of our store vyOGtDE JI00TERV 129 South College.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.